Faced the same issue today and nothing helped. I've tried
small changes to address
submit the form several times (up to 10 times I think)
I found the solution. Hope that it will help someone with the same issue.
When you see the error message "The address entered has been modified, please verify the changes and resubmit." it means that Apple servers don't accept your address in current formatting and suggest you the new formatting which you have been asked to verify and submit. The problem is that this new formatting doesn't appear in the address form. With my address the changes were huge (I entered the address in English but since I'm in Russia the proper formatting was to write address in Russian with English transliteration) so any small changes which I tried to make with my English address were not accepted.
The solution:
Go to Agreements, Tax and Banking -> Agrrements -> Paid Apps
In Bank Accounts section tap Edit for you current account and then Replace with New Account
You'll get the form for New Account with Address fields
Type you current account credentials but change account number to different one (for ex. change one digit in it). Don't worry you won't submit this new fake account.
Type the address you tried to submit before. You'll get the same error message "The address entered has been modified, please verify the changes and resubmit." But in this form your address will be modified with proper formatting.
Copy this new address and discard the form (don't submit it again)
Go to Banking -> You current account
Type the properly formatting address in your current account address fields
Submit. It should submit without errors.
If AppStore Connect web developers read this forum, please fix an issue that address is not formatted in current account form (only in new account form). Thank you!
Faced the same issue today and nothing helped. I've tried
small changes to address
submit the form several times (up to 10 times I think)
I found the solution. Hope that it will help someone with the same issue.
When you see the error message "The address entered has been modified, please verify the changes and resubmit." it means that Apple servers don't accept your address in current formatting and suggest you the new formatting which you have been asked to verify and submit. The problem is that this new formatting doesn't appear in the address form. With my address the changes were huge (I entered the address in English but since I'm in Russia the proper formatting was to write address in Russian with English transliteration) so any small changes which I tried to make with my English address were not accepted.
The solution:
Go to Agreements, Tax and Banking -> Agrrements -> Paid Apps
In Bank Accounts section tap Edit for you current account and then Replace with New Account
You'll get the form for New Account with Address fields
Type you current account credentials but change account number to different one (for ex. change one digit in it). Don't worry you won't submit this new fake account.
Type the address you tried to submit before. You'll get the same error message "The address entered has been modified, please verify the changes and resubmit." But in this form your address will be modified with proper formatting.
Copy this new address and discard the form (don't submit it again)
Go to Banking -> You current account
Type the properly formatting address in your current account address fields
Submit. It should submit without errors.
If AppStore Connect web developers read this forum, please fix an issue that address is not formatted in current account form (only in new account form). Thank you!
I also had problems with resources visibility in SPM package with generated project file. And I've found out that if you don't generate Xcode Project file for the package but open package folder with Xcode instead there are no errors with Bundle.module and you even can see generated code for searching your module resources by CTRL+CMD+Click on .module. Also there won't be any problems with visible folders since Xcode shows all folder files.
Do you have any particular reason for project file generation? I think in most cases open a folder will be enough.
I've found out that if you don't generate Xcode Project file for the package but open package folder with Xcode instead there are no errors with Bundle.module and you can see generated code for searching your module resources.
I've found out that if you don't generate Xcode Project file for the package but open package folder with Xcode instead there are no errors with Bundle.module and you even can see generated code for searching your module resources by CTRL+CMD+Click on .module.
Thank you unknown Developer Tools Engineer, swift build works. But why Bundle.module doesn't work? Documentation suggests to use Bundle.module for resources. Looks like it's not available in current Xcode-Beta. When it will be available?
Face the same issue today and yes format for deep links changed in iOS13. You can find more here - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/supporting_associated_domains_in_your_app.
To support iOS13 you need to use another set of keys in applinks dictionary. Also you need to leave existing data to support iOS12 and earlier.
		"webcredentials": {
				"apps": [
		"applinks": {
				"apps": [],
				"details": [
								"appID": "TEAMID.com.kasey.TipMe",
								"paths": [
								"appIDs": [
								"components": [
												"/": "/pay"