We have Homekit enabled Airplay2 supported accessory. We are using below Homekit SDK method in our app to add/pair Airplay2 accessory with the mobile device.
open func addAndSetupAccessories(with payload: HMAccessorySetupPayload, completionHandler completion: @escaping ([HMAccessory]?, Error?) -> Void)
In IOS 15 developer beta, after adding the Airplay2 speaker accessory we are receiving HMErrorDomain error with error code: -1 and description: 'unexpected error' from Homekit SDK.
This issue doesn't observe in IOS 14 or the previous OS versions.
We are using the Homekit framework in our application and we are facing a strange issue.
As per the below Apple documentation HMHomeManagerDelegate protocol provide updates regarding home changes made outside the application.
In our case, we are receiving a delayed response from HMHomeManagerDelegate even though the home add/remove operation is performed from the same app and not from the outside. Please find below the steps.
Launch the app and delete 'ABC' Home
log out from the app and close the app.
Relaunch and login to the app
Create the home 'ABC'
HMHomeManagerDelegate:didAddHome reports 'ABC' home created
HMHomeManagerDelegate:didRemoveHome reports 'ABC' home deleted
We have an application that is in the App store. when I download the app from the App Store on my iPad Pro(11-inch, 3rd Gen), the app is crashing at the app launch. Rebooting the iPad or re-installing does not seem to fix the issue.
I never had issues in the debug mode or in my other devices that I test with. I can not replicate the issue in either the iPhone simulator or in my other test devices.
Any ideas on how I should debug this? Any information that can be extracted from the crash log below?
Crash logs - https://developer.apple.com/forums/content/attachment/ebaf8225-91eb-457e-8bce-86ea0cfafbad
We are working with BLE based HomeKit accessory which supports Homekit specification R7. For WiFi provisioning, we are using the native legacy WAC process.
In our iOS application, we are using the "configureAccessory" method of the ExternalAccessoryFramework for triggering the WAC process after HomeKit BLE pairing. Here is the Apple documentation of this method [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/externalaccessory/eawifiunconfiguredaccessorybrowser/1613907-configureaccessory]
Until iOS version 14.1, the above method is working fine. However, in the 14.2 Beta4 version, this method doesn't invoke the Airport setup UI for the WAC configuration process.
We are planning to change the Homekit certified device name where there is user visibility for rebranding purposes. Currently, we are using the below mDNS services with a given parameter where the brand name is used.
For example- the brand name is "AAAA" MFI Service (mfi-config.tcp)
hostname: AAAA-xxxx.local
2. HAP Service (hap.tcp)
hostname: AAAA-xxxx.local
3. Airplay Service (airplay.tcp)
Protocol: AAAA XXXX
Model: AAAA *** xxxx
If we change the brand name ("AAAA"), do we need Homekit and Airplay2 re-certification for the device?