Reality Composer Pro

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Leverage the all new Reality Composer Pro, designed to make it easy to preview and prepare 3D content for your visionOS apps

Posts under Reality Composer Pro tag

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USDZ + ShaderGraphMaterial not working?
I'm trying to make a simple demo of using ShaderGraphMaterial in a USDZ file that I can preview on Mac and VisionOS but I'm having trouble. In Reality Composer, I make a sphere, then assign a ShaderGraphMaterial to the material, with a simple diffuse color (green) input. When I save the file as .usda, it displays as a gray sphere on mac rather than the green sphere shown in reality composer. If I then convert to usdz using Reality Converter, I get a warning on import: "Shader nodes must have “id” as the implementationSource, with id values that begin with “Usd”. Also, shader inputs with connections must each have a single, valid connection source." And the exported .usdz also shows as a gray sphere. Is there a simple demo of a .usda file using ShaderGraphMaterial that displays on Mac, iOS, and VisionOS that I can look at to see how it looks internally? My actual problem is creating usdz / usda files on visionOS for viewing on iOS / Mac / VisionOS.. but the first step is showing it's possible to even use ShaderGraphMaterial across all platforms. Thanks
Mar ’24
Loading entities from reality kit content?
I'm trying to better understand how loading entities works. If I do this: RealityView { content in // Add the initial RealityKit content if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "RCP_Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(scene) } } It returns the root with the two objects I have in the scene (sphere_01 and sphere_02). If I add a drag gesture to this entity it works on the root and gets applied to both sphere_01 and sphere_02 together (they both indiviually have collision and input components set to allow gestures). How do I get individual control of sphere_01 and sphere_02? Is it possible to load the root scene, as I'm doing above, and have individual control?
Mar ’24
Construction of luminous expression methods
Hi, I am investigating how to emit the following in my visionOS app. Right now, I'm trying various things with Shader Graph in Reality Composer Pro, but I can't tell from the official documentation and WWDC session videos what the individual functions and combined effects of Reality Composer Pro's Shader Graph nodes are, I am having a hard time understanding the effects of the individual functions and combinations of them. I have a feeling that such luminous materials and expressions are not possible in visionOS to begin with. If there is a way to achieve this, please let me know. Thanks.
Mar ’24
Custom material getting converted to PhysicallyBasedMaterial
I have a custom material in Reality Composer. When I attach it to a cube and try loading the scene in XCode, the material cannot be cast to a ShaderGraphMaterial because it has been changed to a PhysicallyBasedMaterial. The material was always a Custom material, I did not change the type in Reality Composer. Does anyone know how to fix?
Mar ’24
Rotate an entity with the attachments
Hi, I create an entity and add a bunch of attachments (code is based on the Diorama demo). I can rotate the entity with this: .gesture( DragGesture() .targetedToAnyEntity() .onChanged { value in let entity = value.entity let orientation = Rotation3D(entity.orientation(relativeTo: nil)) let newOrientation: Rotation3D if (value.location.x >= lastGestureValue) { newOrientation = orientation.rotated(by: .init(angle: .degrees(0.5), axis: .y)) } else { newOrientation = orientation.rotated(by: .init(angle: .degrees(-0.5), axis: .y)) } entity.setOrientation(.init(newOrientation), relativeTo: nil) lastGestureValue = value.location.x } ) But the attachments stay still. How can I rotate the entity AND the attachment at the same time?
Mar ’24
The grey hue over the 3D model
Hello, I've been trying to render these models in a VisionOS app using RealityKit's Model3D API. The heart seem to appear dark all the time. Any thoughts on why this would happen? Color.clear .overlay { Model3D(named: modelName, bundle: realityKitContentBundle) { model in model.resizable() .scaledToFit() .rotation3DEffect( Rotation3D( eulerAngles: .init(angles: orientation, order: .xyz) ) ) .frame(depth: modelDepth) .offset(z: -modelDepth / 2) .accessibilitySortPriority(1) } placeholder: { ProgressView() .offset(z: -modelDepth * 0.75) } } .dragRotation(yawLimit: .degrees(120), pitchLimit: .degrees(20)) .offset(z: modelDepth)
Mar ’24
Showing All Messages Tool terminated by signal 'Segmentation fault: 11'
objc[27000]: Class XROS1_1SimRuntime is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/xrOS_21O209/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/xrOS 1.1.simruntime/Contents/MacOS/xrOS 1.1 (0x1025f80e0) and /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/xrOS_21O5181e/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/xrOS 1.1.simruntime/Contents/MacOS/xrOS 1.1 (0x1027c00e0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. error: Tool terminated by signal 'Segmentation fault: 11' This build failed issue occur every time when I play build
Mar ’24
Tool terminated by signal 'Segmentation fault: 11'
// swift-tools-version:5.9 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "RealityKitContent", // platforms check needed platforms: [ .custom("xros", versionString: "1.0") ], products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: "RealityKitContent", targets: ["RealityKitContent"]), ], dependencies: [ // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on. // .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"), ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on. .target( name: "RealityKitContent", dependencies: []), ] ) and here is the path /Users/momo/ Every time I build, every time it keep showing 'build failed' and there is always same issue. ^^Segmentation fault: 11^^!!!!!!! I'm so annoying about this. I updated to latest package version, deleted cache, resolve package version, clean build folder etc. But IDK why. Please fix this issue or tell me what to do!!
Mar ’24
Reality Composer Pro - animate per vertex with noise?
I am struggling to figure out how to make a shader to animate each vertex of a model separately using noise. I watched a video on how to do this in Unity, but I think something must be different with how Reality Composer Pro handles the noise nodes? For example, in this graph I just hooked up the noise node directly to the geometry modifier: In my output you can see the plane is adjust per-vertex using the noise node. My goal would be to animate this like waves, but moving the noise. So in this graph I use time with sin to adjust the UV of the noise. This seems to change the noise node to output a single value (I guess that makes sense, since I modify the UV, it results in a single value, at that UV in the noise map). So then, I take that as the Y value and put it back into the geometry modifier. But now it doesn't work per-vertex, it moves the whole model up and down (based on the single value coming out of the noise map). How do I make this apply to each vertex of the noise map individually? This is an example of the output I want in Unity, the plane is being adjusted per-vertex by a scrolling 2d noise node:
Mar ’24
Reality Composer Pro node previews?
I have been digging into learning shader graphs by watching Unity shader graph content, cause lots of the same concepts apply. One thing I noticed was that in Unity, each node in the shader graph has a little preview. I don't think this exists in Reality Composer Pro, but is there anyway to mimic it (like can I hook up a node that allows me to debug the graph at that point?) If not, I'm happy to just file a feedback about it, but just thought I'd ask!
Mar ’24
Vision Pro - lets join forces to improve VisionOS platform
Hi guys, if you started using Vision Pro, I'm sure you already found some limitations. Let's join forces and make feature requests. When creating Feedback, request from one guy may not get any attenption from Apple, but if we join and more of us make the same request, we might just push those ideas through. Feel free to add your ideas and don't forget to create feedback: app windows can only be moved forward to a distance of about 20ft/6m. I'm pretty sure some users would like to push window as far as a few miles away and make the window large to be still legible. This would be very interesting especialy when using Environments and 360-degree view. I really want to put some apps up on the sky above the mountains and around me, even those iOS apps just made compatible with Vision Pro. when capturing screen, I always get message "Video capture not possible due to insufficient lighting". Why? I have Environment loaded and extended 360 degrees with some apps opened, so there is no need for external lighting (at least I thing it's not needed). I just want to capture what I see. Imagine creating tutorials, recording lessons for learning various subjects, etc. Actual Vision Pro user might prefer loading their on environments an setup app in spatial domain, but for those that don't have it yet or when creating videos to be available on antique 2D computer screens , it may be useful to create 2D videos this way. 3D video recording is not very good, kind of shaky, not when Vision Pro is static, but when walking and especially when turning head left/right/up/down (even relatively slowly). I think hardware should be able to capture and create nice and smooth video. It's possible that Apple just designed simple camera app and wants to give developers a chance to create a better Camera app, but it still would be nice to have something better out of the box. I would like to be able to walk through Environments. I understand safety of see-through effect, so users didn't hit any obstacles, but perhaps obstacles could be detected and when user gets to 6ft/2m from obstacle then it could present at first warning (there is already "You are close to and object" and then make surroundigns visible, but if there are no obstacles (user can be located in large space and can place a tape or a thread around the safe area), I should be able to walk around and take a look inside that crater on the Moon. We need Environments, Environments, Environments and yet more of them, I was hoping for hundreds, so we could even pick some of them and use in our apps, like games where you want to setup a specific environment. Well, that's just a beginning and I could go on and on and on, but tell me what you guys think. Regards and enjoy new virtual adventure! Robert
Mar ’24
Drag, Rotate and Scale -- Reality Composer Pro
Can anyone point me to an approach for handling drag, rotation and scale on a 'TargetedToAnyEnity' asset coming from a realityKitContentBundle? I've looked through all of the code examples, and have cobbled together something using PlacementGesturesModifer and DragRotationModifier from the HelloWorld code example but I can't figure out how to make it work on individual assets -- it only works on the root. When I do something simple like this (outside the modifier script I mentioned above) I can make individual drag work... but can't figure out how to apply the same thing to rotation and scale. .gesture(DragGesture() .targetedToAnyEntity() .onChanged({ value in value.entity.position = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: value.entity.parent!) }) Are there any examples of a solution for drag, rotation and scale on an individual basis in the code examples? Any advice or hints would be appreciated. :)
Mar ’24
Adding ModelComponent to Reality Composer Pro's "Primitive Shape" entity
Is there a way to give a "Primitive Shape" entity created through Reality Composer Pro a ModelComponent? I have a custom ShaderGraphMaterial assigned to a primitive shape in my RC Pro scene hierarchy, and I'd like to tweak the inputs of this material programatically. I found a great example of the behavior I'm looking for here: @State private var sliderValue: Float = 0.0 Slider(value: $sliderValue, in: (0.0)...(1.0)) .onChange(of: sliderValue) { _, _ in guard let terrain = rootEntity.findEntity(named: "DioramaTerrain"), var modelComponent = terrain.components[ModelComponent.self], var shaderGraphMaterial = modelComponent.materials.first as? ShaderGraphMaterial else { return } do { try shaderGraphMaterial.setParameter(name: "Progress", value: .float(sliderValue)) modelComponent.materials = [shaderGraphMaterial] terrain.components.set(modelComponent) } catch { } } } However, when I try applying this example to my use-case, my project's equivalent to this line fails to execute: var modelComponent = terrain.components[ModelComponent.self] The only difference I can see between my case and this example is my entity is a primitive shape, whereas the example uses a model reference to a .usdz file. Is there some way to update a primitive shape entity to contain this ModelComponent in its set of components so I can reference + update its materials programmatically?
Feb ’24
Reality Composer Pro and SceneMetadataList.json with version control
Hi folks! I have been working with a team on a Vision Pro app using Reality Composer Pro. One thing we have found is that multiple developers editing the RCPro scene are a continuous problem, similar to when multiple developers edit a storyboard. RC Pro maintains a SceneMetadataList.json file that indexes the file contents of the project that is updated even as the scene hierarchy is opened and closed, not to mention other changes to scene content. We are getting frequent continuous version control conflicts with this file as we each make changes and edits to the scene, or even browse the scene without making any substantive changes. It seems like it would be safe to add the SceneMetadataList.json file in a RC Pro project to .gitignore. Is that recommended? Any downsides to that?
Mar ’24
How can I simultaneously apply the drag gesture to multiple entities?
I wanted to drag EntityA while also dragging EntityB independently. I've tried to separate them by entity but it only recognizes the latest drag gesture RealityView { content, attachments in ... } .gesture( DragGesture() .targetedToEntity(EntityA) .onChanged { value in ... } ) .gesture( DragGesture() .targetedToEntity(EntityB) .onChanged { value in ... } ) also tried using the simultaneously but didn't work too, maybe i'm missing something .gesture( DragGesture() .targetedToEntity(EntityA) .onChanged { value in ... } .simultaneously(with: DragGesture() .targetedToEntity(EntityB) .onChanged { value in ... } )
Feb ’24
Entity.load vs Entity.loadModel
let apple = try Entity.load(named: "apple", in: realityKitContentBundle) works, but let apple = try Entity.loadModel(named: "apple", in: realityKitContentBundle) does not work ie. (error.localizedDescription = Failed to find resource with name "apple" in bundle) I am unsure what is causing the problem, apple.usda was created in Reality Composer Pro from primitives and has a single apple object (no root). When I load with Entity.load and print apple, I get: ▿ 'apple' : Entity, children: 1 ⟐ Transform ⟐ SynchronizationComponent ▿ 'apple' : ModelEntity ⟐ ModelComponent ⟐ Transform ⟐ CollisionComponent ⟐ PhysicsBodyComponent ⟐ SynchronizationComponent This nested hierarchy seems redundant to me, is it preferred in AR kit to have such a structure? Why am I unable to load usda directly as a ModelEntity?
Feb ’24
How can I reverse USDZ animation in realityKit
How can i play a USDZ entity animation in reverse? I have tried to put a negative value to the speed as I was doing in SceneKit to make the animation reverse play but it did not work. here is my code: import SwiftUI import RealityKit struct ImmersiveView: View { @State var entity = Entity() @State var openDoor: Bool = true var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let mainDoor = try? await Entity(named: "Door.usdz") { if let frame = mainDoor.findEntity(named: "DoorFrame") { frame.position = [0, 0, -8] frame.orientation = simd_quatf(angle: (270 * (.pi / 180)), axis: SIMD3(x: 1, y: 0, z: 0)) content.add(frame) entity = frame.findEntity(named: "Door")! entity.components.set(InputTargetComponent(allowedInputTypes: .indirect)) entity.components.set(HoverEffectComponent()) let entityModel = entity.children[0] entityModel.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) } } } .gesture( SpatialTapGesture() .targetedToEntity(entity) .onEnded { value in print(value) if openDoor == true { let animController = entity.playAnimation(entity.availableAnimations[0], transitionDuration: 0 , startsPaused: true) animController.speed = 1.0 animController.resume() openDoor = false } else { let animController = entity.playAnimation(entity.availableAnimations[0], transitionDuration: 0 , startsPaused: true) animController.speed = -1.0 // it does not work to reverse animController.resume() openDoor = true } } ) } } The Door should open with first click which is already happening and close with second click which is not happening as it does not reverse play the animation
Mar ’24