




Reply to OS X and iOS app with the same name?
Did you ever resolve this issue? If so, how? I also see other apps that have the same exact name on iOS and Mac App Stores, even though they are separate purchases. But when I try to rename my iOS app to match the macOS version, I get the error: Name did not save because the app name you entered is already being used for another app in your account. If you would like to use the name for this app you will need to submit an update to your other app to change the name, or remove it from App Store Connect. Thanks.
Jun ’22
Reply to TabularData Framework: crash on opening CSV file
I created a bug report: FB10035567 Even for a developer tool, I wouldn't expect it to crash an app just because it detected a duplicate column name. The framework already throws all sorts of parsing errors, for e.g. if you specify a 'date' column and it can't parse the input in the cell, it'll throw a failedToParse error. You can see CSVReadingError for more details.
Jun ’22
Reply to TabularData Framework: crash on opening CSV file
Thanks! Yes, I was able to replicate the issue with a CSV file with duplicate column names, as well as with a CSV file with some extra empty columns. I guess the next question is how to best handle this situation, since this happen when I just load the CSV file into the TabularData framework and it just crashes the app. I'm not sure how to 'prepare' the file before loading it, to check for duplicate columns or extra columns etc. Because that would, y'know, require a CSV parsing framework like TabularData! I would actually assume that theTabularData framework would be able to handle these situations, and return an error instead of crashing completely. Is there any other error handling I can do to avoid the crash?
Jun ’22
Reply to NSApplication's openURLs delegate method not getting called
Soon after typing this out, I found the culprit! The Mac app was using the Dropbox v2 SDK, which requires the app to register for Apple 'events', using this: [[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] setEventHandler:self                                                        andSelector:@selector(handleAppleEvent:withReplyEvent:)                                                      forEventClass:kInternetEventClass                                                         andEventID:kAEGetURL]; With this handler in place, the actual NSApplication "application openURLs" method doesn't get called. Removing this 'event handler' gets it working again (or can handler the event in this 'handleAppleEvent' method, like this: - (void)handleAppleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)replyEvent {     NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[[event paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue]]; } Just putting it out there in case someone is stuck on this in the future.
Mar ’22
Reply to StoreKit2 to validate purchase of paid-app
This is what the documentation says about Transaction.all: This sequence returns the user’s transaction history current to the moment you access the sequence. The sequence emits a finite number of transactions. If the App Store processes new transactions for the user while you’re accessing this sequence, the new transactions appear in the transaction listener, updates. The transaction history doesn’t include finished consumable products or finished non-renewing subscriptions, repurchased non-consumable products or subscriptions, or restored purchases. Even after reading this, I'm not 100% sure if paid apps transactions should show up in the transaction history or not.
Mar ’22
Reply to macOS: Detect Link URL from WidgetKit extension
Ok, so it seems like the the right delegate method is: - (void)application: (NSApplication *)application openURLs:(nonnull NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls But unfortunately this doesn't get called at all. The 'Link' from the widget will open the app, but not call this method, so I can't figure out which URL was tapped. I have configured the Info.plist to the link URL in CFBundleURLTypes as well.
Nov ’21
Reply to Intents not showing up in Shortcuts app
So far, I've downloaded the SoupChef example and it works fine ... though it's a Catalyst app, so different than what I'm doing. And now I tried to create an Intents Extension to try that out, and I can't get past provisioning profile issues. Even set to "automatic provisioning" (like the main app target is), it complains with this error: Provisioning profile "Mac Team Provisioning Profile: com.test.MacSiriExtension" doesn't include the aps-environment and entitlements. When I look in the Xcode target "Signing & Capabilities" tab, it doesn't really list any option for adding "Siri" like it does in the iOS app target. This is using Xcode 13.1, running on macOS Monterey RC. I've checked both the app target and the extension target. I've also gone to the developer portal, and in the app's Identifier, manually added "SiriKit" to the target (though the popup says "Platform Support: tvOS, iOS, watchOS") and doesn't list macOS here. Could it be that manually adding SiriKit to a Mac app isn't possible right now?
Oct ’21