




Reply to Fatal Error Unexpectedly Found Nil When Unwrapping An Optional Value In Xcode Fix
You are force-unwrapping "model", using "model!" If model is nil, this will cause the app to crash. So the first thing to check is, is "model" set? e.g. if let model = Bundle.main.decode(BookModel.self, from: "Book-v1.json") { print("got model") } else { print("no model") } If "model" is not set, then you need to understand why this line is failing: Bundle.main.decode(BookModel.self, from: "Book-v1.json")
Sep ’22
Reply to Wrong SF symbol displayed
This may not be quite what it seems. If we just have... var body: some View { Label("Explore", systemImage: "") } ...then the correct image is shown. I suspect the filled-circle effect you are seeing, is a by-product of using the image in a TabBar. That is, the image is correct, but it is displayed in a way that you did not expect.
Sep ’22