Did you link the install of Glut with the application? Go into Xcode and select [Application]->[Build Phases]->[Link Binary with Libraries] and add the Glut or Glue install.
Honestly, though, if you're doing any sort of C++ OpenGL development you should go through Cmake to build Xcode files for you. I found linking C++ libraries in Xcode to be laborous.
Apple WebView is deprecated, so dont expect updates or new features to be implemented.
Is your questions about Webview or about Apple policies for the app store?
Be more specific.
There are many aspects to app development.
Looking at the topic of software engieering for guidance: take some time to determine and research the platform, technologies and requirements involved in a project.
I recommend reading books and articles on what you want to learn. If its Swift you want to learn, watch Apple development videos and take a look at their included example code.
Though its not thoughly documented, you should take a look at CreateML Components.
Or you can try building a model from Tensorflow with Keras and converting it to a CoreML model file
You would have better luck contacting Apple support, and not the Developer Forum