




View keeps updating when adding photos from photo picker to my model
I having issues trying to understand combine and publishers. I have a PhotoPicker that selects one ore more images from the photo library. These images should be added to my core data model. This is handled in my model class. However, I ends up in an infinit loop that I don't understand. The View keeps updating and the onReceive method keeps executing over and over again making the View render again. Below is a sample code (without core data) that behaves the same Sample code: struct MyImage: Hashable {   var id: String   var uiImage: UIImage } class Model: ObservableObject {       @Published var images: [MyImage] = []       func add(uiImage: UIImage) {     let id = UUID().uuidString     let image = MyImage(id: id, uiImage: uiImage)     self.images.append(image)   }     } struct ContentView: View {       @StateObject var model = Model()       @State var showPhotoPicker = false   @State var pickerResult: [UIImage] = []       var body: some View {           VStack {               ForEach(model.images, id: \.self) { image in         Text( 				// TODO: Add actual image       }               Button(action: { showPhotoPicker.toggle() }) {         Text("ADD PHOTO")       }       .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showPhotoPicker) {         let config = PHPickerConfiguration(photoLibrary: PHPhotoLibrary.shared())         PhotoPicker(configuration: config, pickerResult: $pickerResult)       }             }           .onReceive(pickerResult.publisher, perform: { image in       model.add(uiImage: image)     })   } } Can someone explain what is happening?
Nov ’20
iOS 14 beta 5 issue, blank screen
Ever since I updated to iOS 14 beta 5 I have issues with my apps on the device as well as simulator. The app wont start and it just show a blank screen. The cpu, disc and network activity just show zero. Even if you create a new project and just build from the example it wont work. Anyone else experiencing this? The apps are build with SwiftUI.
Aug ’20
ScrollView animation of title
When I using a ScrollView the title isn't smoothly animated up to the inline version when I scroll. Just by changing the ScrollView to a List makes it scroll as it should. Is this a known issue ? struct ContentView: View {   var body: some View {     NavigationView {       ScrollView {         Text("Hello, world!").padding()       }       .navigationTitle("Title")     }   } }
Jul ’20
LazyVgrid image loading from CoreData
Can anyone help me with this? I try to use the LazyVGrid and load images from CoreData stored in a binary data field. How can I make the image loading asynchronous? I have tried to look how ImageLoader's for remote images work, but I can't make it work with images loading from CoreData. My ImageLoader works but the ScrollView freeze until all images are loaded. protocol ImageLoaderModel {   func thumbnailData() -> Data?   func thumbnailCacheKey() -> String } struct ContentView: View {       @FetchRequest(     entity: Item.entity(),     sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "name", ascending: true)]   ) private var items: FetchedResults<Item>       var columns: [GridItem] = [     GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 150))   ]       var body: some View {     ScrollView {       LazyVGrid(columns: columns, alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {         ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in           GridItemView(item: item)         }       }       .padding()     }   }     } struct GridItemView: View {       @ObservedObject var item: Item   var body: some View {     VStack(alignment: .center) {               if item.thumbnail != nil {         AsyncImage(model: item)       } else {         RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)           .frame(width: 150, height: 112)       }               Text( ?? "")         .font(.subheadline)             }   }     } struct AsyncImage: View {       @ObservedObject private var loader: ImageLoader       init(model: ImageLoaderModel) {     loader = ImageLoader(model: model)   }       var body: some View {     image.onAppear(perform: loader.load)   }       private var image: some View {     Group {       if loader.uiImage != nil {         Image(uiImage: loader.uiImage!)           .resizable()           .scaledToFill()           .frame(width: 150, height: 112)           .cornerRadius(5)           .clipped()       } else {         ProgressView()           .frame(width: 150, height: 112)       }     }   }     } class ImageLoader: ObservableObject {       @Published var uiImage: UIImage?       private var model: ImageLoaderModel   private var cache = ImageCache.shared       init(model: ImageLoaderModel) {     self.model = model   }       func load() {           let cacheKey = self.model.thumbnailCacheKey()           if let uiImage = cache[cacheKey] {       self.uiImage = uiImage       return     }  .userInitiated).async { [weak self] in       guard let data = self?.model.thumbnailData() else { return }       if let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) {         DispatchQueue.main.async {           self?.cache[cacheKey] = uiImage           self?.uiImage = uiImage           return         }       }     }         }     }
Jul ’20
Create a centered list in SwiftUI with max width
Is there a way to have a list in SwiftUI that has a max width in grouped style like the Settings app on an iPad Pro 12.9" ? I have tried with something like: List { 	 Text("Hello, world!").padding() } .frame(maxWidth: 600) .listStyle(InsetGroupedListStyle()) and it gets me half the way. The list is centered with the max width. However, I can't set the background in a way that it covers the whole page. The List view sets its background to the system grouped background as expected for InsetGroupedListStyle. And I can wrap the list in a HStack and set a background on that. But the list even add background color up in the navigation bar, but that I cannot change. So I still can't figure out a way to do it. HStack { 	Spacer() 	List { 		Text("Hello, world!").padding() 	}   .frame(maxWidth: 600)   .listStyle(InsetGroupedListStyle())   Spacer() } .background(Color(UIColor.systemGroupedBackground)) I can probably accomplish what I want with just a ScrollView and make my own list. But I think that will reduce the performance?
Jun ’20
SwiftUI List performane
I have a performance issue with List when I have a large amount of data that is replaced. Given the code below, a data set of about 3500 name items are loaded from a fetch request. Depending of the selected gender in the segmented picker these items are filtered and the displayed in the List. When the List first render I have no performance issue with the loading and rendering of items. It scrolls nicely and smoothly through 1700 items. But as soon as I switch gender through the segemented picker it takes about 30-45 seconds to render the List again.I think this has to do with removing 1700 items and the inserting 1500 items again from the List. Is there a best practice how to reload a large amount of items in SwiftUI? Or can I reset the List before I load it again, since there is no issue initially.Anyone else having issue same issue?struct NameList: View { @ObservedObject fileprivate var global = GlobalSettings() @FetchRequest( entity: Name.entity(), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "name", ascending: true)] ) var names: FetchedResults<Name> @State var selectedGender = Defaults.gender var body: some View { let filtered = names.filter { $0.gender == self.selectedGender } return NavigationView { VStack { Picker("Gender", selection: $global.gender) { Text(Gender.female.rawValue.uppercased()) .tag(Gender.female) Text(Gender.male.rawValue.uppercased()) .tag(Gender.male) Text(Gender.unisex.rawValue.uppercased()) .tag(Gender.unisex) } .pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle()) .padding() List( filtered, id: \.self) { (item: Name) in NameListRow(item: item) } } } .onReceive(Defaults.publisher(for: \.gender)) { (gender) in self.selectedGender = gender } } }
Oct ’19
Change text color for large titles
How can I chage the text color for large titles? I want it to be white.I tried to set the titleTextAttributes like this:self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true self.navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [ NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor.rawValue: UIColor.white ]But the text only turns up white when I scroll and it is displayed in the middle as usual.
Jun ’17