javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically feature is available with WKPreferences
As WKPreferences.javaScriptEnabled got deprecated, it is recommended to migrate with WKWebpagePreferences .
But as the dependent javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically is not available in WKWebpagePreferences blocking our functionality.
We are having xctest to validate safari browser logon inside our app by passing credentials. After updating with device and simulator to iOS13.3 this got broken. Tested against the same with iOS 13.2.2 it is working fine.
Installation failed with log Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1022
The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection
using OTA generated link .
Same link working iOS13.
Same application able to install via apple store / ipa in iOS 14
How to resolve this?
We are not able to install in house apps using OTA link in iOS14.
Same working fine in iOS13.
Workaround is download ipa and install
While trying to instal app via OTA , we are getting
"This Connection is Not Private" in iOS 15 Beta6
The same OTA server link which is secured and has valid certificate working in iOS 15 Beta 5 and iOS 14
Navigation Bar Color and popup style sheet's header color are completely black/transparent and white in iOS /iPadOS 15 beta running using Xcode 13 Beta for inside our applications
Xcode 13 - iOS 14.x- Working as expected
Xcode 13 - iOS 15 Beta - issues with Navigation bar popup(action) sheets
Refer image given
In iOS 15 beta 8, Safari/WKWebView autherize/cancel buttons shown as white box.
On click it is shown the text in blank but still filled colour is white