




How can the owner access a zone he shared on cloudkit?
Using this Apple repository as a basis I created and verified the shared zone and the same zone is private for the person who shared it and shared for the person who received it, so aren't they the same zones? [same zone but different id?] I can make the person who shared the zone (owner) access the zone as a .shared scope just like the person who was shared.
Oct ’24
error sharing url on cloudkit share
I'm studying sharing through this link. I followed the first steps by changing the bundle identifier of the project, the tests and placing my own container in the config and in the info.plist. The app appears and in the log it appears that it has managed to access my iCloud, but when I click on share and share something, the following message appears in the console, on the simulator and on the iPhone: "No options were found, providing default value for access type" "No options were found, providing default values ​​for permissions" "connection invalidated" And finally, when I click on the shared link, the following message appears: "Item unavailable The owner stopped sharing, or you don't have permission to open it."
Sep ’24
How to use notification to notify shared container changes in cloudkit?
I would like to create a private container and share a zone between two users with different iCloud accounts. All changes made by one would be notified with push notifications to the other user's db. Both could change the same information. Exactly as it is done in this apple project. However, I have been reading this code for days and I am stuck on it, it is extremely complicated for my level. I would really like to know if there is any simple project that uses the same idea to build this logic with swiftui.
Sep ’24
How can I sync users with code/invite like that (image) with cloudkit, is it possible?
Users will receive a unique ID, if a user enters another user's ID they will go to a view where both have access to the information, being able to change, add, delete... (Paired, available on App Store) Public container is not secure, private with ckshare doesn't seem to work for what I would like, plus the content is very confusing I need something that uses native Apple technologies to build this system.
Sep ’24
Invalid binary when submitting a build to appstore connect
When I send a build in Xcode the process occurs normally, but a few minutes later I receive an e-mail saying: "ITMS-90683: Missing purpose string in Info.plist - Your app’s code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data, or the app has one or more entitlements that permit such access. The Info.plist file for the “***.app” bundle should contain a NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. If you’re using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required." So the problem is the description of the use of the microphone, right? As the attached image shows that I have already done this process, and I continue to receive this error. Even when I remove the part of the avfoundation code that uses the microphone to try to submit the build, the error continues to be returned to me
Jun ’24