I also have the same problem, refer to this post
Below is the minimal reproducible code:
var parametersDictionary = [SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier: "***"]
let store = SKStoreProductViewController()
store.delegate = self
store.loadProduct(withParameters: parametersDictionary) { (result: Bool, error: Error?) in
print("Result : \(result), Error: \(error)") // Result : true, Error: nil
You only need to fill in a non-existent itunes_id to reproduce this problem.
In fact, if an id that does not exist is passed in, the expected situation should be an error, but now the error will never be returned in the callback function
Apple updated Xcode 15 RC today, I tested it and still have this problem. 😢
I have the same problem, does anyone have a solution?
Apple updated Xcode 15 beta 8 today, I tested it and still have this problem. 😢
Is there anyone, Apple updated Xcode 15 beta 7 today, I tested it and still have this problem.
Same problem