




Reply to Obtain / reset a "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer" certificate
To clarify, after following tutorials on how to fix the error, I: removed duplicates in Keychain from expired certs (wasn't a problem four weeks ago, weeks-post expiration) regenerated profiles, then certs and profiles again in the web interface built with cleaned derived data each time removed all certs online and in keychain, restarted the laptop and rebuilt in Xcode's managing signing certificates manually specified signing / provisioning profiles in the app and app extension (that worked in Xcode, failed in Archive/Upload What am I missing?
Jul ’20
Reply to SwiftUI onDrag not showing preview image when running on device
I've been struggling with drag and drop as a beginner. Why does your snippet above produce a warning Result of call to loadObject(ofClass:completionhandler:) is unused? And why would the result print, but when used to update a variable in view produce an error about immutable self? import SwiftUI struct DragNDrop: View { 		@State var isDropTarget = false 		var displayThisNumber: Int = 0 		var body: some View { 				VStack{ 						Text(String(displayThisNumber)) 						ZStack { 								Image(systemName: "") 								Circle() 						} 								.font(.system(size: 40)) 								.onDrag { return NSItemProvider(object: String(Int(5)) as NSString) } 								.opacity(isDropTarget ? 0.5 : 1) 								.onDrop(of: ["public.text"], isTargeted: $isDropTarget) { items in 										for item in items { 												if item.canLoadObject(ofClass: NSString.self) { 														item.loadObject(ofClass: String.self) { str, _ in 																guard str != nil else { return } 																displayThisNumber += Int(str) 														} 												} 												return true 										} 								} 				} 		} }
Jun ’20