




CarPlay navigation app - route planning only on iOS device
We are currently looking into enabling CarPlay for a navigation app. The navigation app allows complex trip planning (not focussed on A-B planning like Apple Maps). As we found the guidelines somewhat loose in this area, we are wondering, if it is allowed to have a navigation app that only offers the navigation feature, so no planning? Any route planning actions needs to be done on the iOS device. So, if you haven't planned/loaded a route, you would only see your location on a map and can drive freely, but without guidance. The Car App programming guideline mentions the select destination as explicit flow of a navigation app. Which makes us think that it might be required to support that flow.
Jul ’24
Block subscription purchases for Testflight releases - Allowed for App Review?
Our app is available both on the App Store and Testflight. We have a working subscription system with subscriptions that are linked to user accounts in our app. We would like to disable subscription purchases for Testflight releases. So users with an active subscription can use this subscription in Testflight, but users cannot sign up for a subscription in Testflight. Premium features would only be accessible to users with an active subscription. I think we can do this technically using something like this: let isTestFlight = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL?.lastPathComponent == "sandboxReceipt" We are wondering if this is: a) Allowed by Testflight guidelines? b) Allowed by App Review guidelines? c) If there is even a better way to do this?
Jul ’24