I'm using Swift Data for an app that requires iOS 18.
All of my models conform to a protocol that guarantees they have a 'serverID' String variable.
I wrote a function that would allow me to pass in a serverID String and have it fetch the model object that matched. Because I am lazy and don't like writing the same functions over and over, I used a Self reference so that all of my conforming models get this static function.
Imagine my model is called "WhatsNew". Here's some code defining the protocol and the fetching function.
protocol RemotelyFetchable: PersistentModel {
var serverID: String { get }
extension WhatsNew: RemotelyFetchable {}
extension RemotelyFetchable {
static func fetchOne(withServerID identifier: String, inContext modelContext: ModelContext) -> Self? {
var fetchDescriptor = FetchDescriptor<Self>()
fetchDescriptor.predicate = #Predicate<Self> { $0.serverID == identifier }
do {
let allModels = try modelContext.fetch(fetchDescriptor)
return allModels.first
} catch {
return nil
Worked great! Or so I thought...
I built this and happily ran a debug build in the Simulator and on devices for months while developing the initial version but when I went to go do a release build for TestFlight, that build reliably crashed on every device with a message like this:
SwiftData/DataUtilities.swift:65: Fatal error: Couldn't find \WhatsNew. on WhatsNew with fields [SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "serverID", keypath: \WhatsNew., defaultValue: nil, metadata: Optional(Attribute - name: , options: [unique], valueType: Any, defaultValue: nil, hashModifier: nil)), SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "title", keypath: \WhatsNew., defaultValue: nil, metadata: nil), SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "bulletPoints", keypath: \WhatsNew.)>, defaultValue: nil, metadata: nil), SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "dateDescription", keypath: \WhatsNew., defaultValue: nil, metadata: nil), SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "readAt", keypath: \WhatsNew.)>, defaultValue: nil, metadata: nil)]
It seems (cannot confirm) that something in the release build optimization process is stripping out some metadata / something about these models that makes this predicate crash.
Tested on iOS 18.0 and 18.1 beta.
How can I resolve this? I have two dozen types that conform to this protocol. I could manually specialize this function for every type myself but... ugh.
RSS for tagSwiftData is an all-new framework for managing data within your apps. Models are described using regular Swift code, without the need for custom editors.
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I have a @Model class that is comprised of a String and a custom Enum. It was working until I added raw String values for the enum cases, and afterwards this error and code displays when opening a view that uses the class:
@storageRestrictions(accesses: _$backingData, initializes: _type)
init(initialValue) {
_$backingData.setValue(forKey: \.type, to: initialValue)
_type = _SwiftDataNoType()
get {
_$observationRegistrar.access(self, keyPath: \.type)
return self.getValue(forKey: \.type)
set {
_$observationRegistrar.withMutation(of: self, keyPath: \.type) {
self.setValue(forKey: \.type, to: newValue)
Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x1cc165d0c)
I removed the String raw values but the error persists. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Below is replicated code:
class CopingSkillEntry {
var stringText: String
var case: CaseType
init(stringText: String, case: CaseType) {
self.stringText = stringText
self.case = case
enum CaseType: Codable, Hashable {
case case1
case case1
case case3
I have an app that uses Member as a @Model Class name. When I installed Xcode 16, Member was not allowed and failed in the Build, so I had to rename the class. If I pass this patch to the app store, my users will lose data. Do you have any suggestions?
I have a SwiftData Model which includes a property of type Array.
final class Handler {
public var id: UUID
public var name: String
public var mailingAddress: [String]
. . .
public init() {
self.id = UUID()
self.name = ""
self.mailingAddress = []
. . .
When I use this Model in code, the mailingAddress field appears to work just as I would expect, but when saving it (running in Simulator), I see the following logged message:
CoreData: fault: Could not materialize Objective-C class named "Array" from declared attribute value type "Array<String>" of attribute named mailingAddress
Should I be worried about this?
I'm currently developing an app using SwiftData.
I want the app to use CloudKit to sync data, so I made sure all my model properties are optional.
I've defined a Codable enum as follows:
enum Size: Int, Codable {
case small
case medium
case large
I've defined a Drink SwiftData model as follows:
class Drink {
var name: String?
var size: Size?
name: String? = nil,
size: Size? = nil
) {
self.name = name
self.size = size
In one of my Views, I want to use a @Query to fetch the data, and use a Predicate to filter the data. The Predicate uses the size enumeration of the Drink model. Here is the code:
struct DrinksView: View {
@Query var drinks: [Drink]
init() {
let smallRawValue: Int = Size.small.rawValue
let filter: Predicate<Drink> = #Predicate<Drink> { drink in
if let size: Size = drink.size {
return size.rawValue == smallRawValue
} else {
return false
_drinks = Query(filter: filter)
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(drinks) { drink in
Text(drink.name ?? "Unknown Drink")
The code compiles, but when I run the app, it crashes with the following error:
Thread 1: Fatal error: Couldn't find \Drink.size!.rawValue on Drink with fields [SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "name", keypath: \Drink.name, defaultValue: nil, metadata: nil), SwiftData.Schema.PropertyMetadata(name: "size", keypath: \Drink.size, defaultValue: nil, metadata: nil)]
How can I filter my data using this optional variable on the Drink model?
Building an app, which worked fine until I updated to XCode 16.
The app parses data and saves it to SwiftData, and later that store is used for filtering in data.
If I create the store on iOS 18, the store created has issues with relationships, so filtering is not working (I hope that will be fixed in iOS 18.1), so I need to create the store on iOS 17.5.
But before saving the parsed objects to the SwiftData (store), I do the checking for dupes. And after Xcode 16 update that is not working anymore on iOS 17.5, (but this part is working fine under iOS 18):
Here is my object:
import Foundation
import SwiftData
class CaliberData: Identifiable {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var sizeHeights: [SizeObject]
var featuresABCDIds: [Int]
id: UUID,
sizeHeights: [SizeObject],
featuresABCDIds: [Int],
) {
self.id = id
self.sizeHeights = sizeHeights
self.featuresABCDIds = featuresABCDIds
extension CaliberData: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: CaliberData, rhs: CaliberData) -> Bool {
lhs.featuresABCDIds == rhs.featuresABCDIds
&& lhs.sizeHeights == rhs.sizeHeights
SizeObject if needed:
class SizeObject: Identifiable, Equatable {
var id: Float
@Relationship(inverse: \CaliberData.sizeHeights)
private(set) var caliberDataSizesX: [CaliberData]?
init(_ size: Float) {
self.id = size
When I am doing the caliberData1 == CaliberData2 comparison to remove dupes before inserting to the SwifData modelContext I am getting exception, and Xcode shows it inside getter part of this expanded section under sizeHeights definition:
@storageRestrictions(accesses: _$backingData, initializes: _sizeHeights)
init(initialValue) {
_$backingData.setValue(forKey: \.sizeHeights, to: initialValue)
_sizeHeights = _SwiftDataNoType()
get {
_$observationRegistrar.access(self, keyPath: \.sizeHeights)
return self.getValue(forKey: \.sizeHeights)
set {
_$observationRegistrar.withMutation(of: self, keyPath: \.sizeHeights) {
self.setValue(forKey: \.sizeHeights, to: newValue)
Following is the stacktrace:
#1 0x00000001cc168928 in ___lldb_unnamed_symbol4385 ()
#2 0x00000001cc163f34 in ___lldb_unnamed_symbol4354 ()
#3 0x00000001cc165fc4 in ___lldb_unnamed_symbol4369 ()
#4 0x00000001cc169dd4 in ___lldb_unnamed_symbol4403 ()
#5 0x00000001cc123854 in SwiftData.PersistentModel.getValue<τ_0_0, τ_0_1 where τ_1_0: SwiftData.RelationshipCollection, τ_1_1 == τ_1_0.PersistentElement>(forKey: Swift.KeyPath<τ_0_0, τ_1_0>) -> τ_1_0 ()
#6 0x0000000105eda3b0 in CaliberData.sizeHeights.getter at /var/folders/5y/vv3v98ms7jj3z4kj0f3d6f9h0000gq/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_11CaliberDataC11sizeHeights18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift:9
#7 0x0000000105ef1a84 in static CaliberData.== infix(_:_:) at ...
My assumption is that "it" thinks that object is already inside the modelContext, when it's actually not yet inserted there and should act like regular class (by regular, I mean - like not marked with @Model macro).
How can I do objects comparison on iOS 17.5 with Xcode 16 (before they are inserted in modelContext)? Any other options?
This is not a question but more of a hint where I was having trouble with. In my SwiftData App I wanted to move from Swift 5 to Swift 6, for that, as recommended, I stayed in Swift 5 language mode and set 'Strict Concurrency Checking' to 'Complete' within my build settings.
It marked all the places where I was using predicates with the following warning:
Type '' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
I had the same warnings for SortDescriptors.
I spend quite some time searching the web and wrapping my head around how to solve that issue to be able to move to Swift 6. In the end I found this existing issue in the repository of the Swift Language https://github.com/swiftlang/swift/issues/68943. It says that this is not a warning that should be seen by the developer and in fact when turning Swift 6 language mode on those issues are not marked as errors.
So if anyone is encountering this when trying to fix all issues while staying in Swift 5 language mode, ignore those, fix the other issues and turn on Swift 6 language mode and hopefully they are gone.
I have a strange crash which I have problems understanding. It only happens on a few devices, after a ModelContainer migration, and it doesn't seem to crash on the migration itself.
The fetch is done in onAppear, and shouldn't necessarily result in a crash, as it is an optional try:
let request = FetchDescriptor<Rifle>()
let data = try? modelContext.fetch(request)
if let data, !data.isEmpty {
rifle = data.first(where: { $0.uuid.uuidString == settings.selectedRifleId }) ?? data.first!
When I get logs from users, there seems to be an error in encoding?
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000018e8bfd78
Termination Reason: SIGNAL 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5
Terminating Process: exc handler [71687]
Triggered by Thread: 0
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libswiftCore.dylib 0x18e8bfd78 _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) + 264
1 SwiftData 0x24e18b480 0x24e14c000 + 259200
2 SwiftData 0x24e193968 0x24e14c000 + 293224
3 SwiftData 0x24e195a78 0x24e14c000 + 301688
4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x18e8e4084 _KeyedEncodingContainerBox.encodeNil<A>(forKey:) + 352
5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x18e8d79f0 KeyedEncodingContainer.encodeNil(forKey:) + 64
6 SwiftData 0x24e19f09c 0x24e14c000 + 340124
7 SwiftData 0x24e1a3dec 0x24e14c000 + 359916
8 libswiftCore.dylib 0x18ec10be8 dispatch thunk of Encodable.encode(to:) + 32
9 SwiftData 0x24e1cd500 0x24e14c000 + 529664
10 SwiftData 0x24e1cd0c8 0x24e14c000 + 528584
11 SwiftData 0x24e1da960 0x24e14c000 + 584032
12 SwiftData 0x24e1ee2ec 0x24e14c000 + 664300
13 SwiftData 0x24e1d97d8 0x24e14c000 + 579544
14 SwiftData 0x24e1eada0 0x24e14c000 + 650656
15 SwiftData 0x24e1d989c 0x24e14c000 + 579740
16 SwiftData 0x24e1eee78 0x24e14c000 + 667256
17 Impact 0x1027403bc 0x10268c000 + 738236
Dear Apple Developer Forum
As the title suggests, I have an issue with Swift Data when I want to modify a property of a recursive model class instance. Please consider the following sample project:
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct ISSUEApp: App {
var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer = {
let schema = Schema([
let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: true)
do {
return try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration])
} catch {
fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
final class Item {
var name: String?
var parent: Item?
init(name: String?, parent: Item?) {
self.name = name
self.parent = parent
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var context
@Query private var items: [Item]
@State private var itemToMove: Item?
@State private var count: Int = 0
@State private var presentMoveView: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationStack() {
List(items, id: \.id) {item in
Button(action: {
itemToMove = item
}, label: {
Text("Id: \(item.name ?? "ERROR") and my parent iD is \(item.parent?.name ?? "root")")
.bold(itemToMove == item)
.italic(itemToMove == item)
.sheet(isPresented: $presentMoveView, content: {
MoveView(toMove: self.itemToMove!)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Button(action: {
let i = Item(name: "\(count)", parent: nil)
try? context.save()
count += 1
}, label: {
Text("Add an item")
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Text("Move selected item")
struct MoveView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
@Query private var items: [Item]
@Bindable var toMove: Item
@State private var selectedFutureParent: Item?
var body: some View {
List(items, id: \.id) {item in
Button(action: {
selectedFutureParent = item
}, label: {
Text("Id: \(item.name ?? "ERROR") and my parent iD is \(item.parent?.name ?? "root")")
.bold(selectedFutureParent == item)
.italic(selectedFutureParent == item)
Button("Move", action: {
toMove.parent = selectedFutureParent
#Preview {
.modelContainer(for: Item.self, inMemory: true)
Please launch the preview of this app, add items (as many as you'd like), select one and click on the "Move selected item" button. Select the new parent of the item. As you may have noticed, both selected items (moved item and new parent) are modified, whereas only one equality is used. This issue seems to be independent from the @Bindable property wrapper. I tried many things, such as using index instead of direct elements; using local let constant for the parent but the constant is still modified (very weird...)
Thank you in advance for your help !
Best regards
When using just one model container, I have the following code:
let modelContainer: ModelContainer
init() {
do {
entriesModel = try ModelContainer(for: Model.self)
} catch {
fatalError("Could not initialize ModelContainer")
I am attempting to implement two like so:
let model1: ModelContainer
let model2: ModelContainer
init() {
do {
model1 = try ModelContainer(for: Model1.self)
model2 = try ModelContainer(for: Model2.self)
} catch {
fatalError("Could not initialize ModelContainer")
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
However, when in the Views that I'd like to implement I don't know how to declare the models. I tried this:
@Environment(\.model1) private var model1
@Query private var data: [Model1]
But I get the error: Cannot infer key path type from context; consider explicitly specifying a root type
How do I implement multiple model containers in multiple different views?
I can't for the life of me get transitions and animations to work well with SwiftData and List on MacOS 15 and iOS 18.
I've included an example below, where I define several animations and a transition type, but they are all ignored.
How do I animate items being added to / removed from a List()?
I am attached to List() due to its support for selection, context menu, keyboard shortcuts, etc. If I would switch to ScrollView with VStack I would have to rebuild all of that.
Also, this is super basic and should just work, right?
Thanks for reading.
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
/// Issues on iOS:
/// Items animate into and out of view, but I seem to have no control over the animation.
/// In the code here I've specified a 'bouncy' and a slow 'easeIn' animation: both are not triggered.
/// The code also specifies using a 'slide' transition, but it is ignored.
/// -> How do I control the transition and animation timing on iOS?
/// Issues on MacOS:
/// Items do not animate at all on MacOS! They instantly appear and are instantly removed.
/// -> How do I control the transition and animation timing on MacOS?
// animation added here -> has no effect?
@Query(animation: .bouncy) private var items: [Item]
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Add to list") {
// called without 'withAnimation' -> no animation
let newItem = Item(timestamp: Date())
List() {
ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
Text(item.timestamp, format: Date.FormatStyle(date: .numeric, time: .standard))
.transition(.slide) // items do not slide in/out of view
.onTapGesture {
// called with 'withAnimation' -> no animation
withAnimation(.easeIn(duration: 2)) {
.animation(.spring(duration: 3), value: items)
#Preview {
.modelContainer(for: Item.self, inMemory: true)
I have a bug I've come across since I've upgraded Xcode (16.0) and macOS (15.0 Sequoia) and figured I'd create a minimal viable example in case someone else came across this and help. I've noticed this in both the macOS and iOS version of my app when I run it.
Essentially I have an area of my code that calls a class that has a step 1 and 2 process. The first step uses async let _ = await methodCall(...) to create some SwiftData items while the second step uses a TaskGroup to go through the created elements, checks if an image is needed, and syncs it. Before this worked great as the first part finished and saved before the second part happened. Now it doesn't see the save and thus doesn't see the insertions/edits/etc in the first part so the second part just isn't done properly. Those step one changes are set and shown in the UI so, in this case, if I run it again the second part works just fine on those previous items while any newly created items are skipped.
I came across this issue when step one handled 74 inserts as each one didn't contain an image attached to it. When I switched the async let _ = await methodCall(...) to a TaskGroup, hoping that would wait better and work properly, I had the same issue but now only 10 to 30 items were created from the first step.
Minimal Viable Example: to reproduce something similar
In my minimal viable sample I simplified it way down so you can't run it twice and it's limited it creating 15 subitems. That said, I've hooked it up with both an async let _ = await methodCall(...) dubbed AL and a TaskGroup dubbed TG. With both types my second process (incrementing the number associated with the subissue/subitem) isn't run as it doesn't see the subitem as having been created and, when run with TaskGroup, only 12 to 15 items are created rather that the always 15 of async let.
Code shared here: https://gist.github.com/SimplyKyra/aeee2d43689d907d7a66805ce4bbf072
And this gives a macOS view of showing each time the button is pressed the sub issues created never increment to 1 while, when using TaskGroup, 15 isn't guaranteed to be created and remembered.
I'm essentially wondering if anyone else has this issue and if so have you figured out how to solve it? Thanks
Is it possible to integrate CKShare with SwiftData? I wanted to provide a quick and good experience to my users.
When using Core Data I would override willSave on NSManagedObject to compute alastModified value on a model object. This allowed one simple method to check changed values and set a date if necessary.
It is possible set lastModified in SwiftData, but the approaches I have found all have drawbacks when compared to the previous approach.
Hide saved model properties behind transient versions
private var textSaved: String = ""
var text: String {
get { textSaved }
set {
textSaved = newValue
lastModified = .now
I could hide every property that should update the lastModified behind a computed value, but this requires additional code for each new property and obfuscates the model definition.
Update all properties through an update function
func update<T>(keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Player, T>, to value: T)
Paul Hudson notes a workaround where any changes are made to the model through an update function that takes a keyPath. This will add complexity to every view that wants to modify model properties, and also leaves those properties open to change through other approaches.
Use ModelContext.willSave
ModelContext sends a notification when it is about to save. This could be caught in .onReceive in a view or perhaps in some model-holding singleton, then ALL changes queried and dealt with accordingly. Perhaps the best approach here would to add willSave to all model objects so code external to the model isn't doing the lastModified logic.
This last solution feels like the best way forward that I know (ideally avoiding any .onReceive code in views). Should I prefer another solution or are there better ones I have missed?
I am encountering an issue with the UndoManager functionality in a SwiftUI application that integrates SwiftData for persistence. This issue occurs specifically in macOS 14 (Sonoma) but works as expected on macOS 15 (Sequoia).
The focused test app I have prepared for demonstration allows users to create ParentItem objects, and for each ParentItem, users can add multiple ChildItem objects. The undo functionality (via Cmd+Z) is not working as expected in Sonoma. When I try to undo a ChildItem addition, the UndoManager does not revert just the last ChildItem added, but instead removes all ChildItems that were added in that session.
Expected Behavior
On macOS 14 (Sonoma), I expect the UndoManager to undo only the most recent transaction (in this case, a single ChildItem insert), similar to how it functions on macOS 15 (Sequoia). Each ChildItem insertion should be treated as a separate undoable action.
Current Behavior
In macOS Sonoma, pressing Cmd+Z undoes the entire list of ChildItems added to a ParentItem in the current session, rather than just the most recent ChildItem. This appears to be an issue with undo grouping, but I’ve confirmed that no explicit grouping is being used.
Is this an issue with UndoManager in macOS Sonoma, particularly in how it interacts with SwiftData persistence? What changes should I make to ensure that each ChildItem insert is treated as an individual undo action in macOS Sonoma, just as it works in Sequoia?
Any guidance on isolating the issue or recommended workarounds would be appreciated. I would expect that undo actions for each child addition would be treated as separate transactions, not grouped.
Steps Taken to Solve the Problem
I attempted to manually save the model context (modelContext.save()) after each ChildItem insert to ensure proper persistence.
I also verified that UndoManager was not grouping operations explicitly by calling beginUndoGrouping() or endUndoGrouping() myself.
This issue seems to be tied specifically to macOS Sonoma, as it does not occur on macOS Sequoia, where undoing behaves as expected.
macOS 14 Sonoma: The issue occurs consistently.
macOS 15 Sequoia: The issue does not occur.
This issue appears to be independent of hardware, as I’ve tested it on multiple machines.
APIs/Features Potentially Involved
UndoManager in a SwiftUI application
SwiftData for persistence (using modelContext.save())
macOS version-specific behavior
Steps to reproduce
Clone test project (https://github.com/Maschina/SwiftDataUndoManagerExample), compile and run
Create a new ParentItem in the app (via plus toolbar button in the sidebar).
Add multiple ChildItems to the ParentItem (via plus toolbar button in the content / middle column of the navigation split view).
Press Cmd+Z to undo the last addition.
I've got a Mac Document App using SwiftUI and SwiftData.
All is working well with the models editing, etc.
There's a feature I need to implement, and can't seem to make it work.
From the main window of the app, I need to be able to launch an auxilliary window containing a view-only representation of the model being edited. The required workflow is something like this:
Open a document (SwiftData)
Select a sub-model of the document
Launch the aux window to display the view of the model data (must be in a separate window, because it will be on a different physical display)
Continue making edits to the sub-model, as they are reflected in the other window
So, below is the closest I've been able to come, and it's still not working at all. What happens with this code:
Click on the "Present" button, the encounter-presentation Window opens, but never loads the data model or the view. It's just an empty window.
This is the spot in the main view where the auxiliary window will be launched:
var presenting: Presentation? = nil
var presentingThisEncounter: Bool {
presenting?.encounter.id == encounter.id
@Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow
if presentingThisEncounter {
Button(action: { presenting = nil }) {
Label("Stop", systemImage: "stop.fill")
.padding(.horizontal, 4)
.preference(key: PresentationPreferenceKey.self, value: presenting)
} else {
Button(action: {
presenting = Presentation(encounter: encounter, display: activeDisplay)
openWindow(id: "encounter-presentation")
}) {
Label("Present", systemImage: "play.fill")
.padding(.horizontal, 4)
.preference(key: PresentationPreferenceKey.self, value: nil)
Presentation is declared as:
class Presentation: Observable, Equatable {
Here's the contents of the App, where the DocumentGroup & model is instantiated, and the aux window is managed:
var presentation: Presentation?
var body: some Scene {
DocumentGroup(editing: .encounterList, migrationPlan: EncounterListMigrationPlan.self) {
.onPreferenceChange(PresentationPreferenceKey.self) { self.presentation = $0 }
Window("Presentation", id: "encounter-presentation") {
VStack {
if let presentation = presentation {
PresentingView(presentation: presentation)
And the definition of PresentationPreferenceKey:
struct PresentationPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
static var defaultValue: Presentation?
static func reduce(value: inout Presentation?, nextValue: () -> Presentation?) {
value = nextValue()
I’m developing an app for inspections that allows users to develop their own template for inspections. Because of this, my data structure has become more than a little complex (see below).
This structure does allow a great deal in flexibility, through, as users can add groups, rows, and individual fields as needed. For example, users can add a header group, then a row to the header with fields for the Building Number, Unit Number, & Inspection Date.
However, I don’t have an efficient way to sort the inspections by the values in these fields. SwiftData sorting is keypath based, which won’t allow me to sort the inspections based on the values only in fields with specific labels.
As an alternative, I can query for fields with a specific label and do a compactMap to the inspection. But this doesn’t scale well when working with potentially hundreds or thousands of inspections as compactMap takes a lot longer then the query takes. It also doesn’t work well if I want to filter inspections or sort using values in multiple user defined fields.
Models below are greatly simplified to just get the point across. More than happy to provide some additional code if asked when I’m back at my laptop with the source code. (Typing this on my iPad at the moment)
@Model final class Inspection {
// init and other fields
var groups: [Group]?
@Model final class Group {
// init and other fields
@Relationship(inverse: \Inspection.groups)
var inspection: Inspection?
var rows: [Row]?
@Model final class Row {
// init and other fields
@Relationship(inverse: \Group.rows)
var group: Group?
var fields: [Field]?
@Model final class Field {
// init and other fields
var label: String?
var type: FieldType // enum, denoting what type of data this is storing
var stringValue: String?
var boolValue: Bool?
var dateValue: Date?
@Attribute(.externalStorage) var dataValue: Data?
@Relationship(inverse: \Row.fields)
var row: Row?
Hello everyone,
Xcode 16.0 SwiftData project. CloudKit. WidgetConfigurationIntent.
For some reason, I see a really weird behavior.
I have a shared ModelContainer and an interactive widget where I update the model data through an app intent.
This is my model -
class ItemsContainer {
static let shared = ItemsContainer()
var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer!
init() {
self.sharedModelContainer = container()
func container() -> ModelContainer? {
if let sharedModelContainer {
return sharedModelContainer
let schema = Schema([
let modelConfiguration: ModelConfiguration
modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false, cloudKitDatabase: .automatic)
do {
let container = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration])
self.sharedModelContainer = container
return container
} catch {
fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")
And this is how I get the model context across the app and the app intent -
let modelContext = ModelContext(ItemsContainer.shared.sharedModelContainer)
The problem is that somehow, when I update the model context in the app and then in the widget (I save the context after every change), the data is synced between the app and the widget, but then, the data is changed back to the previous state and kind of ignores the widget changes.
Didn't happen before iOS 18/Xcode 16.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!
Consider this code
@UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
init() {
let schema = Schema([
let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false)
do {
sharedModelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration])
} catch {
fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")
SettingsViewModel.shared = SettingsViewModel(modelContext: sharedModelContainer.mainContext)
I'm basically saving a copy of mainContext in a viewModel. And then later on uses that viewModel to operate on the models while using the mainActor.
Is this ok? That same container is also pass into the view using
Can it be used in both ways like that?
I have implemented basic Sign in with Apple functionality to my app. When the app is launched, the user will be presented with a Continue with Apple view, where they can authenticate. Once signed in, they will return to a view that reads "Hello, [User's Name]". However, I cannot seem to figure out why the email and name return nil after authentication. For example, when authentication is successful, the HelloView simply reads "Hello, " with no name. I have it setup so that the users name and email are saved to AppStorage variables, and then inserted into a Profile class with SwiftData.
import AuthenticationServices
import SwiftData
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
@Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext
@AppStorage("email") var email: String = ""
@AppStorage("firstName") var firstName: String = ""
@AppStorage("lastName") var lastName: String = ""
@AppStorage("userID") var userID: String = ""
@Query var userProfile: [Profile]
private var isSignedIn: Bool {
var body: some View {
VStack {
if !isSignedIn {
} else {
struct SignInView: View {
@Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
@Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext
@AppStorage("email") var email: String = ""
@AppStorage("firstName") var firstName: String = ""
@AppStorage("lastName") var lastName: String = ""
@AppStorage("userID") var userID: String = ""
@Query var userProfile: [Profile]
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
SignInWithAppleButton(.continue) { request in
request.requestedScopes = [.email, .fullName]
} onCompletion: { result in
switch result {
case .success(let auth):
switch auth.credential {
case let credential as ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential:
// User ID
let userID = credential.user
// User Info
let email = credential.email
let firstName = credential.fullName?.givenName
let lastName = credential.fullName?.familyName
self.email = email ?? ""
self.userID = userID
self.firstName = firstName ?? ""
self.lastName = lastName ?? ""
case .failure(let error):
print("Error signing in with Apple: \(error.localizedDescription)")
.signInWithAppleButtonStyle(colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .black)
.frame(height: 50)
.navigationTitle("[App Name]")
func createProfile() {
let newProfile = Profile(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, email: email, userID: userID)
This is how I have my HomeView setup:
import SwiftData
import SwiftUI
struct HomeView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext
@Query var user: [Profile]
var body: some View {
ForEach(user) { user in
Text("Hello, \(user.firstName)")
#Preview {
And here's the Profile class:
import Foundation
import SwiftData
class Profile {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var email: String
var userID: String
init(firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String, userID: String) {
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
self.email = email
self.userID = userID