




Reply to Struggling to add a test target to an existing project in Xcode
What version of Xcode are you running? Can you run the unit tests if you create a new project and select the Include Tests checkbox? Does your multi-platform project have one target with multiple destinations or separate targets for iOS and Mac? If your project has separate targets, which target is your unit test running, the iOS or Mac version? I was unable to reproduce your issue. I noticed when adding a Unit Test Bundle target to a project with multiple app targets that I had to choose an app target for the unit test bundle. Make sure you have the scheme set to run the app target that matches the target the test bundle is configured to run. If you recently created your project, you may find it easier to create a new project that includes unit test targets and add whatever code from the first project to the new project.
Reply to Problem with audio files in Swift
The problem with your app not being able to find the audio files most likely has nothing to do with your code. Are the audio files in the Resources folder in the app bundle? If they are not, your code will not be able to find and load them. Make sure the audio files are in the app target's Copy Bundle Resources build phase. The files must in this build phase to get copied to the Resources folder in the app bundle when you build the project. Take the following steps to look at the files in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. Open the project editor by selecting the project file from the left side of the project window. Select the app target from the target list on the left side of the project editor. Click the Build Phase button at the top of the project editor. Click the disclosure triangle next to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. If your audio files are not in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase, click the Add button below the list of files to open a sheet where you can choose the files to add to the build phase.
Nov ’24
Reply to How to use a lower version macos SDK?
Why do you want to use an older version of the macOS SDK? If you want your app to run on older versions of macOS, you can set the deployment target of the app to a lower version. The deployment target is the earliest version of macOS that can run your app. You can change the deployment target by taking the following steps: Select your project from the left side of the project window to open the project editor. Select your app target from the target list on the left side of the project editor. Click the General button at the top of the project editor. Use the menu in the Minimum Deployments section to choose the minimum macOS version for the app.
Oct ’24
Reply to Is it Possible to save AttributedString with image to RTF doc?
To save images in a rich text document, you need to save the file as an RTFD file. An RTFD file is an RTF file with support for attachments, such as image files. You set the document type to RTF in the createRTFWithEmbeddedImage function. [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtf]) If you change the document type to NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtfd, the file should save as an RTFD file. I have not tried saving an attributed string with an image to a file so I can't guarantee there isn't more you have to do to get the image to save. But saving the file as RTFD is a start.
Jul ’24
Reply to After latest update: The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time
You are doing a lot in the .onChange block. To fix the compiler error, I recommend creating a function to calculate the value of P_Sprint and call the function in the .onChange block. Breaking up the calculations into smaller chunks will also help you fix the compiler error and make the code easier to understand. If the code was working in Xcode 15.2 and you want to publish your app without making the code changes, then install Xcode 15.2. Build, archive, and submit your project in Xcode 15.2. Apple doesn't require Xcode 15.3 for App Store submissions. Use the site Xcode Releases to find Apple's download links for all Xcode versions.
Mar ’24
Reply to Run on iOS 17 with Xcode 13.2.1
The following article shows ways to get around your issue. If the workarounds in that article don't work, you will need to find a device running an older version of iOS to run your project on your Mac.
Mar ’24
Reply to SwiftUI Binding property from view model to a value outside of that view model
I don't have any simplified approach for you. I can tell you two things. First, to pass a view model to a SwiftUI view, do the following: Have the view model conform to ObservableObject. Add @Published properties in the view model for any properties where you want the view to update when the property's value changes. Use @StateObject in the view that owns the view model. Use @ObservedObject in the other views where you want to use the view model. Second, avoid nesting observable objects. SwiftUI views may not update properly when a property in a nested observable object has its value change. If you are unfamiliar with nested observable objects, read the following article:
Feb ’24
Reply to SwiftUI Binding property from view model to a value outside of that view model
I made a mistake in my answer. The @ObservedObject property wrapper is for SwiftUI views. You can't use it in a view model. The following declaration: @ObservedObject var dataManager = DataManager() Should be something like @Published var dataManager = DataManager() I am not sure what you are asking in your second response. You described what you are trying to do but didn't ask a question.
Feb ’24
Reply to SwiftUI Binding property from view model to a value outside of that view model
Bindings are for SwiftUI views. Using @Binding in a view model isn't going to work. Creating a binding like Binding<Bool> in a view model isn't going to work either. For passing data from a view model to a SwiftUI view, you are on the right track with the following code in ContentViewModel: class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject { @ObservedObject var dataManager = DataManager() @Published var isOn: Bool = false } Have the view model conform to ObservableObject. Use @Published for any properties where you want the view to update when the property's value changes. The view that owns the view model uses the @StateObject property wrapper, like you have in your content view. @StateObject var viewModel = ContentViewModel() Use the @ObservedObject property wrapper to pass the view model from the content view to other views. I am not sure why the content view model needs its own isOn property. Can't it use the data manager's isOn property?
Feb ’24