We are working with BLE based HomeKit accessory which supports Homekit specification R7. For WiFi provisioning, we are using the native legacy WAC process.
In our iOS application, we are using the "configureAccessory" method of the ExternalAccessoryFramework for triggering the WAC process after HomeKit BLE pairing. Here is the Apple documentation of this method [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/externalaccessory/eawifiunconfiguredaccessorybrowser/1613907-configureaccessory]
Until iOS version 14.1, the above method is working fine. However, in the 14.2 Beta4 version, this method doesn't invoke the Airport setup UI for the WAC configuration process.
In our iOS application, we are using the "configureAccessory" method of the ExternalAccessoryFramework for triggering the WAC process after HomeKit BLE pairing. Here is the Apple documentation of this method [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/externalaccessory/eawifiunconfiguredaccessorybrowser/1613907-configureaccessory]
Until iOS version 14.1, the above method is working fine. However, in the 14.2 Beta4 version, this method doesn't invoke the Airport setup UI for the WAC configuration process.