




Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
We noticed that your app includes or accesses paid digital content, services, or functionality by means other than in-app purchase, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Specifically: Your app accesses digital content purchased outside the app, such as courses, but that content isn't available to purchase using in-app purchase. Next Steps The paid digital content, services, or subscriptions included in or accessed by your app must be available for purchase in the app using only in-app purchase. Apps that offer paid digital services and content across multiple platforms may allow customers to access the content they acquired outside the app as long as it is also available for purchase using in-app purchase. See Guideline 3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services for more information. If you have any additional information to provide regarding the digital content and services in your app and how the guidelines apply to them, please reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know. If there is information you'd like us to consider in our review of future submissions, please feel free to include it in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. Resources See how to implement in-app purchase with the StoreKit framework. Review step-by-step instructions for creating in-app purchases in App Store Connect. Learn more about our policies for apps that offer paid digital content and services. In-app purchase gives developers the flexibility to support a variety of business models in their apps. However, your app unlocks or enables additional functionality with mechanisms other than in-app purchase, which is not appropriate under App Review Guideline 3.1.1. Specifically, your app uses codes to unlock or enable content. Next Steps It would be appropriate to remove these features from your app and any other feature that unlocks or enables functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store. Resources Learn more about our policies for apps that offer paid digital content and services in App Review Guidelines 3.1.1 and 3.1.3. Support Reply to this message in your preferred language if you need assistance. If you need additional support, use the Contact Us module. Consult with fellow developers and Apple engineers on the Apple Developer Forums. If you think your submission follows the guidelines or feel the review was unfair, you can request an appeal with the App Review Board. Help improve the review process or identify a need for clarity in our policies by suggesting guideline changes. Request a phone call from App Review At your request, we can arrange for an Apple Representative to call you within the next three to five business days to discuss your App Review issue.
Mar ’24
Guideline 2.3.10 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
2.3.10 Make sure your app is focused on the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS or watchOS experience, and don’t include names, icons, or imagery of other mobile platforms in your app or metadata, unless there is specific, approved interactive functionality. Make sure your app metadata is focused on the app itself and its experience. Don’t include irrelevant information. Issue Description The app or metadata includes information about third-party platforms that may not be relevant for App Store users, who are focused on experiences offered by the app itself. Remove instances of this information from the app and its metadata, including the app description, promotional text, What's New info, previews, and screenshots. Next Steps Revise the app's home page to remove Google Play references. Reply to App Review in App Store Connect with additional information if the app's functionality and how it interacts with third-party platforms has been misunderstood. Resources Learn how to edit App Store metadata on App Store Connect Help. I don't understand where the problem in my app
Mar ’24