Screen Time

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Share and manage web-usage data, and observe changes made to Screen Time settings by a parent or guardian.

Posts under Screen Time tag

148 Posts
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Screen Time API features iOS 15 / iOS 16
Hi folks! Please help me to clarify some things related to Screen Time API. What the keys differences between individual and child authorization? With individual type of auth user can do sign-out from iCloud and delete the app. What else differentiate this type of users? Can we use DeviceActivityEvent for remote control with individual auth? Can the parental or guardian see/get the statistic of apps usage? Is the individual auth available to all users or just those who are in the Apple's family? I'll really appreciate any help and answer! Thank you in advance!
Jul ’23
ShieldConfiguration not updating when app is open prior to the shield activating
Hello! I believe there is a bug: ShieldConfigurationDataSource extension does not update when the app to be blocked is already open and the ManagedSettingsStore.shield.applications is set to the app that is already open. The shield comes up but has a stale ShieldConfiguration not reflecting the current state of the app is used. I've been able to replicate the issue in an independent app "OffScreen". If you start a blocking time range from 10:00-10:15, it will say "No Twitter until 10:15" and then open Twitter at 10:15. If there is another blocking time range from 10:16-10:31, the app will be open until 10:16 when the shield will reactivate and it will still say "No Twitter until 10:15" when is should say "No Twitter until 10:31". thanks!
Nov ’23
Open parent app from ShieldAction extension in iOS
When I tap on one of the buttons in the ShieldAction extension I want to close the shield and open the parent app instead of the shielded app. Is there any way of doing this using the Screen Time API? class ShieldActionExtension: ShieldActionDelegate {      override func handle(action: ShieldAction, for application: ApplicationToken, completionHandler: @escaping (ShieldActionResponse) -> Void) {     // Handle the action as needed.           let store = ManagedSettingsStore()               switch action {     case .primaryButtonPressed:       //TODO - open parent app       completionHandler(.defer)     case .secondaryButtonPressed:       //remove shield       store.shield.applications?.remove(application)       completionHandler(.defer)         @unknown default:       fatalError()     }   }   }
May ’24
Loading indicator until DeviceActivityReport renders?
There is frequently a delay of a few seconds before a DeviceActivityReport renders its view generated from the DeviceActivityReportExtension. It will also sometimes flash with zero data before hydrating with the real activity data (tested with extension code taken directly from XCode boilerplate) Is there a way to be notified when the DeviceActivityReport renders successfully or is still processing, i.e. so a loading indicator can be presented while the extension runs? Thanks!
Apr ’24
Weird NSCocoaErrorDomain errow when trying to autorize Screen Time API
Hello, we have rare case of AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .individual) failing to autorize user on real device - iPhone XR (iOS 16.1.2). It does not throw the standard FamilyControlsError which we are handling, but NSCocoaErrorDomain. This is the entire po description: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "The given data was not a valid property list." UserInfo={NSCodingPath=(), NSDebugDescription=The given data was not a valid property list., NSUnderlyingError=0x283af4d80 {Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data}}} The localized one says: "The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format." This sounds like some error deep in iOS. The testing device has Apple ID logged in and uses passcode. Anything we can do on our end to solve this issue?
Jan ’24
I would like to create several schedules for an activity can I do that
currently when I try to set several schedules to the same activity the latest schedule I set is the only one I understand I can have only 1 schedule for activity. ? I thought about setting a new schedule on the intervalDidEnd but, I get no interval did start if the current time is in the middle of the interval I set For example, now it is 15:00, and my previous interval started at 14:00 and ends at 16:00 but the user sets a new interval from 14:30 - 16:40 I call the deviceActivityCenter.stopMonitoring([someActivityName]) and get noIntervalDidEnd event Then I set the new interval successfully with deviceActivityCenter.startMonitoring(someActivityName, during: deviceActivitySchedule) and get no intervalDidStartEvent So how can I achieve several intervals? If I had gotten the events of the start and end it would be possible Thanks for the help
Apr ’24
DeviceActivityCenter - couldn’t communicate with a helper application.
Hi there, In rare cases (about 0.2% of the time?), I'm seeing calls to startMonitoring on an instance of DeviceActivityCenter throw an error with localizedDescription "couldn’t communicate with a helper application." I am certain I am passing valid parameters to the startMonitoring call because sometimes a naive retry after a few seconds succeeds. Similarly, I am certain that FamilyControls permissions have been granted by the user. Was hoping to get more color from the systems team on what some causes of this error are and if it is avoidable by the programmer.
Mar ’24
Device Activity - DeviceActivitySchedule DateComponents intervals
Hi, I'm having trouble understanding what is the correct DateComponents format for the DeviceActivityCenter.startMonitoring to work as expected. Here's how it behaves with my setup: The schedule interval is set for 15 minutes (the minimum). On intervalDidStart I set the shields shield.applicationCategories = .all(except: exclCat) shield.webDomainCategories = .all(except: exclWeb) On intervalDidEnd I clear the settings shield.applicationCategories = nil shield.webDomainCategories = nil Different behavior with different DeviceActivitySchedule intervals. In the below examples I'll refer to hour, minute and second components as time components, and the calendar, timeZone, year, month, day, hour, minute and second components as date and time components. Also, with all combinations below no errors are thrown when calling the startMonitoring method. A. ❌ The start interval has time components, while the end interval has date and time components: The intervalDidStart is not triggered. DeviceActivitySchedule(schedule: <USDeviceActivitySchedule: 0x28354a5e0> IntervalStart: <NSDateComponents: 0x2839c7f40> { Hour: 9 Minute: 24 Second: 55 IntervalEnd: <NSDateComponents: 0x2839c7f70> { Calendar: <CFCalendar 0x2818f9090 [0x1e4fb1d10]>{identifier = 'gregorian'} TimeZone: Asia/Manila (GMT+8) offset 28800 Calendar Year: 2023 Month: 5 Leap Month: 0 Day: 15 Hour: 9 Minute: 39 Second: 55 Repeats: 0 WarningTime: (null)) B. ❌ The start interval has date and time components, while the end interval has time components: Here, the opposite of the above example happens — the intervalDidStart is triggered, but the intervalDidEnd is not. C. ❌ Both intervals have time components: The intervalDidStart is not triggered. D. ✅ Only hour, minute, and second components for both start and end intervals: Callbacks are called as expected. DeviceActivitySchedule(schedule: <USDeviceActivitySchedule: 0x282e80450> IntervalStart: <NSDateComponents: 0x2822f39f0> { Hour: 9 Minute: 12 Second: 15 IntervalEnd: <NSDateComponents: 0x2822f3a00> { Hour: 9 Minute: 27 Second: 15 Repeats: 0 WarningTime: (null)) So it seems that the correct and working version is with the time components only. However, from the documentation, the maximum schedule interval is a week. So if I need to set the schedule starting from a certain time of day A and ending in a certain time of day B, what should the DateComponents look like? Thanks for you help!
Oct ’23
Cordova localhost Blocked by Content Filters
Our app uses Cordova with a Cordova Local Webserver plugin. This plugin uses the url http://localhost: with a randomly chosen port. Some of the devices that our app runs on are MDM configured and have Content Filters enabled which only allows a finite list of website URLs to be accessed. This configuration has always worked in the past. Starting with the release of iPadOS 16.5, our app now hangs because the content filters are now preventing access to http://localhost. We've tried adding http://localhost, plus any derivative of that URL (i.e. http://localhost:, http://localhost:*, etc.) to the Allowed Website list, but this does not help. Wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue.
Aug ’23
ApplicationTokens changing
We persist ApplicationTokens in a storage container that ShieldConfigurationExtension has access to. In rare, cases all the ApplicationTokens for a user seem to change. We know this because the Application parameter passed into configuration(shielding application: Application) -> ShieldConfiguration function has a Token that does not match (using == ) any of the ones we are persisting in storage. Interestingly, the persisted ones still work, so I don't believe storage has gotten corrupted or anything. We can use them to add or remove shields, we can use them to display labels of the apps they represent, etc. But they don’t match what’s passed into the ShieldConfiguration extension. If the user goes into the FamilyPicker at this point and selects an app of a token that we are already persisting, the FamilyPickerSelection will have a token matching the new one that is passed into ShieldConfigurationExtension, not the one we persisted when they last selected that app. This leads me to believe the tokens are updated/rotated in some cases. When and why does this happen, and how can we handle it gracefully?
Apr ’24
DeviceActivityMonitorExtension functions not being called
I'm having trouble with my DeviceActivityMonitorExtension. The intervalDidStart function is not being called when the scheduler is created. Does anyone have an idea why this is? let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule( intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 15, minute: 23), intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 16, minute: 55), repeats: true ) class MySchedule { static public func setSchedule() { let center = DeviceActivityCenter() center.stopMonitoring([.daily]) do { try center.startMonitoring(.daily, during: schedule) } catch { print("Error monitoring schedule: ", error) } } } class DeviceActivityMonitorExtension: DeviceActivityMonitor { override func intervalDidStart(for activity: DeviceActivityName) { super.intervalDidStart(for: activity) SelectedApps.shared.setRestrictions() } private let _SelectedApps = SelectedApps() class SelectedApps: ObservableObject{ @Published var selection: FamilyActivitySelection let store = ManagedSettingsStore() init() { if let savedSelection = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "savedSelection") as? Data { let decoder = JSONDecoder() if let loadedSelection = try? decoder.decode(FamilyActivitySelection.self, from: savedSelection) { selection = loadedSelection } else { selection = FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true) } } else { selection = FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true) } } class var shared: SelectedApps { return _SelectedApps } func setRestrictions(){ let applications = selection store.shield.applications = applications.applicationTokens.isEmpty ? nil : applications.applicationTokens store.shield.applicationCategories = applications.categoryTokens.isEmpty ? nil : ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(applications.categoryTokens) }
Aug ’23
Individual App Usage using Screen Time API
Hey everyone. My friend and I have an idea of creating an app that allows you to compete against others by seeing who can use certain apps the least. To do this, we need to get the statistics of every app's screen time usage. I looked at doing this through the Screen Time API. However, it isn't very clear to me what app developers can access. Can we access a time breakdown of all apps' screen time usage (similar to the information in the Screen Time Settings screen)? If not, would the best route to manually implement our own tracking system? Thanks!
Jan ’24
Where do I add ShieldConfiguration ?
I am creating a custom shield UI for when an app is blocked. have an AppDelegate file where my @UIApplicationMain is run I pasted in the ShieldConfiguration code from the WWDC21 Meet Screen Time demo inside my app: class MyShieldConfiguration: ShieldConfigurationDataSource { override func configuration(shielding application: Application) -> ShieldConfiguration { return ShieldConfiguration( title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "Doxo", color:, subtitle: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "heyhey") ) } } but after calling store.shield.applications = .... the default restricted screen is being shown instead of the one I configured above Where am I supposed to put MyShieldConfiguration ?
Aug ’23
Requesting authorization for self: FamilyControlsError code=3
Context I'm working on an iOS application that would use the Screen Time API and running into difficulties requesting authorization. This is for the user to manage their own screen time, not to be used with children account. The Issue I'm receiving a FamilyControls.FamilyControlsError error=3 when requesting authorization for .individual, when running the application in the simulator. Also seeing The capability associated with "FAMILY_CONTROLS" could not be determined in Signing and Capabilities. The simulator is logged into an account that has screen time enabled. The Family Controls capability has already been added. My entitlements file has Family Controls set to Yes. Questions (1) Should I be able to have this function in the simulator before my Family Controls request gets approved? I've only recently submitted the form, but I wouldn't think this is an issue during development. (2) Might issues with the Provisioning Profile be the cause of this issue? Again, I'm only trying to get this to work in development/debug at the moment. (3) What else would you recommend attempting to resolve this issue? I'm fairly new to iOS programming, so any help and patience is really appreciated. Not sure where to go from here. I've looked through other potentially realted posts but have not found solutions to this problem. Thank you!
Jul ’23
AuthorizationCenter.shared.$authorizationStatus Published unable track changes to your app's authorization status
/// let cancellable = center.$authorizationStatus /// .sink() { /// switch center.authorizationStatus { /// case .notDetermined: /// // Handle the change to notDetermined. /// case .denied: /// // Handle the change to denied. /// case .approved: /// // Handle the change to approved. /// } /// } But when I went to set the change permissions,unable track changes to your app's authorization status
Jul ’23
SCSensitivityAnalyzer always returns a result of false
hi there, i'm not sure if i'm missing something, but i've tried passing a variety of CGImages into SCSensitivityAnalyzer, incl ones which should be flagged as sensitive, and it always returns false. it doesn't throw an exception, and i have the Sensitive Content Warning enabled in settings (confirmed by checking the analysisPolicy at run time). i've tried both the async and callback versions of analyzeImage. this is with Xcode 15 beta 5. i'm primarily testing on iOS/iPad simulators - is that a known issue? cheers, Mike
Oct ’23