Shared with You

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Bring your app’s collaboration experiences into Messages and FaceTime, and highlight content from your app that people shared in Messages in a Shared with You section within your app.

Posts under Shared with You tag

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I want to report a Apple bug in call recording feature during facetime audio call
I am using iphone 11 with ios version 18.1 and I found one issue in call recording during FT audio call. Call gets dropped as soon as call recording start. This bug is also reproducible on iphone 14 pro max having same ios version. I tried it 5/5 times and it is 100% reproducible. Can you please help to fix this issue. This is really a serious quality concern as per apple standards.
Nov ’24
Collaboration Preview Image and Title for CKShare When Collaborating With CloudKit
I recently updated our CloudKit collaboration invite codebase to use the new UIActivityController and NSItemProvider invitation as described in Apple's documentation. We previously used UICloudSharingController's init(preparationHandler:), which is since deprecated. We have all of the previous functionality in place: we successfully create a CKShare, send the invite out, engage the share, and collaborate. However, we cannot get the Messages CKShare preview to use our custom image and title (henceforth referred to as “collaboration metadata”). Previously, while using UICloudSharingController's init(preparationHandler:) to commence the share invite, the collaboration metadata successfully displayed in the Messages conversation. Now, we have a generic icon of our app and “Shared with App-Name" title, leading to a loss of contextual integrity for the invite flow. My question: How do we make the collaboration metadata appear in the Messages conversation? Here is our code for creating the UIActivityController, NSItemProvider, CKShare, and other related entities. It encapsulates the entire CloudKit CKShare invite setup. You will note that we do configure the CKShare with metadata, and we do set the LPLinkMetadata on the UIActivityItemsConfiguration. GitHub Gist. The metadata does successfully appear in the UIActivityController and the CKShare's image and title are available to the person receiving the share once they engage it and open it in our app – but the Messages preview item retains the generic message content. Also please note that this issue does occur in the production environment. As a final note, examining UICloudSharingController's definition leads me to believe that supplying a UIActivityItemSource is the key to getting correct Messages collaboration metadata in place. My efforts at using an item adhering to UIActivityItemSource in the UIActivityViewController used to send the share did not yield the rich previews and displayed metadata I am aiming for.
Jul ’24
SharePlay Button
I learned Sharplay from the WWDC video. I understand the creation of seats, but I can't learn some of the following contents well, so I hope you can help me. The content is as follows: I have set up the seats. struct TeamSelectionTemplate: SpatialTemplate { let elements: [any SpatialTemplateElement] = [ .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: 0, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: 1, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: -1, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: 2, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: -2, z: 4)), ] } It was mentioned in one of my previous posts: "I hope you can give me a SharePlay Button. After pressing it, it will assign all users in Facetime to a seat with elements quantified in TeamSe lectionTemplate.", and someone replied to me and asked me to try systemCoordinator.configuration.spatialTemplatePreference = .custom (TeamSelectionTemplate()), however, Xcode error Cannot find 'systemCoordinator' in scope How to solve it? Thank you!
Jun ’24