




Reply to App Intents don't show on device, while they do in the simulator
I figured it out. Just wish I had looked into the build log in the first place... I guess it didn't have much to do the with Watch target, just the code I copy pasted. Anyways, it seems appintentsmetadataprocessor failed because of a custom type I had created. 2023-04-12 17:07:44.429 appintentsmetadataprocessor[74428:4172175] warning: At least one halting error produced during export. No AppIntents metadata have been exported and this target is not usable with AppIntents until errors are resolved. 2023-04-12 17:07:44.429 appintentsmetadataprocessor[74428:4172175] warning: 'typeDisplayRepresentation' must directly instantiate a 'TypeDisplayRepresentation' This works: static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Prüfung") This doesn't: static var typeDisplayRepresentation : TypeDisplayRepresentation = .init(name: "Prüfung") Yeah
Apr ’23
Reply to App Intents don't show on device, while they do in the simulator
I tried again yesterday and it wouldn't even turn up in the simulator anymore. Later I managed to check out a much earlier version, implement a simple test intent there and have it show up in the Shortcuts app (slightly earlier commits had the same problem). Going back to my current working state and pasting the same test intent there, it suddenly worked as expected again. Now I tried figuring out, what made the behavior occur in the first place and replicated my steps from the first time around: It happens right after trying to add AppIntents on the WatchOS target. They won't show up there and those on the iOS side will stick around for a while, even if all AppIntents code is completely removed. New intents added on the iOS side won't show up at all. A while later the zombified intents disappear as well, leaving the state I described in my initial post (intents I saw on the simulator there, were from before I had tried adding some on WatchOS). All subsequent builds have this problem. I tried deleting DerivedData, Caches, switching around Xcode versions. Nothing works. Now even going to my early commit and back again does nothing. Guess I'll just have to wait? Somebody, please help :(
Apr ’23