




App rejected due to Guideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable
Hi! I'm trying to upload a new app, featuring a desktop console videogames catalogue where users can search, compare reviews & pricing, plus watching videos / screenshots and full detail of each videogame. The apple review team rejected it claiming that: We noticed your app displays apps other than your own for purchase or promotion in a manner similar to the App Store. Please note that features such as filtering, bookmarking, searching, or sharing recommendations are not considered to be significantly different from the App Store. However, my app has nothing to do with app store nor the apps that appear on it, but as said, it helps to search & find desktop console videogames. Any piece of advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Mar ’24
How to show immersive picture behind current window in visionOS?
Following this thread I'm able to render a simple picture in a Plane material, however, I'm unable to scale it to show bigger than the window itself, or move it behind the window. Here's my relevant code so far.- var body: some View { ZStack { RealityView { content in var material = UnlitMaterial() material.color = try! .init(tint: .white, texture: .init(.load(named: "image", in: nil))) let entity = Entity() let component = ModelComponent( mesh: .generatePlane(width: 1, height: 1), materials: [material] ) entity.components.set(component) let currentTransform = entity.transform var newTransform = Transform(scale: currentTransform.scale, rotation: currentTransform.rotation, translation: SIMD3(0, 0, -0.2)) entity.move(to: newTransform, relativeTo: nil) /* let scalingPivot = Entity() scalingPivot.position.y = entity.visualBounds(relativeTo: nil).center.y scalingPivot.addChild(entity) content.add(scalingPivot) scalingPivot.scale *= .init(x: 1, y: 1, z: 1) */ } } } It belongs to an ImmersiveSpace I'm opening directly from my main window, but I have several issues: The texture shows always in front of the window I'm unable to scale it (scaling seems to affect to the texture coordinates inside the material instead of scaling the mesh itself) I can only see the texture in the canvas preview (not in simulator)
Feb ’24
VisionOS TabView preview Crash
Preview crashes when adding any TabView, while it renders fine when running, is this a bug or is there something I'm missing? TabView(selection: $selection) { Text("Tab 1") .tabItem { Label("Featured", systemImage: "star") } .tag(Tab.featured) Text("Tab 2") .tabItem { Label("List", systemImage: "list.bullet") } .tag(Tab.list) }
Jun ’23
Invalid Binary without description
Hello, We are trying to push a new version of the app and we receive an email indicating that the status changes to "Invalid Binary", but not we received no additional information as to what the error is. It is impossible that we can blindly solve the problem, we would need something more information. We have tried to send several versions commenting some of the new code, reviewing things from the info.plist but it always gives us that error without no explanation. Can anyone help me how can we know what the problem is? I copy the email we received:  App Store Connect  Dear XXXXX|XXXXX, The status of your app has changed to Invalid Binary.  App Name: XXXX  App Version Number: 4.10.19  App SKU: XXXXX  App Apple ID: XXXXX  To make changes to this app, go to your apps's page in My Apps in App  Store Connect.  If you have any questions, contact us.  Best regards,  The App Store Team Thanks in advance
Dec ’22