




iOS simulator 14.x keyboard not displaying
just upgraded my entire environment for my app development, latest macOS now running Xcode 14. I deploy my app to simulator and on screens that have text input the keyboard popped up once - but then every time after that its stuck at the bottom of the screen so the only thing I can see is the very top of the keyboard that displays the up/down icons and the word Done on the far right. Its like its I need to swipe the keyboard up to get it into full view. I restarted simulator and launched a device again, but the problem remains. I thought it was my app, but then on all other default apps that boot with the device no keyboard appears at all.
Feb ’23
itunesconnect broken - can't get to "Apps"
You would think Apple did basic sanity checks - ESPECIALLY for its own developer platform. but alas, they don't. On the landing page for - when clicking on the "APPS" icon to take me into my app release management its not working. Does nothing. Of the 5 sections to click to, only "Artists" button is working....the other four: apps, music, books, podcasts - all are broken. Does anyone have the direct page link - looking at the page source code doesn't reveal the proper url for the Apps page? Opening developer/inspection tool on safari reveals the following when the page loads, I am assuming these JS errors are causing the other buttons to break/not work (which looks like poor error handling too): [Error] TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'document.getElementById('#copyright-year').innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear()') setCopyrightYear (gettingstarted.05318554a9.js:67) Global Code (gettingstarted.05318554a9.js:96) [Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ocument (anonymous function) (gettingstarted.05318554a9.js:43) promiseReactionJob [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) (l10n, line 0) [Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'locObject[locKey]') (anonymous function) (gettingstarted.05318554a9.js:8) forEach replaceLocalizedText (gettingstarted.05318554a9.js:6) (anonymous function) (gettingstarted.05318554a9.js:25) promiseReactionJob I tried from my Mac on Safari and from Chrome on my Windows PC - same result on both - can't get to my "APPS" section. Both browsers show same JS errors.
May ’21
Xcode 11.5 simulator window height and safe-areas not working properly
Hello, On my older Mac running Xcode 10.1 my app fits perfect in every simulator. But on my newer Mac running Xcode 11.5 ALL the simulators are off regarding innerHeight/outerHeight and "safe-area" (avoid the notch) code no longer works. RE: device window size and margin Issue: In new Xcode 11.5 simulator, my app ends about 20px above the bottom of the screen - on every simulator I tried. On my older Mac running Xcode 10.1 my app fills to the bottom of the screen properly. So, diving in to see what is different I find that on Xcode 10.1 the simulators do not use window.outerHeight while on Xcode 11.5 both window.innerHeight and window.outerHeight are both being used. Printing to console with: console.log("Inner: "+window.innerHeight) ; console.log("Outer: "+window.outerHeight) ; Xcode 10.1: (app/screens/images fit devices perfectly) 		 Inner: 716 		 Outer: 0 Xcode 11.5: (app/screens/images stop 20px from bottom of screen. 		 Inner: 696 		 Outer: 20 This makes a BIG difference when trying to properly size images or certain screens based on innerHeight vs outHeight of different devices. RE: "safe-area" (the notch on iPhoneX,iPhone11,etc) Additionally, on Xcode 10.1 on Simulators for iPhoneX/iPhone11 (any iPhone the notch) my app is intentionally positioned just below the notch (the "safe-area") so none of my top menus get blocked or are hidden by the notch. But on Xcode 11.5, the all iPhoneX/iPhone11 simulators are ignoring any "safe-area" code and is pushing my up behind the safe-area/notch and is obstructing status bars and menus. My app code is identical between both Macs/Xcodes. I even tested identical simulator iPhones running identical iOS just to ensure it wasn't a 12.4 vs a 13.5 issue. On Xcode 11.5, it doesn't matter what simulator iOS I run (11.4, 12.4, 13.5) all are showing the same issue for phones that have the notch. But on the Xcode 10.1 - all simulators are displaying the app safely below the safe area. This is HHUUGGEE issue because how can I test on a 11.5 simulator if I am uncertain of how the app is going to really look on a real device? I have a few physical iPhones I test with, but I can't buy dozens of phones all running different iOS to test my app on to ensure it renders properly.
Jul ’20