Create ML

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Create machine learning models for use in your app using Create ML.

Posts under Create ML tag

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CreateML Object Tracking doesn't enable Train button
I tried to train on some of my USDZs. For some the CreateML viewport shows the object's dimensions and enables the Train button. Many others, including the official USDZ for the iPhone 15Pro (iphone_15_pro_blue_titanium_5G.usdz) do not show the dimensions and keep [Train] disabled. What do I have to author inside the USDZ to make it work? There are no lights or cameras in the asset file, as recommended in the release notes. Also no animations.
Jul ’24
Object Tracking Training: Objects to avoid
I'm working on training an object tracking model in CreateML for visionOS that has fan blades on it and looking to try to train while ignoring a section of the geometry. When I train currently, it can detect the object if the fan blades are in the same orientation as when scanned but if they move it struggles. I see there is an "objects to avoid" data source that can be added but upon reading the description, I don't think it does what I'm needing but I could be wrong. Is there anyway to have the training ignore a part of the geometry that has a significant effect on the silhouette of the object?
Jul ’24
Create ML "Unexpected Error" During Hand Action Classification Training
I have created a Hand Action Classification project following the guidelines which causes the Create ML tool to provide the very cryptic "Unexpected Error". The feature extraction phase is fine, with the error occurring during model training after the tool reports completion of the first five training iterations as it moves on to report the next ten. The project is small with 3 training classes and 346 items I have tried to vary the frame rate and action duration, with all augmentations unset, but the error still persists. Can you please confirm how I may get further error diagnostic information so that I can determine why Create ML is unable to work with my training data? Mac OS is Sonoma 14.5 on an iMac 24-inch, M1, 2021. Create ML is Version 5.0 (121.4)
Jun ’24
Trouble with Core ML Object Tracking for Spherical Objects Using WWDC Sample Code and Object Capture
Hi everyone, I'm working with Core ML for object tracking and have successfully trained a couple of models. However, when I try to use the reference object file in the object tracking sample code from the WWDC video, it doesn't work. I'm training the model on a single-color plastic spherical object. Could this be the reason for the issue? I also attempted to use USDZ 3D assets that resemble the real object. Do these need to be trained with the Object Capture app to work properly? Speaking of the Object Capture app, my experience hasn't been great. When I scanned my spherical object, the result was far from a sphere—it looked more like a mushy dough. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Jul ’24
Object Tracking with RealtyView
When I wanted to call the Reality Composer Pro scene containing Object Tracking, I tried the following code: RealityView { content in if let model = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(model) } } Obviously, this is wrong. We need to add some configurations that can enable Object Tracking to Reality View. What do we need to add? Note:I have seen, but I don't know much about it.
Sep ’24
In the WWDC24 What’s New In Create ML at 6:03 the presenter introduced TimeSeriesClassifier as a new component of Create ML Components. Where are documentation and code examples for this feature? My app captures accelerometer time series data that I want to classify. Thank you so much!
Oct ’24
Object Tracking with Rotation of Objects
Hey, In the "Explore object tracking for visionOS" session we explore how a Globe can be tracked, and objects can be anchored to various positions. My question is if the physical Globe is rotated, will the anchored objects also respond to this in real-time? I would like to overlap a virtual map on top of a physical globe, so when the user rotates the physical globe, the virtual map also seamlessly responds. Is this possible using Object Tracking? Thanks
Jun ’24
WWDC24 - What's New in Create ML - Time Series Forecasting
The What’s New in Create ML session in WWDC24 went into great depth with time-series forecasting models (beginning at: 15:14) and mentioned these new models, capabilities, and tools for iOS 18. So, far, all I can find is API documentation. I don’t see any other session in WWDC24 covering these new time-series forecasting Create ML features. Is there more substance/documentation on how to use these with Create ML? Maybe I am looking in the wrong place but I am fairly new with ML. Are there any food truck / donut shop demo/sample code like in the video? It is of great interest to get ahead of the curve on this within business applications that may take advantage of this with inventory / ordering data.
Dec ’24
"accelerate everyday tasks" in apps without intents?
From Powered by Apple Intelligence, Siri becomes more deeply integrated into the system experience. With richer language-understanding capabilities, Siri is more natural, more contextually relevant, and more personal, with the ability to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. From Siri is more natural, more personal, and more deeply integrated into the system. Apple Intelligence provides Siri with enhanced action capabilities, and developers can take advantage of pre-defined and pre-trained App Intents across a range of domains to not only give Siri the ability to take actions in your app, but to make your app’s actions more discoverable in places like Spotlight, the Shortcuts app, Control Center, and more. SiriKit adopters will benefit from Siri’s enhanced conversational capabilities with no additional work. And with App Entities, Siri can understand content from your app and provide users with information from your app from anywhere in the system. Based on this, as well as the video at , my understanding is that in order for Siri to be able to execute tasks in applications, those applications must implement the Siri Intents API. Can someone at Apple please clarify: will it be possible for Siri or some other aspect of Apple Intelligence / Core ML / Create ML to take actions in applications which do not support these APIs (e.g. web apps, Citrix apps, legacy apps)? Thank you!
Jun ’24
Hundreds of AI models mining and indexing data on MAC OS.
Hi, this is the 3rd time I'm trying to post this on the forum, apple moderators ignoring it. I'm a deep learning expert with a specialization of image processing. I want to know why I have hundreds of AI models on my Mac that are indexing everything on my computer while it is idle, using programs like neuralhash that I can't find any information about. I can understand if they are being used to enhance the user experience on Spotlight, Siri, Photos, and other applications, but I couldn't find the necessary information on the web. Usually, (spyware) software like this uses them to classify files in an X/Y coordinate system. This feels like a more advanced version of stuxnet. find / -type f -name "*.weights" > ai_models.txt find / -type f -name "*labels*.txt" > ai_model_labels.txt Some of the classes from the files; file_name: SCL_v0.3.1_9c7zcipfrc_558001-labels-v3.txt document_boarding_pass document_check_or_checkbook document_currency_or_bill document_driving_license document_office_badge document_passport document_receipt document_social_security_number hier_curation hier_document hier_negative curation_meme file_name: SceneNet5_detection_labels-v8d.txt CVML_UNKNOWN_999999 aircraft automobile bicycle bird bottle bus canine consumer_electronics feline fruit furniture headgear kite fish computer_monitor motorcycle musical_instrument document people food sign watersport train ungulates watercraft flower appliance sports_equipment tool
Jun ’24
CreateML hyperparameters
Hi, I try to create some machine learning model for each stock in S&P500 index. When creating the model(Boosted tree model) I try to make it more successfully by doing hyper parameters using GridSearchCV. It takes so long to create one model so I don't want to think of creating all stocks models. I tried to work with CreateML and swift but it looks like it takes longer to run than sklearn on python. My question is how can I make the process faster? is there any hyper parameters on CreateML on swift (I couldn't find it at docs) and how can I run this code on my GPU? (should be much faster).
May ’24
MLUpdateTask returning no model
Hello, I have created a Neural Network → K Nearest Neighbors Classifier with python. # followed by k-Nearest Neighbors for classification. import coremltools import coremltools.proto.FeatureTypes_pb2 as ft from coremltools.models.nearest_neighbors import KNearestNeighborsClassifierBuilder import copy # Take the SqueezeNet feature extractor from the Turi Create model. base_model = coremltools.models.MLModel("SqueezeNet.mlmodel") base_spec = base_model._spec layers = copy.deepcopy(base_spec.neuralNetworkClassifier.layers) # Delete the softmax and innerProduct layers. The new last layer is # a "flatten" layer that outputs a 1000-element vector. del layers[-1] del layers[-1] preprocessing = base_spec.neuralNetworkClassifier.preprocessing # The Turi Create model is a classifier, which is treated as a special # model type in Core ML. But we need a general-purpose neural network. del base_spec.neuralNetworkClassifier.layers[:] base_spec.neuralNetwork.layers.extend(layers) # Also copy over the image preprocessing options. base_spec.neuralNetwork.preprocessing.extend(preprocessing) # Remove other classifier stuff. base_spec.description.ClearField("metadata") base_spec.description.ClearField("predictedFeatureName") base_spec.description.ClearField("predictedProbabilitiesName") # Remove the old classifier outputs. del base_spec.description.output[:] # Add a new output for the feature vector. output = base_spec.description.output.add() = "features" output.type.multiArrayType.shape.append(1000) output.type.multiArrayType.dataType = ft.ArrayFeatureType.FLOAT32 # Connect the last layer to this new output. base_spec.neuralNetwork.layers[-1].output[0] = "features" # Create the k-NN model. knn_builder = KNearestNeighborsClassifierBuilder(input_name="features", output_name="label", number_of_dimensions=1000, default_class_label="???", number_of_neighbors=3, weighting_scheme="inverse_distance", index_type="linear") knn_spec = knn_builder.spec knn_spec.description.input[0].shortDescription = "Input vector" knn_spec.description.output[0].shortDescription = "Predicted label" knn_spec.description.output[1].shortDescription = "Probabilities for each possible label" knn_builder.set_number_of_neighbors_with_bounds(3, allowed_range=(1, 10)) # Use the same name as in the neural network models, so that we # can use the same code for evaluating both types of model. knn_spec.description.predictedProbabilitiesName = "labelProbability" knn_spec.description.output[1].name = knn_spec.description.predictedProbabilitiesName # Put it all together into a pipeline. pipeline_spec = coremltools.proto.Model_pb2.Model() pipeline_spec.specificationVersion = coremltools._MINIMUM_UPDATABLE_SPEC_VERSION pipeline_spec.isUpdatable = True pipeline_spec.description.input.extend(base_spec.description.input[:]) pipeline_spec.description.output.extend(knn_spec.description.output[:]) pipeline_spec.description.predictedFeatureName = knn_spec.description.predictedFeatureName pipeline_spec.description.predictedProbabilitiesName = knn_spec.description.predictedProbabilitiesName # Add inputs for training. pipeline_spec.description.trainingInput.extend([base_spec.description.input[0]]) pipeline_spec.description.trainingInput[0].shortDescription = "Example image" pipeline_spec.description.trainingInput.extend([knn_spec.description.trainingInput[1]]) pipeline_spec.description.trainingInput[1].shortDescription = "True label" pipeline_spec.pipelineClassifier.pipeline.models.add().CopyFrom(base_spec) pipeline_spec.pipelineClassifier.pipeline.models.add().CopyFrom(knn_spec) pipeline_spec.pipelineClassifier.pipeline.names.extend(["FeatureExtractor", "kNNClassifier"]) coremltools.utils.save_spec(pipeline_spec, "../Models/FaceDetection.mlmodel") it is from the following tutorial: It Works and I were am to include it into my project: I want to train the model via the MLUpdateTask: ar batchInputs: [MLFeatureProvider] = [] let imageconstraint = (model.model.modelDescription.inputDescriptionsByName["image"]?.imageConstraint) let imageOptions: [MLFeatureValue.ImageOption: Any] = [ .cropAndScale: VNImageCropAndScaleOption.scaleFill.rawValue] var featureProviders = [MLFeatureProvider]() //URLS where images are stored let trainingData = ImageManager.getImagesAndLabel() for data in trainingData{ let label = data.key for imgURL in data.value{ let featureValue = try MLFeatureValue(imageAt: imgURL, constraint: imageconstraint!, options: imageOptions) if let pixelBuffer = featureValue.imageBufferValue{ let featureProvider = FaceDetectionTrainingInput(image: pixelBuffer, label: label) batchInputs.append(featureProvider)}} let trainingData = MLArrayBatchProvider(array: batchInputs) When calling the MLUpdateTask as follows, the context.model from completionHandler is null. Unfortunately there is no other Information available from the compiler. do{ debugPrint(context) try context.model.write(to: ModelManager.targetURL) } catch{ debugPrint("Error saving the model \(error)") } }) updateTask.resume() I get the following error when I want to access the context.model: Thread 5: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0) Can some1 more experienced tell me how to fix this? It seems like I am missing some parameters? I am currently not splitting the Data when training into train and test data. only preprocessing im doing is scaling the image down to 227x227 pixels. Thanks!
Apr ’24
CreateML Preview Tab Miscalculating Sample Duration
I'm training an activity classifier with CreateML and when I add samples to the Preview tab, the length of the sample it displays does not match its actual length. I have set prediction window size to 15 and sample rate to 10. The activity is roughly 1.5 seconds. When I put a 1.49 second sample into preview, it says it is 00:00.06 seconds: and when I put a 12.91 second sample into preview, it says it is 00:00.52 seconds: Here is the code I am using to print out sensor data in csv format: if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable { motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1 motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: .main) { data, error in guard let data = data, let startTime = self.startTime else { return } let timestamp = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime) let xAcc = data.userAcceleration.x let yAcc = data.userAcceleration.y let zAcc = data.userAcceleration.z let xRotRate = data.rotationRate.x let yRotRate = data.rotationRate.y let zRotRate = data.rotationRate.z let roll = data.attitude.roll let pitch = data.attitude.pitch let yaw = data.attitude.yaw let row = "\(timestamp),\(xAcc),\(yAcc),\(zAcc),\(xRotRate),\(yRotRate),\(zRotRate),\(roll),\(pitch),\(yaw)" print(row) } } And here is the data for the 1.49 second sample mentioned above:
Apr ’24
Add new Labels to MLImageClassifier of existing Checkpoint/Session
Hey, i just created and trained an MLImageClassifier via the MLImageclassifier.train() method ( For my Trainingdata (MLImageclassifier.DataSource) i am using my directoy structure, so i got an images folder with subfolders of person1, person2, person3 etc. which contain images of the labeled persons ( I am saving the checkpoints and sessions in my appdirectory, so i can create an MLIMageClassifier from an exisiting MLSession and/or MLCheckpoint. My question is: is there any way to add new labels, optimally from my directoy strucutre, to an MLImageClassifier which i create from an existing MLCheckpoint/MLSession? So like adding a person4 and training my pretrained Classifier with only that person4. Or is it simply not possible and i have to train from the beginning everytime i want to add a new label? Unfortunately i cannot find anything in the API. Thanks!
Apr ’24
No Metrics available in MLJob
Hey, im training an MLImageClassifier via the train()-method: guard let job = try? MLImageClassifier.train(trainingData: trainingData, parameters: modelParameter, sessionParameters: sessionParameters) else{ debugPrint("Training failed") return } Unfortunately the metrics of my MLProgress, which is created from the returning MLJob while training are empty. Code for listening on Progress: job.progress.publisher(for: \.fractionCompleted) .sink{[weak job] fractionCompleted in guard let job = job else { debugPrint("failure in creating job") return } guard let progress = MLProgress(progress: job.progress) else { debugPrint("failure in creating progress") return } print("ProgressPROGRESS: \(progress)") print("Progress: \(fractionCompleted)") } .store(in: &subscriptions) Printing the Progress ends in: MLProgress(elapsedTime: 2.2328420877456665, phase: CreateML.MLPhase.extractingFeatures, itemCount: 32, totalItemCount: Optional(39), metrics: [:]) Got the Same result when listening to MLCheckpoints, Metrics are empty aswell: MLCheckpoint(url: URLPATH.checkpoint, phase: CreateML.MLPhase.extractingFeatures, iteration: 32, date: 2024-04-18 11:21:18 +0000, metrics: [:]) Can some1 tell me how I can access the metrics while training? Thanks!
Apr ’24
What is the maximum data processing speed?
For example: we use DocKit for birdwatching, so we have an unknown field distance and direction. Distance = ? Direction = ? For example, the rock from which the observation is made. The task is to recognize the number of birds caught in the frame, add a detection frame and collect statistics. Question: What is the maximum number of frames processed with custom object recognition? If not enough, can I do the calculations myself and transfer to DokKit for fast movement?
Apr ’24