




Duplicate bar buttons appear when .toolbar is applied to a Group View
Is it normal behaviour that when I apply a .toolbar to a Group that I see duplicate buttons equal to the number of Views in the Group? e.g. Group { Text("1") Text("2") Text("3") } .toolbar { Button("Hi") { } } Results in 3 toolbar buttons appearing in the UI, like in this screenshot: If not, then I'll submit feedback about this bug but thought I'd ask first. Xcode Version 16.0 beta 6 (16A5230g) iPhone 15 Pro Simulator
Aug ’24
Code missing from WWDC session video 10210
I noticed the code snippets are missing from the wwdc2024 10210 video titled Bring your app’s core features to users with App Intents It would be useful if those could be added. I also noticed the transcript is missing from the web version but it is in the Developer app, that is odd.
Jun ’24
Why does the sample use Task.detached?
I was wondering if anyone knows why the sample project uses Task.detached everywhere because it seems highly non-standard, e.g. in ContentView: .task { Task.detached { @MainActor in await flightData.load() } } Instead, I would expect to see something like: .task { flightData = await controller.loadFlightData() } Or: .task { await controller.load(flightData: flightData) } Is the use of detached perhaps an attempt to work around some issue with ObservableObject published updates?
May ’24
Why didn't they use .task in the code sample?
If they had used .task they could have removed the class LocationsHandler: ObservableObject and simply done: struct ContentView: View { @State var lastLocation: CLLocation? var body: some View { VStack { ... } .task { let updates = CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() for try await update in updates { if let loc = update.location { self.lastLocation = loc } } } And saved themselves about 20 or so lines of code. .task was added in the year before so it isn't the case that it wasn't available to the CoreLocation team yet. To wrap async/await in a Combine's ObservableObject is very strange. They could have also used @AppStorage instead of UserDefaults and saved another few lines. To be honest this is some of the strangest SwiftUI code I've seen.
Mar ’24
Why is PersistentModel a protocol and not a class?
PersistentModel is a protocol but would make more sense as a class that we then subclass. If all of the implementation was in a parent class of our model classes then there wouldn't be all the problems caused by requiring the use of the @Model macro, e.g. default property values not working, unable to subclass, overriding get/set not possible, conflict in property names...
Aug ’23
Does ModelContext fetch() return an auto-updating results array?
I was wondering if ModelContext's fetch() contains an auto-updating results array? I ask because there is no documentation yet and in the WWDC23 lounge it was suggested by Debbie G to use fetch() to overcome the limitations of @Query i.e. no way to use dynamic filtering or sorting. I suppose we would call fetch() from onAppear and onChanged to support dynamic queries that also have auto-updating of results. Personally I don't understand why @Query and the old @FetchRequest were implemented as property wrappers instead of SwiftUI modifiers, e.g. .fetch(predicate:sort:) to match other modifiers like .task(id:). I was hoping for it to behave similar to Date's formatted() that returns a locale-aware string that automatically invalidates SwiftUI Text when the locale changes. Although I'm not exactly sure how it works. If fetch() doesn't auto-update then what would be the point of using it instead of just using NSFetchRequest with dictionary result type to get data into a SwiftUI view struct fast and memory efficient.
Jun ’23
Bug in NavigationCookbook sample: builtInRecipes are missing their IDs
I noticed a problem with the NavigationCookbook sample code. The builtInRecipes array containing Recipe models without IDs which means state restoration fails because the recipes have new unique IDs every time the app is launched (there is a let id = UUID() in Recipe). The problem is in NavigationCookbook/Models/DataModel private let builtInRecipes: [Recipe] = { var recipes = [ "Apple Pie": Recipe( name: "Apple Pie", category: .dessert, ingredients: applePie.ingredients), Should be let builtInRecipes: [Recipe] = { var recipes = [ "Apple Pie": Recipe( id: UUID(uuidString: "E35A5C9C-F1EA-4B3D-9980-E2240B363AC8")!, name: "Apple Pie", category: .dessert, ingredients: Ingredient.fromLines(applePie)), And the same thing for all the other built-in recipes in the array. The builtInRecipes containing ids can be found in the Code tab in the Developer app for this samples WWDC session video: I also submitted this as feedback FB11744612
Nov ’22
How to show SwiftUI PhotosPicker programatically
Hi I would like to show the PhotosPicker programatically the same way we can do with sheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>) and fullScreenCover(isPresented: Binding<Bool>), i.e. I would like: photosPicker(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, selectedItem: Binding<PhotosPickerItem?>). This would allow me to have multiple buttons that show the picker and would make all my code that shows sheets consistent, thanks for reading.
Sep ’22
The new modifyRecordsResultBlock behaves differently from modifyRecordsCompletionBlock
Hi I noticed with CKModifyRecordsOperation, modifyRecordsResultBlock works differently from the now deprecated modifyRecordsCompletionBlock. When using a savePolicy of ifServerRecordUnchanged (which is the default), if the record on the server has been changed since it was downloaded, edited and saved again then modifyRecordsResultBlock unexpectedly does not error. But modifyRecordsCompletionBlock does error which is what I would expect. The kind of error in this case looks like this: "Server Record Changed" (14/2004); server message = "client oplock error updating record"; My question is, is this new behavior by design? By the way, I'm having to write my own async/await version of save records using withTaskCancellationHandler and withCheckedThrowingContinuation because the built-in one does not support task cancellation which I require to use with SwiftUI's .task modifier. Finally, modifyRecordsResultBlock and the other 2 new ones are missing its documentation because it hasn't used the correct DocC format, it's using old style comments which are not being picked up. FB10400023
Jun ’22
Mistake about CKReference in Using Core Data With CloudKit (WWDC 2019)
The presenter says "you might be wondering why we don't do this with CKReference instead. And that's because CKReference has some limitations that we don't think work well for Core Data clients. Namely that it's limited to 750 total objects." However, that isn't correct, the 750 limit is only for references that have a delete action: Important There is a hard limit to the number of references with a CKRecord.ReferenceAction.deleteSelf action that any one record can have. This limit is 750 references, and any attempt to exceed it results in an error from the server. This is why the Notes app has no issue with more than 750 note records with a reference to a folder record. I really wish NSPersistentCloudKitContainer had used CKReference and also that _CKReferenceActionValidate was made public. CKShare has limitations too, yet it used that and there was no custom sharing done like custom references were done.
May ’22
When to purge the persistent history?
I enjoyed the video thanks. At 6mins when David said "You don't need to do anything else and your data will be indexed in Spotlight.". What immediately came to mind was what about cleaning up the persistent history? I had a brief look at the docs and noticed that indexDidUpdateNotification includes NSPersistentHistoryTokenKey should we listen for that and then purge the history? And what if we have multiple components requiring use of the persistent history? Is there a recommended strategy for deleting only the history not required by the Spotlight indexer and other components?
Jun ’21
How to fix the issue in the code shown at 21:40
At 21:40 in the video the following code is shown: (sorry for the screenshot but this talk doesn't have code copy enabled) Luca points out this results in new view and storage every time dayTime changes. Say you wanted to fix it so it doesn't create a new view and storage every time, how would you do that? Like this maybe? var body: some View { let cr = CatRecorder() if dayTime { return cr.nightTimeStyle() } else { return cr } } But this code doesn't look very declarative. I've seen many struggle with applying modifiers conditionally (especially .hidden()) so thought I'd ask.
Jun ’21