This is using Xcode 16.2 (16C5032a), MacOS 15.2, on MacbookPro 16 M1 Pro.
I have two repositories, one for an application and another one for a framework. The repository framework is integrated into the application one as git submodule.
I was going to push the submodule to Github using Xcode git integration. It detects some conflicts and ask to pull. I pull. A window appears with some conflicting files (5 or 6). Review them. While reviewing something in Xcode crashed, but as Xcode was still up and running, ignored the crash. Decided to cancel the conflicts window and inspect my local files. Pull again but this time I decided to pull both repos. Review the conflicting changes and decided to cancel again to continue by hand in a terminal.
Then, I notice that the project for the submodule is in red and that the "Changes" tab shows a bunch of files with and admiration mark. I go to the submodule folder in Finder and... everything inside the submodule folder was gone, disappeared, lost... everything, even the ".git" folder (only remained a binary folder for a component I use for the framework but is empty).
I decided to run a recovery tool. It finds nothing to recover inside that folder, nothing. A lot of files even from years ago but nothing inside that folder? how is that possible?
I filled a Feedback assistant issue: FB16307182
Could it be possible that Xcode "moved" everything to another place (I'm desperate so I'm starting to think in absurd explanations)
This is in Xcode 15.2 (15C500b), macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 on M1 Pro.
Create a new project of type Framework
Add a new Metal Library target
Select the schema for the newly created Metal Library target or add a dependency to the framework and select the framework schema
Multiple commands produce '/Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test_framework-ditkrfuwxcsuelfrvnlbjntbpvgq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/mymetallib.metallib'
Target 'mymetallib' (project 'test_framework'): MetalLink /Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test_framework-ditkrfuwxcsuelfrvnlbjntbpvgq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/mymetallib.metallib
Target 'mymetallib' (project 'test_framework') has link command with output '/Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test_framework-ditkrfuwxcsuelfrvnlbjntbpvgq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/mymetallib.metallib'
Trying to understand about the Xcode's GPU profiling information. I have one vertex shader and I only have one draw call. When capturing a frame, I get 72us in the Summary:
And in the "GPU report" I'm getting ~6ms:
How do both metrics relate with each other and why is there so much difference between them?
When creating an MTLRenderPipelineState:
[device newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:pipelineDescriptor error:&error]
the log output is like this:
2022-09-07 15:44:12.857438+0200 game[4177:155444] Compiler failed to build request
And the error variable contains:
error NSError * domain: "AGXMetalG13X" - code: 3 0x0000000156a203b0
I know the error is in my fragment shader but, is there a way to get a more descriptive description of what happend?
How could I have both pan gesture recognizing (NSPanGestureRecognizer) and mouse capturing (CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(false)) working together?
Is it possible at all?
In Xcode 13.3.1 frame capture, how do I know which buffer is referring to?
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but form MSL 2.4 spec, sample_compare should return either 0 or 1.
I'm on a MBP 16 M1 Pro, Monterey 12.3.1 and Xcode 13.3.1.
Now, I'm receiving a value in between. Coordinates, sampler etc.. seems correct:
shadow = 0.125:
Sorry, in the image is not seen, but "i == 0" and shadow_map is a texture with four slices.
What's the standard/recommended way to set the MTKView's drawableSize to a size lower than the view/window and, at the same time, be able to update the drawableSize whenever the app's window is resized?
MacOS version: 12.2.1
Xcode version: 13.2.1
I'm using MTKView and setting a drawableSize = 1024,768 and autoResizeDrawable = NO, however, drawableSizeWillChange() is being called on app startup, just once, and never again, with a different drawableSize.
Maybe it has to do with incorrect drawable size?