when I am sharing a link, this message appears in the console "connection invalidated"
This happens after I click to generate a link in the sharing interface I click cloudkit share
You cannot get the URL of a share until it's been saved to the server
Copy Link failed: Couldn't retrieve shareURL for item:<_SFCKShareCollaborationItem: 0x600003747300> identifier:946489CB-BF61-48D4-BA49-3F405B38AE0B, type:1, itemProvider:<_UISharingControllerActivityItemProvider: 0x600002926c30> {types = (
)}, activityItem:<_UIActivityItemsConfigurationActivityItemProvider: 0x105124a90>, placeholderActivityItem:https://www.apple.com/icloud/, options:(null), sendCopyRepresentation:(null), canAddPeople:1 (null)
connection invalidated