Apple Watch

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RAW IMU Data stops logging on wrist down
Hello, I'm having a problem on my watchOS app where even though I have instantiated a WKExtendedRuntimeSession the app stops logging IMU data a few seconds after the watch has gone to sleep. This happens on my Apple Watch Series 6, but does not happen on the latest Apple Watch Series 8. CPU usage in both cases does not exceed 70%, so I doubt my app is exceeding the limits thus cancelling the WKExtendedRuntimeSession. To back that up, I am not getting the WKExtendedRuntimeSessionInvalidationReason trigger I was suggested to put in place form the documentation. I have tested a couple of different sample rates, this does not seem to happen with a sample rate as low as 1, but does happen already with a sample rate of 30. Could it be a watch limitation, or am I forgetting something? P.S. I have also set the background mode to physical therapy and ticket the workout processing box.
Jun ’23
How to wake to the last activity on apple watch
Hi there, I'm trying to figure out how to make my app always on top when waking the apple watch, just like the native Workout app does. I've noticed the official guidance for users to enable this behavior, but how can I introduce it into my own app? Any answers will be appreciated! Reference to apple support: -> Wake to your last activity
Jun ’23
Developer Mode on Apple Watch always 'disabled'
Hi to all, I'm new to WatchOS development and trying to install the default Xcode 'Hello World' app on my Apple Watch Ultra. I've enabled Developer Mode on my iPhone and did the same on my Apple Watch. After enabling Developer Mode on the watch it asks me to restart the watch. After a restart it asks me again if I want to enable Developer Mode. Of course! I don't succeed in installing the app on my watch because Xcode is "waiting for first unlock" of my watch. When I look in Settings > Privacy > Developer Mode the toggle switch is disabled. I can enable the switch but the watch asks me to restart and this is the loop I'm in. Anybody suggestions for 'permanently enabling' Developer Mode on my Apple Watch? Thanks in advance!
Sep ’23
Getting Raw Gyroscope Events not working in WatchOS 9.1
I was following the below documentation for getting the Raw Gyroscope events. Somehow I am unable to make the below code working. if motion.isGyroAvailable { self.motion.gyroUpdateInterval = 1.0 / 60.0 self.motion.startGyroUpdates() // Configure a timer to fetch the accelerometer data. self.acceTimer = Timer(fire: Date(), interval: (1.0/60.0), repeats: true, block: { (timer) in // Get the gyro data. if let data = self.motion.gyroData { let x = data.rotationRate.x let y = data.rotationRate.y let z = data.rotationRate.z // Use the gyroscope data in your app. print("rotationX: \(x) , rotationY: \(y) , rotationZ: \(z)") } }) // Add the timer to the current run loop. RunLoop.current.add(self.acceTimer!, forMode: .default) } The isGyroAvailable always returns false Dev environment - Xcode 14.1, Apple Watch 8, WatchOS 9.1
Oct ’23
Apple Watch (waiting for first unlock) in Xcode
I'm continuously getting this message in Xcode and I can't run my app on my Apple Watch. I'm running the latest versions of everything. I have tried to restart my Mac, my iPhone, my Watch. I tried to unpair and pair it back. Nothing is working. I also updated Xcode to 14.0.1 RC and that didn't help. How can I get this working? We're unable to do any work on our Watch App without this working. Thanks
Jun ’23
Critical Alerts suppressed by Apple Watch
When an iPhone is paired with an Apple Watch and receives a critical alert, no sound is played. This makes it very easy to miss such notifications and defeats entirely the purpose of critical alerts. For context, we build an app that improves the care coordination of heart attacks. We send critical alerts to notify healthcare professionals of such emergencies. These events may occur at night, when the user does not wear the Watch, and will therefore be likely to miss the notification entirely, which can be catastrophic. I have searched online thoroughly for work-arounds but have not found anything. Others have asked this before elsewhere but have not found definitive answers: link. Is there anything we can do as developers to force critical alerts to be handled by the phone, or at least to force the phone to ring when receiving a critical alert? Edit: I am aware that in the Watch app, it is possible to prevent notifications from being mirrored by the Watch. However, this requires the end user to exit my app and navigate their settings. It is also impossible for my app to check if this was done correctly. As such, I am completely in the blind as to whether the user has set up their notifications correctly.
Aug ’23
iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development
Since I upgraded to iOS 15, watchOS 8 and Xcode 13, after I turned off and on my Mac, every first time I want to launch an app from Xcode to my iPhone appear this message (even if I'm not developing for watchOS): iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development The Mac stays stuck on it for at least 20 minutes. The only solution I found (until now) is to switch off WiFi on my Watch. Is there a better solution?
Oct ’23
Fall Detection Entitlement Request
When I run watch app I got crash because I am using CMFallDetectionManager but I have added key in .plist Fall Detection Usage Description , when I run the watch app I got this error Fall Detection entitlement is required for this API so I read the documentation it says To apply for the entitlement, see Fall Detection Entitlement Request but when I click on the clink Fall Detection Entitlement Request I got this message The Apple ID you signed in with does not have permission to view this page.
Aug ’23
Minimum deployment Version for older WatchOSs and newer iOSs.
If a "Minimum Deployment Target" is updated to WatchOS7 on a product(iOS app with a companion watch app) that is already available on the App Store, watches running WatchOS6 will obviously no longer get updates. However, what is the experience for a user who has a WatchOS6 (maybe they own a Series 2) connected to an iPhone with iOS14? Will both the iPhone app and the Watch app stop getting updates? Will the Watch app stop getting updates, but the iPhone app continue receiving them and we have to manage this? Something else? Thanks in advance!
Oct ’23
Independent Apple Watch app can't connect to Internet.
My device is Apple Watch Series 5. It only support wifi. When I was debug in real machine. It can't connect to internet. The app is independent. But the system app can connect to internet. Why? Why? Why? And How to solve. code : let session = URLSession.shared     let task: URLSessionDataTask = session.dataTask(with: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)) { [self] (data, response, error) in       if data == nil {                   print(error.debugDescription)       }     }     task.resume() error message : Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo={_NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <FD086BDC-3051-469F-9280-0054CC8F0488>.<1>, NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline., _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(   "LocalDataTask <FD086BDC-3051-469F-9280-0054CC8F0488>.<1>",   "LocalDataPDTask <FD086BDC-3051-469F-9280-0054CC8F0488>.<1>",   "LocalDataTask <FD086BDC-3051-469F-9280-0054CC8F0488>.<1>" ), NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, NSErrorFailingURLKey=})
Jun ’23