




Reply to App Store Connect
Hi, I am experiencing the same issue right now. The issue is probably Apple's side (as usual). They have the gall to send me an email that there was an issue with my app submission (which there probably isn't and App Reviewer just feels like messing with me today). But they send me that email, with a link to a broken page... Nice Apple, great stuff. There has been WAY more silly little issues like this with Apple Development, compared to the Android side of life. I will ALWAYS think of Apple as lesser than.
May ’22
Reply to Error Analyzing App Version
After facing a myriad of other issues with provisioning profiles and signing certs almost this whole work day, I have gotten to this stage. I have been trying to figure out what I have done wrong, but turns out the issue is Apple side? Kudos Apple, kudos. I quite literally HATE when i get a task having anything to do with Apple Development. I am going to remove the fact that I know Apple Development from my resume so future employers don't subject me to this horrible company's practices.
May ’22
Reply to Can't delete App Id from a deleted App
Same issue. Apple is useless and I can't believe the world supports them. I accidentally registered the app under the wrong account. And now I can't delete the identifier because "it's being used by the app store" even though the app was never published. And I can't create an identical bundle identified in the other account. I will need to break company policy and change the way the bundle identifier is supposed to be to get around this.
Apr ’22