I have tried both symlink and alias, and I've had no luck with an SSD that links to /Volumes/External/CoreSimulator from /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator
Using a Samsung T7, MacOS Sonoma 14.6, Xcode 16.0
Here's hoping they have a Radar for this back there.
When you go to Product > Show Build Folder in Finder, and then Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/, is there a file in that folder named {YourApp}.app.dSYM?
If not, go to Build Settings and search "Debug Information Format" and set this to "DWARF with dSYM File" for your Debug builds. (It's probably already set to this for your Release builds.)
I hope this helps you.
If anyone else can help further, I'm still facing the same issue: I've changed this build setting, and have the .dSYM in my Product subfolder, and I've added that folder to the Search paths for dSYMS under Instruments > Settings > Symbols, but I still don't see the symbols in my traces.
I downloaded the file and played it back in RCP, and the plane rises and falls smoothly to and from 0 over the course of the animation for me. Is it possible you accidentally altered the animation data at some point? Where did you land with this? I know it's been months but... still curious.
I was experiencing the same with Xcode 16 Beta 5. Upgrading to Xcode 16 Beta 6 (currently the latest) fixed this for me.
Reality Composer Pro 2.0* does not have this Meters per Unit value. I have set the Cube Primitive size to 1 meter. I've also scaled it so that the walls of my object are 10m. However, the resulting object is extremely small.
*using 448.0.12.508.1
Related discussion with some replies from Quinn "The Eskimo!" can be found here:
I'm also curious about this, and my reason is that the Xeon macs lack support for Metal. As a result visionOS app fails to build in Xcode Cloud with the following error.
I haven't tried it but, does this mean no app using Metal libraries can be built in Xcode Cloud, or is the build process in this case only failing because it's actually trying to run Metal to execute compileSkybox?
compileSkybox /Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/xxxx/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/xxxx.app/ImageBasedLighting.rclink /Volumes/workspace/repository/xxxx/ImageBasedLighting.skybox (in target 'xxxx' from project 'xxxx')
cd /Volumes/workspace/repository
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/rctool create skybox -skyboxPath\=/Volumes/workspace/repository/xxxx/ImageBasedLighting.skybox -o\=/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/xxxx/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/xxxx.app
[91mError: [39m There is no available Metal device on this system.
Command compileSkybox failed with a nonzero exit code
I'd also like to know why this video and session 501 "What's New in Core Audio" were removed. Have they become too outdated to be useful? If so, it would be helpful if the video were still available with this notice displayed above it.
This can be handled at the app level. You can write your handler for the case where the permission is denied, and request permission again by running session.requestAuthorization(for:) again, perhaps as the result of the user clicking a button on an alert dialog explaining why the permission is necessary to use the app.
And even if the first window to open includes openWindow commands, they seem to not execute, as is the case when the LaunchView is the first to open when relaunching this example app. My Application Scene Manifest's (UIApplicationSceneManifest) Preferred Default Scene Session Role (UIApplicationPreferredDefaultSceneSessionRole) is Window Application Session (UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication).
import SwiftUI
struct ExampleApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
WindowGroup(id: "GameControlWindow") {
WindowGroup(id: "GameVolume") {
struct LaunchView: View {
@Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow
var body: some View {
.onAppear() {
openWindow(id: "GameControlWindow")
openWindow(id: "GameVolume")
Tracking Preregistered Images in VisionOS: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/visionos/tracking-images-in-3d-space
I am considering downgrading my OS to Ventura to deal with this. But at @waldgeist said, it's probably not the best experience. If I'm trying to get a job developing for AVP, is this even worth trying? For context, my runway for staying unemployed will be reduced by approximately a week if I upgrade my laptop (assuming I can trade-in my laptop and pay a $600 price difference.)
Same question. Have you found anything out yet?