NOTE: if you have localizations, you'll need to delete Test Information for each localization. If you just delete English, the localization dropdown will disappear and there will still be hidden text in some of the fields for the non-English localizations.
I had performed all the steps as well, but still was getting the "remove all builds and testers from the app you want transferred and clear each information field below Test Information" requirement. What I realized is I needed to add info back into the Test Information and save. This made the localization dropdown re-appear, and I had to go through each language and delete each field, clicking save after each language, and making sure English was the last language to clear the fields.
Hope this helps someone - I have been pulling my hair out all day.
User error! It is the "10+ years" that should have tipped us off. The main issue is that we were using AVCaptureStillImageOutput which has been deprecated and replaced by AVCapturePhotoOutput.
In case anyone is curious why the photos were flipping for us, we had been manually rotating the image based on the orientation of the device to make sure images ended "right-side-up". Given that the landscape camera is oriented differently than the portrait camera, our manual rotations were having ill-effect. Apparently, AVCapturePhotoOutput lets you set the orientation prior to capturing the photo, will do its own figuring of whether it has a portrait or landscape mounted camera, then return a properly oriented image - no manual rotations needed. Hope this helps someone.
In case anyone comes looking for an answer, turns out the solution was a combination of the bundle naming AND adding the iMessage Extension to the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content". So, you need to do this:
iOS App bundle id: com.mycompany.appname
iMessages App extension bundle id: com.mycompany.appname.messages
And this:
In the Project Navigator, click on the project (the root group with the same name as your app). Select the General Tab and scroll down to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section. Click the + sign and then select the MessagesExtension.appex to add it to the main project. Once added, choose "Embed without signing" option.