




Regular step count fetch and upload to API
Hello all, I am quite new to iOS and Swift, and before venturing further, I feel it's better to ask for advice. I have build a Type I diabetes simulator running as a NodeJS application on a server. The clients authenticate via a browser using Fitbit/Google oauth2, set up a virtual patient, then take care of the patient 24/7. The app imports the users steps and heartrate, as these influence the blood sugar variations. ( I designed a companion app with Expo, adding high/log blood glucose alerts with push notifications. If the user doesn't have a Fitbit tracker or doesn't use Google Fit, I'd like to send their HealthKit step counts to the backend. (Using sensor data directly in Android). It works using Expo's Background Fetch and TaskManager, but the uploads from the iOS device are very irregular. I set up silent push notifications from the backend to wake up the app in the background and trigger the step count upload. It works, but it is not reliable enough. I now wrote my first local native module for iOS, where a HKObserverQuery listening for new step events, making the upload and sending the count to the JS for rendering. I used enableBackgroundDelivery and BackgroundTask for uploading the results. All the entitlements and Info.plist entries should be ok. Still my app works well only in the foreground, and not upload at all happens when in the background. As we all do, I asked Claude, and it assured me th app should work. I have doubts though, as I noticed how strict iOS is about executing background tasks. So... should I even expect this to work ?
Sep ’24
Build visible to all internal test group users except owner himself
I posted earlier about my problems seing my own build in the Testflight app, despite it being in "Testing" status for the internal tester group. I added more users and they are all receiving invitations and testing the build normally. I am the only one who doesn't see the build in my Testflight app in my iPhone. I tried sending myself a new invitation, I removed and re-added myself, nothing works. With other apps, no problems at all. I see my own builds and am able to install and run them as a member of the internal test group. The same app built with XCode installs and works normally on my phone. What is the problem with Testflight distribution ?
Nov ’23
Build visible available to test for internal testers, but invisible in Testflight app
Hello, I have built and submitted an app to AppStoreConnect using Github Actions and Fastlane. My build show up in the Testflight tab of the AppstoreConnect, and was attributed to a team of internal testers, including myself. The build number 4, version 2.2.5 is listed as "Waiting for Review", and in the internal test group listing it is green and "Testing". However, the build doesn't show up in the iOS Testflight App. Other apps and build are there, just not this one. How is it possible ? The app requires iOS 16 and the devices we test on are iOS 16 and iOS 17.
Nov ’23