




Unable to get location information on iOS 16.4 beta 4, iPadOS 16.4 beta 4
I installed iOS16.4 beta4 (iPadOS16.4 beta4) released the other day. After using it, I had two questions, so I will send them as impressions. Previously: In iOS 16.3, a popup appeared twice when retrieving location information for the first installed app. You can get location information by executing the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition method on a web page opened in WKWebView (such as ua_test.html in the attached file). The first time, a pop-up requesting permission for Safari (WKWebView) location information was displayed. The second time, location permissions for the app's domain appeared in a popup with a map. Current situation: In iOS16.4 beta4, the permission request popup for Safari (WKWebView) is not displayed, and only the permission request for the app domain is displayed in a popup with a map. After enabling popups on the map and getting the location, running the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition method does not work and I am unable to get the location. Therefore, I would like to ask the following two questions. How can I show two popups when getting location in 16.4 beta4? From 16.4 beta4, please tell me how to implement permission to get location information in one popup. Note that the Info:Plist has NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription and describes NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription. Does anyone know about this informetion? ua_test.html
Mar ’23