iOS 14 beta 5 issue, blank screen

Ever since I updated to iOS 14 beta 5 I have issues with my apps on the device as well as simulator. The app wont start and it just show a blank screen. The cpu, disc and network activity just show zero.

Even if you create a new project and just build from the example it wont work. Anyone else experiencing this?

The apps are build with SwiftUI.


I am having the same issue. I am trying to use their new @main approach in SwiftUI and created their example app, and all that shows is a black screen in the simulator. Interestingly the info.plist file has an 'Application Scene Manifest' entry but only with the 'Enable Multiple Windows' and set to YES (?) for an iPhone - weird. Very frustrating. I am using simulator version 12.0 (940.16) and Xcode 12.0 beta 6 (12A8189n)

Code Block swift
import SwiftUI
struct TestSwiftUI14MainApp: App {
  let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
        .environment(\.managedObjectContext, persistenceController.container.viewContext)

I am having the same issue.
Yes I am having the same issue. I've noticed that it occurs on 14.0.1 on iPhone X but not on iPhone 8 with the same iOS version. Making it tricky to debug. The simulators are replicating the behaviour either.
I have the same issue on iOS 14.1 too on couple of devices. I tested on iPhone11, iPhone 12 etc. This happens very first time of the launch and when pushed again everything looks ok.

Has anyone solved this or did Apple make a note of it?