




Comment on Combining SwiftUI & SpriteKit
You named your class MapScene, but your newGameScene function returns type GameScene, and your guard let statement casts to GameScene. Either change the name of the class to GameScene or change newGameScene to return MapScene and cast to MapScene in the guard let statement. Also make sure the class name for the scene in the .sks file matches your class name. In the future use a reply to show code because comments do not support Markdown formatting so the code looks like paragraph text.
Oct ’23
Comment on Use multiple @Observable inside each other using @Enviroment
If you have only one instance of CategoriesViewModel, create a static property for the instance in the CategoriesViewModel class, such as static let shared = CategoriesViewModel(). Fill the categories array for the static instance, shared in the example. The static instance can be used globally, like @Environment. Pass that property everywhere you need to access the categories.
Aug ’23
Comment on Multiple Type in MacOS Document-based App
You're asking for help and not supplying any info for anyone to help you. What are the relevant values for the Document Types, Exported Type Identifiers, and Imported Type Identifiers sections? What are the values for the Imported Type Identifier for the CSS file type that you added? Don't answer in a comment. Answer in a reply because comments are limited to 500 characters, and you're going to need more than 500 characters to provide what people need to help you.
Aug ’22
Comment on Unable to pass down returned value from one view to another
Forget passing the idd. When someone taps the Add button, show a NewNoteView. The NewNoteView would have a button to add a note. When someone taps that button, create a new note and add it to the data manager's notes array. Why are you focusing so much on ids instead of notes? Is it something Firebase requires? You would have an easier time working with notes instead of ids. Please use replies instead of comments in the future. Apple sends notifications to me for replies but not comments.
Jun ’22
Comment on Add addtional document type
Sorry, I misread your question. I thought you wanted to add a new document type when you want to create a new document type property. I can verify that clicking in the "Click here to add additional document type properties" area does nothing in Xcode 13.1. I can add a property if there is an existing document type property, but I can't add the first document type property.
Nov ’21