Apple Developer Program account under investigation

So I recently submitted my app for app store review and they rejected it with the following message in resolution center :

We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct.

Common practices that may lead to an investigation include, but are not limited to:

• Inaccurately describing an app or service

• Misleading app content

• Engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation

• Providing misleading customer support responses

• Providing misleading responses in Resolution Center

• Engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes

• Engaging in other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app

During our investigation, we will not review any apps you submit. Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center.We do not require any additional information from you at this time, nor do we have any additional details to share. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation.

Best regards,

App Store Review

Its been 10 days and I havent heard from Apple. I tried to submit an appeal asking why i was put under investigation.None of my other has been on sale for more than 6 months because I took them down as I was busy. All they said was that i should remain patient and that tehy will let me know in resolution center.

If anyone else has faced this issue then please let me know how it goes. This is getting very troublesome.

If you in a condition similar to mine then please keep this thread updated I'll keep this post updated with whatever replies I get from apple.

almost one month for me, still telliing me to be patient....

what are they really investigating anyways?? my account was a new one... i accidently have posted captures from the android version of the app... can this be the cause of the investigation? so frustrating

did you resubmit the app constantly despite under investigation condition?

I have a 6 million downloaded basketball game, I made a soccer game based on it by 1.5 years. Apple rejected the soccer game and told me that they will terminate my account after 14 days, I feel inexplicable, I have never sell this game, I transferred the basketball game to a new account because I don't want to lose it after 14 days.I submited the soccer game again for review by another new account.But it was rejected by 4.3 spam, ridiculously he said that I copied my own game, because I used to submitted the game by the terminated account. After that the new account under investigation.I did't update the basketball game for 6 months,I am afraid the account under investigation if I update it.

I have a 6 million downloaded basketball game, I made a soccer game based on it by 1.5 years. Apple rejected the soccer game and told me that they will terminate my account after 14 days, I feel inexplicable, I have never sell this game, I transferred the basketball game to a new account because I don't want to lose it after 14 days.I submited the soccer game again for review by another new account.But it has been rejected by 4.3 spam, ridiculously he said that I dumplicated my own game, because I used to submitted the game by the terminated account. And the new account under investigation.I have not update the basketball game for 6 months,I don't want lost the basketball game if I update it.

Sadly we received the same message from Apple. For months, Apple insist that our game, which is made of html5 engine, contains codes that might lead to 3rd party pucharsing. So we spend 6 more months to rewrite the whole game with Unity only to get this message. Fine, Apple never care about us individual developers. Apple is really killing us.

I get the same this morning "We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct." and don't know what to do, Apple didn't address any additional information to me, tell me just to wait... My app is a basic music player and it is FREE. For third-library, it uses GCDWebServer and Lottie-iOS. I can not find anything violate “Developer Code of Conduct”.


return 4.3;

int ran=random.range(0,10)




}else if(ran<6)


return 4.3;


else if(ran<8)


return investigation;



return HumanReview();

hello ones. On 4/26,I was said that My acconut is been under investigation. On 11/5, I received the message that investigation is completed.

It's great!

I spent $ 99 to get an account for a year of use, and apple didn't notify me of the specific date and time of the investigation process as well as the cause.

I feel like I've been cheated and not respected.

Hi friend, my app account is also under investigation, it is also a music player is free and is made in flutter, have you already been answered about your account?

I have the exact same message from Apple and my developer account is just 4 days' old.

My first app was approved a day before. The second app has the exact same design but present a totally different information as i want users to have a similar experience using all my App. Anyway, I think this may have violated the following.

4.3 Spam

Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase. Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough ****, burp, flashlight, and Kama Sutra apps, etc. already. Spamming the store may lead to your removal from the Developer Program.

Anyway, I'll wait for Apple to respond.

2 month investigation for me ..

From Oct.25th to Nov.27th

We got our investigation completed.

Seems that the investigation progress is speeding up.

Just FYI.

August 22 rejected, still in investigation, how do i love them 😟 ⚠

I've finally gotten the green light from Apple after 19 days. Suddenly everything seems ok now. My app's status is now updated from "Rejected" to "In Review".

A few things I've learnt from this.

1. Don't delete your app that has been rejected / that has initiated the investigation process. Once the investigation is complete, it will change to "In Review".

2. I could not also submit update for my app that is already in the App Store. It was rejected when my account was under investigation. But the status is now "In Review" after completion of investigation.

I guess we just have to be patient and wait.

For additional information, I've also found this blog to be quite informative. It's in Chinese but you can always do a Google Translate.

Hope it helps.


I have similar problem, I uploaded app which i build in flutter but i got message from apple to investigate your account. How long i wait for that. if you got any message from apple then reply here.

i also received the same message form apple resolution center

Common practices that may lead to an investigation include, but are not limited to:

- Inaccurately describing an app or service

- Misleading app content

- Engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation

- Providing misleading customer support responses

- Providing misleading responses in Resolution Center

- Engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes

- Engaging in other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app

Can anyone assist me to resovle this isseus?

I just got the same thing here. I asked them for the reason, and they said this:

"We understand your concern regarding this investigation. However, your account is still under investigation and no action has been taken against it at this time. We are investigating your apps, account, and any related accounts to ensure compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, Developer Code of Conduct, and Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center of any next steps. Due to the nature of the investigation you will be ineligible to receive an expedited review until the investigation is completed.

If we require any additional information about your app or account, we will contact you. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation."

I don't know if my app actually got rejected or its just their process of vetting out new developers. I purchased the annual developer license not too long ago, and then like a day later, I submitted my app. Maybe this caused a red flag in their system to check my account?

I also got a message from Apple after 38 days to completed investigation process. Only things is that I uploaded 2 apps in which only one app is reviewed and rejected because of less functionality and design(now I am working on this app with more features and graphics) but another app which is developed with fully functionality and this is not review by Apple at that time. Only one app is reviewed and rejected. But most important things is that Apple responded with positively about investigation of account and I really thanks to Apple for your positive response. we just have to be patient and wait. Don’t delete your app when your account under investigation. Don’t send any appeal or mail to Apple. I only waiting for my second app which will be review by Apple as soon as possible.(I didn’t take any action of those apps when my account was under investigation)

It really disappointed me to see the same message like you all yesterday. My developer account just register within a week and this is the first app that I post. May be I have to wait a few weeks or months in order to get a response without any explanation.


We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct.


This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. I don't think I deserve something like that, it was annoying, and I wasn't alone. On the apple side, things seem complicated, I don't know if there are those who have the same problem with old accounts, but new accounts seem to be at higher risk.

I had the same issue a hour ago.

same here... pending to investigate for more then 1 month already...

And it is a very simple app .. no idea when they will approve... how come my account has to be investigated so long..

i dont do any illegal activity.. so sad

Very strange!!!

I have just submitted my very first app and bam!! It was rejected and wanted to know if I have any third party links etc.

I responded and now, I have received the dreaded Account is under investigation.

Wow!! what a welcome for a newbie

Apple Developer Program account under investigation