




Reply to Cannot Start Audio Playback from Interactive Widget (iOS 17)
For those still struggling with this - make sure that your widget code has target membership for your widget extension AND your iOS app. This is required otherwise the background audio capability doesn't work. What's frustrating is it works on the simulator even if the iOS app isn't included in the target membership. If you run on a real device you'll get the error. Make sure you include both targets!!
Oct ’23
Reply to Can't pin down how to show complications properly at different stages
I am having issues with static complications. Everything works perfectly except when the user is in the "watch face selection" screen. On this screen, the preview doesn't show at all. The preview shows correctly when editing the watch face (style, colors, complications, etc.), just not on the watch face section screen. Confirmed on simulator and physical device. Anyone else in this boat? This behavior is easily reproducible by creating a new WatchOS WidgetKit target and running the app with no code modifications... Thank you!
Oct ’22