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Silent notification/ Blank Push Notification not updating pass added to Apple Wallet
Hey everyone, I've noticed a recent issue in my app where users are not receiving automatic updates/ blank push to the pass added to the user wallet. Instead, they have to manually refresh the pass by dragging down the back of the Apple Wallet to see any updates. This might be because the blank push notification is not updating the passes. If you've encountered this problem or have any insights into what might be causing it, I'd love to hear from you. Your feedback is invaluable to me.
May ’24
Network not detected after ios 17.4.1
Hi, I bought second-hand iphone 11 pro. I update firmware to ios 17.4.1 but network not connected. In setting its show network name and 58.0 and No network but phone keep searching for network. I tried all remedies found online. Today I update IOS to 17.5 RC but have a same problem. Please advice me any solution for this problem. Thanks in advance. Kaushik
May ’24
Problem with my new iPhone
Recently I bought a new iPhone 14 Max Pro with a iOS 17 Beta release. While updating the phone with a cloud backup from my old iPhone 7 Plus the latest software (iOS17.5) has been installed on the phone. Now, every time I use my new phone the following message appears: A new iOS-Update is available. Please update from iOS 17 Beta. Unfortunately I can't do this because the menu "Settings", "Common Settings", "Software updates" shows that I've already installed the latest version. The message is "17.5 - Your iOS is at the latest release". I've already tried to set my phone to the factory settings and several other steps like disabling Beta-Updates didn't work. What can I do? By the way: I'm not an Apple professional I'm a standard user but the standard Apple Support told me they can not help me but to reach out to you guys.
May ’24
EXC_BAD_ACCESS after Xcode 15 upgrade
After our upgrade to Xcode 15.3, our app compiles and builds, but when we run it on an iPhone it crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x15b) upon starting. We're using Qt and the crash occurs when we try to access our app's sqlite file with QSqlQuery::exec(). The EXC_BAD_ACCESS occurs when trying to run a SELECT or PRAGMA statement to read from the sqlite. Running an INSERT or DELETE with the exec() method does not result in an exception; we just get an error saying that the table in the command does not exist. exec() crashes when it gets to sqlite3VdbeMemGrow in the sqlite3VdbeMemStringify call. We're using a "solid" QSqlQuery object variable in our code, not a pointer to a QSqlQuery object, so it's not like our code is using an uninitialized pointer. We tried the suggestion in this post that references this project's bug tracker and changed our iOS Minimum Deployment setting in Xcode from 11.0 to 13.0, but this didn't resolve the issue. I hypothesized that perhaps the Xcode update prohibits the main thread from doing file access, but after preventing our main thread from doing any accessing of the sqlite file, we still get EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x15b) from a separate thread that tries to access the sqlite file. I hypothesized that perhaps it was a file access permission issue when I saw the app trying to use the sqlite file out of the "Documents" folder /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AAC50B3C-4DCF-4122-B88A-FC631E6BB9A0/Documents. I changed the app to use a different container sub folder but that gave different errors: QIODevice::write (QFile, "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E64A08B4-5F59-433E-9111-D503F190383F/Library/Application Support/ELD/log.txt"): device not open which would be our app's log file. The sqlite commands all give database not open responses. Another thread suggested downgrading Xcode, but we also got the EXC_BAD_ACCESS with Xcode 15.0.1. Thanks for your time!
May ’24
When the TipKit notification appears, the 'present sheet' button will be non-functional. (iPhoneSE Landscape Right)
import SwiftUI import TipKit @main struct TipKit_WithPresentPageApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .task { try? Tips.resetDatastore() try? Tips.configure([ .datastoreLocation(.applicationDefault) ]) } } } } import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var isPresented: Bool = false var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) .popoverTip(MyTip()) .padding(100) Button("Hit Me!") { isPresented.toggle() // When the TipKit notification appears, the 'present sheet' button will be non-functional. (iPhone SE and simulator devices) } .padding() .sheet(isPresented: $isPresented) { PresentPage() } } } } } import SwiftUI struct PresentPage: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello, world again!") .font(.title) } } import TipKit struct MyTip: Tip { var title: Text { Text("Test") } var message: Text? { Text("Hi") } } When the TipKit notification appears, the 'present sheet' button will be non-functional. (iPhoneSE Landscape Right) When using the iPhone SE (Landscape Right) or its simulator (iPhone SE Landscape Right), running iOS 17.2. Whenever the TipKit notification is triggered and displayed on the screen, the 'present sheet' button, which is typically used for presenting a new sheet within the app, becomes non-functional. Device: iPhoneSE iOS 17.2 Does anyone know how to bypass this bug? Thank you.
May ’24
Since the last beta update my Iphone 14 is not reconizing CarPlay
Ever since I received the latest Beta update I have not been able to use CarPlay via a cord to my car (I've tried multiple cords with the same result). It has been working as expected since I bought the car a few years ago. I've tried multiple other Apple phones and they have no issue, so I know it's not my car's software. I have called apple support and they gave me instructions on how to uninstall the Beta software, which has also not been successful. I entered a ticket for this issue on April 22nd, but haven't heard anything back. Anyone have suggestions on how I can get my CarPlay to work? or how to uninstall successfully from the Beta ios?
May ’24
AVCaptureDevice.setExposureModeCustom takes too long ?
Hello, I am working on a fairly complex iPhone app that controls the front built-in wide angle camera. I need to take and display a sequence of photos that cover the whole range of focus value available. Here is how I do it : call setExposureModeCustom to set the first lens position wait for the completionHandler to be called back capture a photo do it again for the next lens position. etc. This works fine, but it takes longer than I expected for the completionHandler to be called back. From what I've seen, the delay scales with the exposure duration. When I set the exposure duration to the max value: on the iPhone 14 Pro, it takes about 3 seconds (3 times the max exposure) on the iPhone 8 1.3s (4 times the max exposure). I was expecting a delay of two times the exposure duration: take a photo, throw one away while changing lens position, take the next photo, etc. but this takes more than that. I also tried the same thing with changing the ISO instead of the focus position and I get the same kind of delays. Also, I do not think the problem is linked to the way I process the images because I get the same delay even if I do nothing with the output. Is there something I could do to make things go faster for this use-case ? Any input would be appreciated, Thanks I created a minimal testing app to reproduce the issue : import Foundation import AVFoundation class Main:NSObject, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate { let dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label:"VideoQueue", qos: .userInitiated) let session:AVCaptureSession let videoDevice:AVCaptureDevice var focus:Float = 0 override init(){ session = AVCaptureSession() session.beginConfiguration() session.sessionPreset = .photo videoDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .back)! super.init() let videoDeviceInput = try! AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: videoDevice) session.addInput(videoDeviceInput) let videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput() if session.canAddOutput(videoDataOutput) { session.addOutput(videoDataOutput) videoDataOutput.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as String: kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA ] videoDataOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: dispatchQueue) } session.commitConfiguration() dispatchQueue.async { self.startSession() } } func startSession(){ session.startRunning() //lock max exposure duration try! videoDevice.lockForConfiguration() let exposure = videoDevice.activeFormat.maxExposureDuration.seconds * 0.5 print("set max exposure", exposure) videoDevice.setExposureModeCustom(duration: CMTime(seconds: exposure, preferredTimescale: 1000), iso: videoDevice.activeFormat.minISO){ time in print("did set max exposure") self.changeFocus() } videoDevice.unlockForConfiguration() } func changeFocus(){ let date = Date.now print("set focus", focus) try! videoDevice.lockForConfiguration() videoDevice.setFocusModeLocked(lensPosition: focus){ time in let dt = abs(date.timeIntervalSinceNow) print("did set focus - took:", dt, "frames:", dt/self.videoDevice.exposureDuration.seconds) self.next() } videoDevice.unlockForConfiguration() } func next(){ focus += 0.02 if focus > 1 { print("done") return } changeFocus() } func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection){ print("did receive video frame") } }
May ’24
Migration from Cocoapods to Swift Package Manager
I have my app already in live before the privacy manifest introduced. Now, I want to migrate from cocoapods to Swift Package Manager. Will this be considered like adding the third party SDKs as new ones or will it be considered existing ones? So far I have not received any emails from Apple regarding the privacy manifest. I do not want any issues with the privacy manifest.
May ’24
App rejected cause it failed to start: "type":"EXC_CRASH","signal":"SIGABRT"
i am attaching crash logs would be really appreciated for any kind of help :) Review Environment Submission ID: f7cb438c-5784-44e7-abcf-4a787c9398ff Review date: April 30, 2024 Version reviewed: 1.0 Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: Device type: iPad Air (5th generation) and iPhone 13 mini OS version: iOS 17.4.1 crashlog-639DEF1C-6DE4-437F-BEFE-E0DA6F31FFD8.txt crashlog-4EC7F1AA-18A9-4057-B1AD-9677FEA6981F.txt
May ’24
App Submission Rejected - Unable to replicate bug
Apple rejected my app store submission (first submission of this app) with the following comment: Issue Description: The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users. Bug description: The app opens to a black display Steps to reproduce bug: Launch app. Review device details: - Device type: iPhone 13 mini - OS version: iOS 17.4.1 Next Steps: Test the app on supported devices to identify and resolve bugs and stability issues before submitting for review. No other details given on specific scenarios. No logs provided. We asked for more info but they refused to help any further. I just so happen to have that exact device (iPhone 13 mini), so I updated it to the iOS version that was giving problems. But no matter what I do, I cannot replicate this bug. I tried via TestFlight and via Xcode, I tried deleting and reinstalling the app, and I tried restarting my phone between installs. I tried launching the app while on airplane mode. I never got this "app opens to a black display" issue. What else can I try to replicate this bug? The app is built with Unity 2021.3.19f1.
May ’24
Apple cloud storage issue after 17.4.1 IOS upgrade
Hello Everyone, This is regarding recent upgrade issue on my iPhone. I am still struggling to get access to my iCloud storage data for iMessages, Notes with password, Health related stats, etc. I would like to explain chronology of the entire event. There was a recent IOS 17.4.1 update came on April 07th, 2024. I clicked on the update but nothing happened then suddenly my phone passcode wasn’t working. I restarted my phone then the phone was not even accepting my face id. I went to the Apple store. Apple support team have requested me to reset (erase entire data) iPhone which I had already done on next day. I had no others options actually. My phone passcode was not working in reality due to iso update because I haven’t changed my passcode since more than a year. It is also not due to iPhone screen issue which apple team was saying to me initially. Unfortunately, my Apple ID credentials wasn’t working after phone reset so I had to put my Apple ID on recovery mode which took almost 15days to recover even though process is automated as per apple support team which they can’t reduce it. I understand that they are doing for privacy reason but who wants such privacy when even owner can’t access his own account for 15days. I offered them to verify my personal details such as email ID, phone number, passport number and any other details which they can use to expedite the process but they didn’t help on this. At end of the recovery (after 15days), they used same details i.e. my email ID and SMS on my registered number to verify. I don’t understand their logic but if they can take 2-3 business working days for same process then it makes sense to wait rather than 15days. After I regained access to my apple id, I have restored everything using my iCloud storage. I observed that few applications such as contacts, WhatsApp, etc. are restored properly but some of the applications such as iMessage, Notes (specifically locked notes), health data were not restored. iMessage are not synchronizing with iCloud storage when I tried to do it manually too in setting >> apple id>> iCloud >> show all >> messages in iCloud >> sync now. Nothing happens after clicking on it. Locked notes are still showing an error message “Can’t view Note. ‘This note can’t be viewed because encryption key wasn’t found in iCloud keychain. Resetting your end-to-end encrypted data can cause this’”. I have never used custom password to lock note instead I was using Face ID earlier to lock or unlock some of notes. All these things are happening because it is asking for old iPhone passcode to connect with iCloud storage while resetting my iPhone. I am trying to enter all the previous passcodes. a. When I entered correct passcode, then there is no error but still applications are not synchronizing with iCloud storage. b. When I enter incorrect passcodes (multiple passcodes but one at a time) then it gives an error “Verification failed”. It means it is detecting correct passcode as per above point. There is some issue with passcode synchronization with iCloud storage. I have opened a case with apple support team but meanwhile If any one of you had faced similar problem, then kindly suggest ways to me so I will regain access to some important personal information which are present in my iCloud storage. I would like to inform everyone that don’t rely completely on single brand or product. Take multiple backups may be on personal laptops, SSDs, etc. I learnt a lesson that even apple products, software & services are not reliable so think before buying costly products just for sake of brand name.
Apr ’24
What's happening to my phone?
The model name of my iPhone is SE3, and the iOS version is 17.3.1. Also, I am using a Samsung laptop with Windows 11. I uploaded photos from my iPhone to my laptop using an 8-pin USB. But the photo folder address is strange. It's written in unknown Chinese. -> f䴀M* This is the file name. It says 0 bytes out of 257TB are available. My iPhone has 6 4GB. Do you know what file that is?
Apr ’24
Camera Permission Changes to Not Allowed. (Black Screen Appears) after updating to iOS 17.4.1
Following the update to iOS 17.4.1, our team has observed a recurring issue across all iPhone browsers within our Virtual Try On web application. Specifically, when users switch between products, there's a disruption in camera permissions (changes to not allowed), resulting in a black screen appearing in the canvas where the live camera stream typically displays. We have noted that several users have reported experiencing the same issue. We kindly request your assistance in addressing this matter. Could you please provide guidance on any potential fixes or workarounds for this issue? Additionally, we would appreciate an estimated timeline for when a resolution might be expected. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and assistance in resolving this issue.
Apr ’24
Runpath Search Path (@rpath) Detected in iOS App Binary in Mobile Security Framework
Hello Geeks, After testing our iOS app using MobSF, the report highlighted that the binary has Runpath Search Path (@rpath) set. In certain cases an attacker can abuse this feature to run arbitrary executable for code execution and privilege escalation.

 The Runpath Search Path directs the dynamic linker to search for dynamic libraries (dylibs) in a specified order of paths, similar to how Unix searches for binaries in $PATH. However, this setup introduces a vulnerability wherein an attacker could place a malicious dylib in one of the initial paths, thereby hijacking the legitimate library sought by the linker.

 Despite attempting to manually strip the binary following instructions from https://inesmartins.github.io/mobsf-ipa-binary-analysis-step-by-step/index.html, the same warnings persist in the report. We urgently seek assistance in resolving this issue and eagerly await your response.
Apr ’24
Problem IOS Photo Permission
I'm encountering a problem on some Iphone models with photo gallery authorization. On some devices, the authorization only displays "add photos" and "None". However, for many devices, most of them have "Full access", "Limited access" and "None" authorizations, which means that you can't access the gallery. Example of device affected by the bug: Iphone 11 IOS 17.3. I tested on an emulator with the same version, but it works with all 3 authorizations. In Info.plist , I have the following information: NSCameraUsageDescription The application wants to have access to your camera to help you add photos to your worksites. NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription The application wants access to your photos to help you add photos to your building sites. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription The application wants access to your photos to help you add photos to your worksites.
Apr ’24