It's difficult to say.
What are you using it for?
If it doesn't fall into one of the listed modes, I would use default and expect the OS to do the right thing.
I think of TestFlight as a staging App Store.
You'll publish your app to TestFlight so that your selected TestFlight users can try it. Fix bugs and publish updates to TestFlight.
Once you're happy with the testing/feedback, you'll release that version to the App Store.
I think it's related to the following note on
Your app must include the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Information Property List file that you submit with your binary. For app updates, you can only maintain or relax capability requirements. Submitting an update with added requirements would prevent some customers who previously downloaded your app from running the update.
If you've changed UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities from your previous submission, revert the changes and I think it'll work.
Are you able to test it on an actual device?
Since there's no clear explanation, I would make 2 changes to see if they fix the issue:
static DWNotificationView *singleton = nil; //nil and NULL are supposed to be the same but nil is preferred for objects in Obj C
if (singleton == nil) //this also shouldn't matter but you never know if fast optimization is picky
Xcode 15.2 works for my iOS 17.2 device as well.
Try restarting your device. Sometimes that fixes weird issues.
Also, I checked /Applications/ and even I see only up to 16.4.
I don't think that's related to the problem.
This is a developer forum.
You should post your question in the support forum:
This is a developer forum.
You should post your question in the support forum:
Do you have an example of the link?
What do you see in Chrome when it doesn't work?
I'm sure Chrome has debug tools to figure out what the response is.
If you post some more info or screenshots, someone can help.
Try Xcode 15.2. I'm sure they've fixed a lot of bugs
Sometimes, restarting the Mac and the device takes care of stuff like this.
It's worth a try.
This is what I found online:
I've worked with many companies that use the Apple Developer Enterprise Program.
Unless things have recently changed, the Enterprise Program will let you sign your apps with an Enterprise Certificate that will allow your apps to run on any device.
You do not need to submit them to the App Store at all.
Assuming that your MDM provider allows you to distribute apps, you can 'push' the app to devices with the MDM software.
You can also host the ipa on a local web server for users to download using Safari on their iOS devices.
Hope that helps
I couldn't find an easy way to alter the text color but regarding alignment, you could select all the vertical fields and embed them in a stack view. That way, you can center them relative to the stack view.
See if this helps: