Hi, try to take a look at this post - https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203282 from Apple Support on how to properly uninstall iOS beta software. It seems you have to wait the next update to get back to a non beta version of the OS.
You can also find a lot of guides on the Internet that explain how to do it step by step.
Hi, check the App Store Connect Support - https://developer.apple.com/support/app-store-connect/. In 'Managing Users and Roles' section you can find a detailed guide on how to properly add a new user. Also check that you have filled in all the necessary information on your profile (such as agreements, etc).
Hope it will help.
No, I think it is not possible.
When you create an Xcode project you can choose a platform between iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. iOS applies to both iPhone and iPad. So, if you want to make your app compatible with iPad you have to enable the 'iPad' option in your Xcode project under 'Deployment Info'. From that point your app will run both on iPhone and iPad, but you have to upload a new binary to make it available on the App Store.
If you need to use custom code based on whether the device the app is running on is an iPhone or an iPad you can use the enum UIUserInterfaceIdiom to achieve the goal. An example could be like this:
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad { /* Code for iPad */ }
Go to the Adobe PhoneGap website > Docs > PhoneGap Build > Signing Overview.
It explains how to proceed step by step for iOS, Android and Windows.
Hope it helps.
What do you mean with "force the update"? Have you already published your app?
Problem solved. I read the App Store Guidelines - https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/ again and I found that
Display advertising should be limited to your main app executable, and should not be included in extensions, App Clips, widgets, notifications, keyboards, watchOS apps, etc. Ads displayed in an app must be appropriate for the app’s age rating, allow the user to see all information used to target them for that ad (without requiring the user to leave the app), and may not engage in targeted or behavioral advertising based on sensitive user data such as health/medical data (e.g. from the HealthKit APIs), school and classroom data (e.g. from ClassKit), or from kids (e.g. from apps in the Kids Category), etc. Interstitial ads or ads that interrupt or block the user experience must clearly indicate that they are an ad, must not manipulate or trick users into tapping into them, and must provide easily accessible and visible close/skip buttons large enough for people to easily dismiss the ad. I didn't notice it the first time I read them. My mistake...
In the "Title" field you can write a title prefixing your name. You can choose between:
Common titles (such as Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, etc);
Formal titles (such as Sir, Lord, Lady, etc);
Academic and professional titles (such as Dr, Professor, etc);
Religious titles.
With the information you provided I can't tell you much.
It seems your app has a login system (am I wrong?). When you submit your app for the review you need to provide a working username and password to the team, so they can access to the app and complete the review process.
Make sure that during the review the system you use to manage the logins (servers or whatever else) is active, so that the verification team can log in successfully.
You can provide these information in the dedicated section on the App Store Connect.
Make sure that during the review the system you use to manage the logins (servers or whatever else) is active, so that the verification team can log in successfully. Also provide a working username and password.