




Comment on App rejection for use of alternate icons
Thanks! You have to admit what you both said was speculative at best though. No one knew exactly how I had violated the guidelines for sure. That said, your reply did help me move forward. I was going post a screen recording in the review thread like you suggested but then I saw a note in the review reply box that said to appeal if I disagreed instead of replying and so I did that and got the call which was very helpful. Again, my takeaway is to ask to speak to someone when in doubt.
May ’24
Comment on App rejection for use of alternate icons
That just sounds wrong and sounds like bullying which I do not like. If a review can show me that I've violated a guideline, I will make changes to follow that guideline. BUT I will not be bullied into changing my UX on the reviewer's whim. And nobody should encourage this behaviour. Edit: To add, a reviewer once asked to remove a sandbox privilege my app needed to function and I had to point it out. You can't always just do what they ask you to do no questions asked.
May ’24
Comment on App rejection for use of alternate icons
Yes, by “general app settings” I mean my app’s settings bundle. And yes, I call UIApplication.shared.setAlternateIconName when the user returns to the app. Duolingo literally does the same when you start a paid subscription and when your subscription ends. The icon is only updated when you launch Duolingo THEN you get the pop up ( same as in my app). The guideline also doesn't say anything about calling setAlternateIconName after the app resumes being bad.
May ’24
Comment on iOS simulator triggers lots of "*** quit unexpectedly" alerts
UPDATE: I stopped getting this when I moved the Toolbars I had put in separate files back into their parent view struct. I was getting this warning in the console: "Unsupported layout off the main thread for SwiftUI.UIKitToolbar with nearest ancestor view controller, SwiftUI.UIKitNavigationController" so I figured it was something to do with Toolbars but I had no idea what exactly. I had also tried using @MainActor in the Toolbar files but I just kept getting the same warning and crashes.
Apr ’24