




Swiftui - Pressing button in a list also actions another button
List(am.students) { item in HStack { Text( Spacer() Button(item.casual ? "All Paid" : "Reverse All Paid") { // Issue: pressing this button also results in Remove button action being invoked. item.casual = !item.casual }.foregroundColor(Color(white: 0.15)) .padding(3) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5) .stroke(Color(white: 0.5), lineWidth: 3) ) Spacer().frame(width: 40) Button("Remove") { Task { await am.delete(student: item) } }.foregroundColor(Color(white: 0.15)) .frame(width: 80) .padding(3) .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5) .stroke(Color(white: 0.5), lineWidth: 3) ) } } When "All Paid" button is pressed, the "Remove" button action also executes. At a guess, the list row executes everything? Mark
May ’24
SwiftUI, ModelContext throwing layout engine exception
A class which holds a list of spells. @MainActor class ListOfSpells : ObservableObject { @Published var allSpells : [String] = [] @Published var currSpell : SpellInfo @Published var spell : String = "" { didSet { Task { if let spl = await DBAccess.instance.GetSpellInfo(spell: self.spell) { currSpell = SpellInfo(info: spl) } else { currSpell = SpellInfo(info: dummySpellField) } } } } @Published var filterString = "" init() { currSpell = SpellInfo(info: dummySpellField) Task { do { allSpells = try await DBAccess.instance.GetAllNames(force: false) } catch let E { print(E.localizedDescription) } } } } SwiftUI file @Model final class ThemeSpell { var spell : String init(spell S: String) { spell = S } } struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext @StateObject var spells = ListOfSpells() @Query private var themeSpells : [ThemeSpell] var body: some View { HStack { List(selection: $spells.spell) { ** //List { ** ForEach(spells.allSpells, id: \.self) { spell in Text(spell) } }.frame(width: 240) Spacer() VStack { //SpellUIView(spell: spells) HStack { Button(">>>") { addItem(name: spells.spell) } .frame(width: 80) .keyboardShortcut(.space, modifiers: [.option]) } } .frame(height: 600) Spacer() List { ForEach(themeSpells) { item in Text(item.spell) *** } }.frame(width: 240) } } private func addItem(name: String) { let newItem = ThemeSpell(spell: name) modelContext.insert(newItem) } } ** commenting out selection:$spells.spell makes no difference. *** if this is left in, the app crashes with the following exception: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Modifications to the layout engine must not be performed from a background thread after it has been accessed from the main thread.' Can't post entire stack trace. Too big. But the exception is raised a background thread. 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000018dd0c8c0 __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000018d805eb4 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 CoreAutoLayout 0x000000019640e240 -[NSISEngine tryToOptimizeReturningMutuallyExclusiveConstraints] + 0 3 CoreAutoLayout 0x000000019640e63c -[NSISEngine withBehaviors:performModifications:] + 36 4 AppKit 0x0000000192193fac -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) _withAutomaticEngineOptimizationDisabled:] + 48 5 AppKit 0x00000001921936a4 __60-[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) _setLayoutEngine:]_block_invoke + 328 6 AppKit 0x0000000192193510 -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) _setLayoutEngine:] + 492 7 AppKit 0x00000001914cf998 make_and_host_engine + 144 8 AppKit 0x0000000192192cf4 -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) _didChangeHostsAutolayoutEngineTo:] + 56 9 AppKit 0x0000000192193ac8 -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) _tryToEncapsulateSubtreeLayout] + 100 10 AppKit 0x00000001914fae9c -[NSTableRowData _initializeRowView:atRow:] + 192 11 AppKit 0x00000001914f9b74 -[NSTableRowData _preparedRowViewForRow:storageHandler:] + 120 12 AppKit 0x000000019202d1bc __65-[NSTableRowData _doAutomaticRowHeightsForInsertedAndVisibleRows]_block_invoke_2 + 160 13 Foundation 0x000000018ed95704 __NSINDEXSET_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 24 14 Foundation 0x000000018f494fbc __NSIndexSetEnumerateBitfield + 348 15 AppKit 0x000000019202cf1c __65-[NSTableRowData _doAutomaticRowHeightsForInsertedAndVisibleRows]_block_invoke + 424 16 AppKit 0x000000019202d440 -[NSTableRowData _keepTopRowStableAtLeastOnce:andDoWorkUntilDone:] + 256 17 AppKit 0x00000001915082e8 -[NSTableRowData _updateVisibleViewsBasedOnUpdateItems] + 1300 18 AppKit 0x00000001914f0a6c -[NSTableRowData endUpdates] + 328 19 AppKit 0x00000001914f08e0 -[NSTableView _endUpdateWithTile:] + 108 My SwiftUI code is a modification of the standard code created with New Project. The standard code uses a toolbarItem '+' to create a new item. My code uses a list of strings to which can be added to the model.
Oct ’23
Unknown SQL alert when quitting my app
I have a macOS app which uses an embedded SQLite DB. For some reason when I quit the app, a OK/Cancel dialog appears with this warning: 'Startup errors may overwrite unloaded queries. Do you wish to overwrite the query database?'. Anyone have any idea why this is occurring. It only started ~15mins before this post was created. I only ever read from the DB, never written. Google search comes up with nothing. Ventura 13.3. Xcode Version 14.3 (14E222b). Deployment target 10.15. Cocoa app.
Apr ’23
App privacy
I have written a dance studio booking app for my brother in which he records name, email and phone number. The information is for his use only and it won't be accessed by 3rd parties. It will be stored on iCloud and OneDrive but no one else has access. Do I need to declare 'Collected Data'?
Mar ’23
XCode 11. Closing debug window closes project.
Annoying issue. If I close my designated debug window, the entire project closes. Only applies to this project and no other. Closing other windows work as normal. Closing debug window last changes nothing if I reopen the other windows. Closing the debug window closes the project. I have deleted the 'Derived Data' folder. Is there some obscure setting causing this? TIA Mark
Jul ’20