




"error: using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported" when attempting to run the sample MerchantCheckoutApp from MasterPass docs
I am attempting to run the MasterPass sandbox sample app in Xcode 13.3 provided by the MasterPass docs, however the "error: using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported" error in my logs keeps persisting. I am attempting to do this because I would prefer to tinker with it first before integrating it with my project I am using Xcode 13.3, macOS Monterrey mac mini 2018 32GB. I have gone through quite a number of similar questions here on stackoverflow on the same issue, but the solutions thereof have been unsuccessful on my project at this time, hence the need to ask a separate question, with particularity on using the MasterPass iOS SDK First, I got the following error message during compilation on the MerchantServices and MCCMerchant frameworks "building for ios simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 'mcc merchant.framework' was built for ios + ios simulator." I resolved that by going to my Build Settings on the specified target and setting the value on Validate Workspace to YES I attempted to build the project and this second error popped up "module compiled with swift 5.0 cannot be imported by the swift 5.6 compiler" This I resolved by setting the Build Settings > Build Options > Build Libraries for Distribution option to Yes Next build attempt resulted in the following error messages, but this time, it was in the crash logs "remark: incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization" "error: using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported" I then resolved the remark by setting the Build Settings > Swift Compiler > Compilation Mode option to Incremental leaving "error: using bridging headers with module interfaces is unsupported" unresolved I took the following steps to try to resolve the issue 4.a - Created a modulemap file to expose the Objective-C headers to my Swift project, BridgingMerchantModule.modulemap 4.b - the following code was in the provided MerchantCheckoutApp-Bridging-Header.h file // // Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift. // #import "SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h" 4.c - I wrote the following Swift code in my modulemap file module BridgingMerchantModule { header "SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h" export * } 4.d - Removed the provided bridging header file from the project (MerchantCheckoutApp-Bridging-Header.h) 4.e - In Project Settings > Build Settings > Swift Compiler - Search Paths > Import Paths I added the path to the module map file on my Mac However the error persists, I am at my wits end and I would appreciate any help
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