I was doing release today and encountered same problem. I even used the
Listing 7-2 A sample GeoJSON file
{ "type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [
[[[-122.7, 37.3], [-121.9, 37.3], [-121.9, 37.9], [-122.7, 37.9], [-122.7, 37.3]]],
[[[-87.9, 41.5], [-87.3, 41.5], [-87.3, 42.1], [-87.9, 42.1], [-87.9, 41.5]]]
from documentation - https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/ProvidingDirections/ProvidingDirections.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009497-CH8-SW1as for test , it still shows same error. It has been one week now, did you fire a support ticket and get helped? I assume it is not something related to our app or info.plist.
I am getting same problem, can you give me some help? is the following necessary to do following?
4. I have also added to Xcode .geojson such as file and
specified in the guidelines on the part of product-> Scheme ->
Edit Scheme:
the scheme itself does not go to the binary, right?
I am experiencing the same problem, and I am using the example json file for submission as well. I mean, there are so many follow up here, why no one ever give out an explanation? everyone gave up on doing release?
this is an old question but anyway, your first coordinate is not the same as the last coordinate, thus not form an polygon