tvOS is the operating system for Apple TV.

Posts under tvOS tag

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Apple TV enrollment via apple configurator has no effect on the device
When we try to push blueprint for MDM over Wi-Fi in apple TV it fails, but in over the cable it works properly. After pushing the blueprint over Wi-Fi, the device gets rebooted and go through setup steps, at the end we don't see the step for Mobile Device Management. I'm attaching a sample Profile we attach to blueprint and Screenshot of Blueprint configuration.
Dec ’23
Trying to find button pressed but focusedItem is deprecated
In a tvOS app I have two buttons and would like to determine which one has focus when selected. Using func pressesBegan works for nw. override func pressesBegan(_ presses: Set<UIPress>, with event: UIPressesEvent?) { guard let selected = UIScreen.main.focusedItem else { return } Xcode tells me that focusedItem is deprecated and I should use -[UIWindowScene focusSystem].focusedItem instead. Any suggestions on a code snippet that could be used. Thanks
Dec ’23
How to handle UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent?
I'm trying to improve our application to receive and handle events from a bluetooth keyboard. To intercept incoming events I use sendEvent: method. But I get a different event type for a different key. For example when I press 'Esc' key I get an event type is UIEventTypePresses (and event is a instance of UIPressesEvent class) but when I press 'ArrowUp' key I get an event type is 4 (there is no enum value for that number) and event is a instance of UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent class. In the first case I found a documentation of UIPressesEvent and I can implement handler for it. But for the second case I didn't find any documentations of UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent nether in the online documentation nor in the Xcode help. How can UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent events be handled? Is the any documentation for that? My target OS is tvOS 17.1
Dec ’23
TVOS 17 Alert tintColor Issue
The alertController.view.tintColor = .yellow statement does not seem to take effect in TVOS 17 when creating alerts. Interestingly, when using the same alert code on TVOS 16, the specified color is applied successfully. I'm seeking assistance in resolving this discrepancy and would appreciate any guidance or solutions you can provide. I could understand that the Alert design aswell is modified which is not mentioned in the release notes of TVOS 17. Please help me out here. TVOS 17: TVOS 16:
Dec ’23
NavigationSplitView, tvOS, and view focus
Hello, I have a SwiftUI application that uses NavigationSplitView. It's working great on iOS, iPad, and macOS. I decided to give it a try on tvOS. After it builds, it will not allow user interaction on the NavigationSplitView's sidebar. I've tried various view focus modifiers without any success. I'd also expect this to "just work" as default behavior. I have filed FB13447961 on this issue. Here is a distillation of the code that demonstrates the problem. Any ideas? Thank you. enum Category : String, CaseIterable { case first case second case third } enum Detail : String, CaseIterable { case one case two case three } struct DetailView : View { let category : Category? var body: some View { if let category { Text(category.rawValue) List(Detail.allCases, id: \.self) { detail in NavigationLink(value: detail) { Text(detail.rawValue) } } } else { Text("Select Category") } } } struct ContentView: View { // NOTE: If this category is set to something, it will show that category's detail. // The problem is that the NavigationSplitView sidebar does not have, nor does not // seem to be able to get focus. @State var category: Category? @State var path : [Detail] = [] var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List(Category.allCases, id: \.self, selection: $category) { category in Text(category.rawValue) } } detail: { NavigationStack(path: $path) { DetailView(category: category) .navigationDestination(for: Detail.self) { detail in Text("\(detail.rawValue)") } } } } } #wwdc2023-10162 #wwdc20-10042
Dec ’23
'Runs as Current User' on tvOS causes Core Data to reset
My app uses Core Data to store user data. It doesn't have login or profile mechanisms, because user data is tied to the user's Apple ID and synced via iCloud using CloudKit. I've recently added the User Management capability, and checked Runs as Current User to allow each Apple TV user to have access to its own data. Everything works as expected: I press and hold the TV button to select a different user in Control Center; The system shows a switching user UI; And the app is relaunched using the new user's Apple ID and data from iCloud. The problem is that switching users apparently causes the local Core Data managed database to be reset, removing all data from the previous user. This is inconvenient because every time we switch users, the newly selected user has to wait for CloudKit to download all its data back into the app. And it takes a while, especially for users that have more than a few hundred items in the database. Ideally, tvOS should maintain the user data on-device, and only switch to a different database according to the active user. This way data would not need to be downloaded from scratch every time a user is switched. Is there a setting I can configure or a checkbox I can check to enable this behavior, or is this something not possible yet on tvOS?
Dec ’23
Apple TV A2843 Dolby Vision Pink Distorted Picture at 23.9Hz and 29.9Hz Pioneer SC-LX904 Sony XR-90J
Hello friends, my Apple TV A2843 is connected to a Pioneer SC-LX904 AVR that passes the signal to a Sony XR-90J TV. The TV is set to Enhanced Dolby Vision and the AVR HDMI is set to Enhanced too. The Format on my Apple TV is 4K Dolby Vision at 60HZ. Auto Frame and Dynamic Range match are on. The Color is set to RGB 24 bit automatically when the DV 60HZ format is selected and I cannot switch the Color from RGB back to YUV 4.4.4, 4.2.2 or 4.2.0. 4K Dolby Vision works perfectly at 60HZ and 50HZ. 4K Dolby Vision is not working (pink distorted Picture) at 23.9HZ and 29.9HZ When I swap the Apple TV A2843 with a Apple TV A1842 everything works perfectly. When I connect the Apple TV A2843 directly to the tv's HDMI 2.1 everything works perfectly. Months ago on March 2023 the problem was fixed with the 16.4 Beta (16.4 20L5474e) and it came back with the 16.4 RC and 16.4 Public. I haven't seen a fix since then. I have an older Apple TV A1842 that works fine all the time. Thank You
Nov ’23
NavigationLinks embedded in a List getting clipped in tvOS
I want to recreate an user experience like in the settings app in tvOS. Therefore I have a HStack with some content on the left side and a List of NavigationLinks on the right side. However a focused link in the list gets clipped on the left side. I tried paddings and spacers and what not, but nothing helped. Is this is a bug or am I missing something? Here is some example code to show the problem: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { HStack(spacing: 20) { VStack(alignment: .center) { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) Text("Hello, world!") } List { ForEach(SomeViewEnum.allCases) { someView in NavigationLink(someView.rawValue, value: someView) } } .navigationDestination(for: SomeViewEnum.self) { someView in Text(someView.rawValue) } } } } } And a screenshot to show the problem:
Oct ’24
tvOS 17 does not show the content of my text (.html) file
In my app I have the option to enable a help screen. This is a new view that simply shows a .html file. It works fine until tvOS 16.1 In tvOS 17.0 the screen is blank. Any ideas? This is how it looks in tvOS 16.1 This is tvOS 17.0 textView.backgroundColor = SKColor.white textView.isScrollEnabled = true textView.clipsToBounds = true textView.layer.cornerRadius = 20.0 textView.textColor = textView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true; textView.isScrollEnabled = true; textView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = true; textView.bounces = true; textView.panGestureRecognizer.allowedTouchTypes = [NSNumber(value: UITouch.TouchType.indirect.rawValue)] if let htmlPath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: NSLocalizedString("manual", tableName: nil, comment: ""), withExtension: "html") { do { let attributedStringWithHtml:NSAttributedString = try NSAttributedString( url: htmlPath, options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html], documentAttributes: nil ) self.textView.attributedText = attributedStringWithHtml } catch { print("Error loading text") } }
May ’24
tvOS app icon is not used in a multiplatform app
I have a multiplatform app where I support iOS, macOS and tvOS. There is one target which supports it all. In my assets catalog I have the AppIcon entry which holds the app icon for iOS and macOS. This works as expected. However the tvOS app icon is ignored. I added an "tvOS App Icon & Top Shelf Image" asset to my asset catalog and filled it with my icons for tvOS. Then I added it in the target’s general settings App Icon entry under App Icons and Launch Screen like shown in the screenshot. What am I missing? What needs to be done to make this work?
Jan ’24
tvOS App Icon Errors
I made a minor change the UI of my tvOS App, and am now getting errors related to the App Icon. I have confirmed that all the background images DO match the requirements but App Store Connect won't let me upload: App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '400x240'. App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '800x480'. App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '1280x768'. App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Image Asset. The image stack 'App Icon' in 'Payload/My' has a background layer image that does not match the canvas dimensions '2560x1536'. App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Image Asset. The App Store Icon must only contain an image with size (1280pt × 768pt @1x). Refer to for more information Have the standards changed? Or is there another issue I should be looking at? Thanks!
Mar ’24
Settings.bundle in tvOS 15.0 seems to no longer work.
I have an App that builds for iOS, iPadOS, macOS and Apple TV, which was last released to all the App Stores in April. Preferences/settings are handled by the App itself except for the Apple TV variant, where I use a Settings bundle. This worked fine until tvOS 15.0, where it appears that tvOS is not updating the value of the App’s settings from NSUserDefaults when the Settings App opens. I have been working on this problem off and on for the last week and am at wits end. I’ve searched WWDC videos looking for a clue, there must be some simple change I cannot see. I’ve made clean projects for iOS and tvOS, and using the identical OBJ-C code and Settings plist entries, the iOS version works perfectly, the tvOS version fails in the simulator and on the device. I am not trying to synchronize Settings across devices, just persist across restarts on a single device. My code stores data correctly in NSUserDefaults, it simply seems that tvOS Settings App is not reading values from there for display, nor writing changes that the user makes from Settings back to user defaults. None of the types in the test projects work: TexField, Switch, Title. The test code is so simple I hesitate to include it, but the code and the NSUserDefaults key identifiers do match. This code will preset my App’s version number for Settings to display in iOS 15 but not tvOS 15. It used to work in tvOS 14: <key>DefaultValue</key> <string>DefaultVersionValue</string> <key>Type</key> <string>PSTitleValueSpecifier</string> <key>Title</key> <string>Version</string> <key>Key</key> <string>VersionKey</string> </dict> ```   NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];    [ud registerDefaults:@{      @"TextFieldKey" : @"TextFieldValue",      @"VersionKey" : @"VersionValue"    }];        [ud setObject:@"3.14" forKey:@"VersionKey"]; Any idea? Many thanks.
May ’24
Xcode 13.0 can't pair to Apple TV 4K (tvOS 15.0)
On Xcode 13.0, I can no longer pair with an Apple TV 4K (tvOS 15.0). Until now it has always worked but since the new update to tvOS 15.0 and Xcode 13.0 I can no longer connect. I have gone through the following steps to connect: Open remote app and devices settings on Apple TV 4K (tvOS 15.0). Open Devices and Simulators in Xcode 13.0. Select Apple TV in the list and press "Pair". Code appears on the Apple TV and I can enter it in an Xcode window. After the code input, there is a short loading sign that a connection is being established. After a few seconds, the whole thing stops without an error message and the "Pair" button is visible again. Does anyone have the same problem? I would like to optimize my apps for tvOS 15 and test them on a physical device.
May ’24