




App Store Connect account requires immediate attention
I received an email from Apple today saying my account needs immediate attention. When I called, I spoke to a senior advisor who told me that the reason my account is under review is because the company " fully or partially matches one or more restricted parties on the screening list from the U.S. government or another government’s sanctions list." When I try to log in to App Store Connect I'm met with a "Compliance Screening" that asks for a photo of my ID, birth city and birth country. I'm a US based company and have not submitted any apps to the App Store. The company was formed 6 months ago. I have searched the sanctions list and my company name, address, my name does not appear anyway in part or in full. Has this happened to any one else recently? TIA.
ForEach complaining about duplicate values with SwiftData using Unique attribute
I have a Category model that's defined like so: @Model final class Category { @Attribute(.unique) var id: UUID var name: String var parent_id: UUID? //categories can be children of other categories init(id: UUID, name: String, parent_id: UUID?) { = id = name self.parent_id = parent_id } } And I'm getting my categories from an API call and putting it into my View: import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct CategoryView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext @Query private var categories: [Category] @Query(filter: #Predicate<Category>{ $0.parent_id == nil }) private var top_level_categories: [Category] var spacing: CGFloat = 25 var body: some View { HStack() { Text("Categories") .font(.title.bold()) Spacer() Text("see all") } .padding([.bottom, .top], 0) VStack(spacing: 20) { ScrollView(.horizontal) { HStack(spacing: spacing) { ForEach(top_level_categories) { category in Text(!) } } } } .onAppear{ getCategories() } } func getCategories() { get_refresh_token { token in guard let token = token else { return } var urlRequest = URLRequest (url: URL(string:"")!) urlRequest.httpMethod = "GET" urlRequest.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") urlRequest.addValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") URLSession.shared .dataTask(with: urlRequest) { (data, response, error) in do { if let data = data { let c = try JSONDecoder().decode([Category].self, from: data) c.forEach { modelContext.insert($0) } try? } } catch { print(error) } }.resume() } } } This runs fine the first time I run the app but when I run it again, I get the following error: ForEach<Array<Category>, UUID, Text>: the ID XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results! Not sure why this is happening since I thought putting the @Attribute(.unique) on ID means that the same category won't get added twice?
Apr ’24