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Develop device drivers that run in user space using DriverKit.

Posts under DriverKit tag

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cannot install CreatingAnAudioDeviceDriver app on ipados 17! Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/
Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/ : 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.) Verify that the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on the device and navigate to General -> VPN & Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.
Oct ’23
Driver(dext) interface maximum data size
Hi All, Is there a limit on the data size of input and output in IOConnectCallStructMethod? I am working with CommunicatingBetweenADriverKitExtensionAndAClientApp. It seems there a buffer size limit in OversizedDataStruct in the sample code. typedef struct { uint64_t foo; uint64_t bar; uint64_t largeArray[511]; } OversizedDataStruct; If I tested by changing 511 to 0x1E00000(30MB), I got below error. Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16f20fff8) I need to get large image data(over 30 MBytes) from driver(dext) to user client application. How can I transfer more than 30MB of data from driver to App with IOConnectCallStructMethod? Or is there any other way without using IOConnectCallStructMethod? Please help.
Oct ’23
Xcode error when trying to sign DriverKit extension
I am trying to sign a DriverKit extension for distribution using a Developer ID provisioning profile, but when I try to import the profile to sign the dext I get the error "Platform: MacOS doesn't match platform DriverKit". We requested the entitlement from Apple a few months ago and according to Apple Support it was approved (though we did not get any email directly from the DriverKit approval process). The App ID we are using appears to have the DriverKit capabilities that we need under "Additional Capabillities". Our process right now is this: Go to Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles Create a new Provisioning Profile and select Developer ID Distribution Select the correct App ID After creating and downloading the profile, import it into Xcode Receive the error "Platform: MacOS does not match DriverKit" According to, there should perhaps be a prompt adding DriverKit to the provisioning profile and not just the identifier, but we do not see this. Has anybody else run into a similar issue and resolved it? I see a similar thread at, but that one is eight months old and doesn't appear to have a solution.
Dec ’23
Subclassing from IOUserUSBSerial
Hey! I'am trying to write my own driver for usb serial device. I'am trying to subclass from IOUserUSBSerial #include <DriverKit/IOService.iig> #include <USBSerialDriverKit/IOUserUSBSerial.iig> class NewDriver: public IOUserUSBSerial { public:     virtual kern_return_t     Start(IOService * provider) override; }; but get a lot of errors such as   "IOUserUSBSerial::handleRxPacket(unsigned char*&, unsigned int&)", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "IOUserUSBSerial::handleInterruptPacket(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "IOUserUSBSerial::free()", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "IOUserUSBSerial::init()", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "IOUserUSBSerial::initWith(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor*)", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "IOUserUSBSerial::_Dispatch(IOUserUSBSerial*, IORPC)", referenced from:       NewDriver::Start_Impl(IOService*) in NewDriver-e6d71af2158103084ce0c1eba7c6088d.o       NewDriver::_Dispatch(NewDriver*, IORPC) in NewDriver.iig.o   "vtable for IOUserSerial", referenced from:       IOUserSerial::IOUserSerial() in NewDriver.iig.o   NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.   "vtable for IOUserUSBSerial", referenced from:       IOUserUSBSerial::IOUserUSBSerial() in NewDriver.iig.o   NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.   "non-virtual thunk to IOUserUSBSerial::free()", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "non-virtual thunk to IOUserUSBSerial::init()", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "non-virtual thunk to IOUserUSBSerial::initWith(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor*)", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "non-virtual thunk to IOUserUSBSerial::handleRxPacket(unsigned char*&, unsigned int&)", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o   "non-virtual thunk to IOUserUSBSerial::handleInterruptPacket(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)", referenced from:       vtable for NewDriver in NewDriver.iig.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 If I making any implementations of this methods errors staying on. What Im doing wrong? Is there anywhere examples for USBSerialDriverKit? Didn't find anything on github
Dec ’23
DriverKit driver doesn't appear in Settings when installed with iPad app
I'm working on a DriverKit driver. I have it running on macOS, including a very simple client app written in SwiftUI. Everything is working fine there. I've added iPadOS as a destination for the app as demonstrated in the WWDC video on DriverKit for iPadOS. The app builds and runs on my iPad, as expected (after a little work to conditionalize out my use of SystemExtensions.framework for installation on macOS). However, after installing and running the app on an iPad, the driver does not show up in Settings->General, nor in the app-specific settings pane triggered by the inclusion of a settings bundle in the app. I've confirmed that the dext is indeed being included in the app bundle when built for iPadOS (in I also can see in the build log that there's a validation step for the dext, and that seems to be succeeding. I don't know why the app isn't being discovered -- or in any case surfaced to the user -- when the app is installed on the iPad. Has anyone faced this problem and solved it? Are there ways to troubleshoot installation/discovery of an embedded DriverKit extensions on iOS? Unlike on macOS, I don't really see any relevant console messages.
Jun ’24
DriverKit versions and corresponding macOS versions
The "deployment target" for a DEXT is a number like 19.0 or 21.4. Xcode seems to pick the latest version on the machine you are creating the target on as a default - so if I make a new Driver target on Xcode 14 and Ventura, the Deployment Target for the driver will be 21.4. If I'm targeting macOS 12 (for example), what version of DriverKit should I choose, and where is this documented?
Sep ’23
System Extension Termination Fails
My application installs a system extension. When I try to remove the app from the Applications folder (cmd + backspace) I get an error message: "The operation can’t be completed right now because another operation is in progress, such as moving or copying an item or emptying the Bin." According to systemextensionsctl the extension state is "terminating for uninstall but still running". I can see an error in the console logs: kernelmanagerd Failed to terminate dext, error: Kernel request failed: (os/kern) invalid address (1) sysextd a category delegate declined to terminate extension with identifier: sysextd failed to terminate extension with identifier: Optional(Error Domain=kernelmanagerd.KMError Code=38 "(null)") Issue occurs with macOS 13 - works fine with macOS 12 and macOS 11 What is the problem here? Have there been any changes in macOS in that regard?
Nov ’23
Xcode 14 signing & capabilities requires a DriverKit development profile
Xcode version : 14.0 Beta 3 macOS version : 13 Beta 3(22A5295i) Hi, I'm signing the DriverKit in Developer ID Application type profile with Developer ID Application (With Kext) type certificate on Xcode. But status shows error with"Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for IOS and macOS.Visit the developer website to create or download a DriverKit profile" I have downloaded all profiles and Certificates to my Mac and installed all of them, then checked the website. I'm wondering what's different between "Development type" &amp; "Developer ID Application type" profile ? and the reason why "2022-07-22 14:41:54.162815+0800 0x22ee2    Error       0x0                  138    0    kernelmanagerd: Error occurred while handling request "DextLaunch(arguments: Optional(["Driver Extension Server Name": com.asix.dext.usbdevice, "Check In Token": 371, "Driver Extension Server Tag": 4294975444, "CFBundleIdentifier": com.asix.dext.usbdevice, "DriverKit Reslide Shared Cache": 0, "kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifier": &lt;222f1e51 f5e890f7 b467c2a0 da761dbd 9b14dc5f 1bf56ff6 4eeab6b2 fed9683c&gt;]))": Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=8 "Exec format error" error code show on when I starting the app. I'll appreciate that someone can give me some idea or suggestions. Thanks a lot.
Nov ’23
PCI dext: scatter-gather DMA to application buffer
Hello, I am porting a PCI driver written with IOKit to the new PCIDriverKit framework. I am able to perform DMA with a contiguous buffer allocated inside the dext (with IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::Create). But I would also like to perform DMA to and from a buffer allocated by an application. What I exactly want to do is: Allocate an aligned buffer in the app (with e.g. posix_memalign) Send the pointer to this buffer to the dext In the dext, retrieve the list of pages descriptors to be able to perform DMA without copy into (or from) this buffer. In IOKit, we can use methods such IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange and IODMACommand::gen64IOVMSegments to map and retrieve the scatter gather list but I cannot find any information on how to do this in a dext with the PCIDriverKit framework. Can anybody help me on how to do that?
Oct ’23