When trying to update Xcode 13.1 to 13.2.1 the process ends in endless circling of the busy icon without any traffic, however (also after program and system restarts)
MacBookAir10,1 macOS 12.2.1
I regret manual actions on signing certificates / provisioning profiles which at the end ceased the automatic signing possibiliies of XCode.
Is there any way to restart the whole XCode signing procedure from the very beginning (with same ID and same project name, of course)?
Review of my app faulted incomplete "audio" and "location" settings in the UIBackgroundModes key of info.plist and - in case of unnecessarity (given!) - suggested their complete removing.
So I deleted UIBackgroundModes - which contained no further additional points - from info.plist, but got the same review result.
How do I get rid of these annoying dummies in a proper way?