




Reply to Bonjour discovery with NetServiceBrowser not working in iOS and iPadOS 14
Adding <key>NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription</key> <string>Looking for local tcp Bonjour service</string> <key>NSBonjourServices</key> <array> <string>remote-for-zoom.tcp</string> </array> to my Info.plist solved the problem but now I get this pop up that says your app would like to find and connect to devices on your local network. Looking for local tcp Bonjour service. Can this be avoided? I have so many other apps that user Bonjour and they don’t bringt this pop up… Thank you Thomas
Oct ’20
Reply to How to check whether Wi-Fi /Mobile Internet are on and working?
I've build a remote type of app consisting of a macOS and an iPhone part. User has to connect from the iPhone to the Mac to be able to start using the app. First real world problem. User's Wifi on the iPhone is off. Is there an interface to check for that? Second real world problem. WiFi on the iPhone is on but the phone is not connecting to WiFi for some reason. Happens with all the iPhones I had so far starting with iPhone 3... Third real world problem. While the user is working with the app there is a problem with WiFi connection. There are two ways of solving this. If the app cannot connect we can show the user we cannot connect, please check your connection. But If there are various network interfaces why wouldn't I want to help esp the less sophisticated user and point out what I can discover like your WiFi is off etc.? So what WiFi / Network Interfaces does Apple offer to support the users troubleshooting possible connection problems?
Jul ’20
Reply to What's the best lib for communicating with Windows?
Thank you for the quick reply. The iOS app sends simple instructions to the macOS helper app and the helper app returns whether the call was successful. The helper app should also inform the iOS about it's status. In future we additionally want to stream audio from iOS to the macOS and Windows based helper app. But my question here is mainly how to get the iPhone working with Windows. So main app sits on the iPhone and the client on Windows.
Jun ’20
Reply to Sandboxing issue
You're a real genius, I knew it! Guess what. We already did. 😁We also submitted a case with Apple since there seem to be exceptions: still thought I could get some substantial feedback / hint here...
Jun ’20