




Reply to Swift 6 Concurrency Errors with MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate results
Hi @b_rare, your message helped knock my brain into gear when I was really confused, thank you... in case this helps you or any other lost devs... I was seeing this same Task or actor isolated value cannot be sent warning on Xcode 16.1 when I tried to do something very similar: Unable to move from nonisolated to @MainActor with a Task extension ViewController: MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate { nonisolated func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter) { Task { @MainActor in searchBar.searchTextField.searchSuggestions = { result in UISearchSuggestionItem(localizedSuggestion: result.title, localizedDescription: result.description) } } } Fix I have made the errors go away by mapping the results properties to a tuple with just the String values I needed: extension ViewController: MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate { nonisolated func completerDidUpdateResults(_ completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter) { let results = { result in (result.title, result.description) } Task { @MainActor in searchBar.searchTextField.searchSuggestions = { result in UISearchSuggestionItem(localizedSuggestion: result.0, localizedDescription: result.1) } } } Why it works My understanding is that since completer: MKLocalSearchCompleter and completer.results: [MKLocalSearchCompletion] are both classes (reference types) and not final, they are therefore NOT Sendable. Strings, however, are value types, so they are Sendable and can be passed between isolation domains.
Dec ’24