




Scribble on iPadOS 16 (Beta) not working as before
The scribble functionality for the iPad (using Apple Pencil 2) isn't working as good as it was before (on iOS 15+). I take daily journals and set the title as follows: "YYYY-MM-DD". Previously, the scribble could detect everything ideally and matched the "no spaces" and all the numbers. With iOS 16 beta, most of the time, it ends up catching up something like this: "YYYY - MM M- DD". This is irritating since I have to go and delete the third digit for the month, and remove the spaces that scribble applies in between symbols.
Jul ’22
UITextField doesn't decrease in width when text is shorter than placeholder
I'm using an UITextField which is wrapping around its values in width. The UITextField has a placeholder, which is of 2 digits. When the text (input from the user) is of 1 digit, the UITextField is not diminishing its width to be lower than the space needed for the placeholder to be shown (even when the placeholder is not shown as the user has input on that UITextField). The only solution I found so far is to listen to text changes, setting the placeholder to be equal to "" when the value of the input is not empty, and resetting it on the other scenario. Am I missing something, or is it the expected behaviour and what a user might expect from an input field?
Mar ’22