I shocked by the fact that the user have to touch "Open" button to activate the deeplink. In the case of poor connection or a hefty package the attribution will be lost.
Hi, Boris! I found your blog by your name :) If you struggle with pasting URL give a unique article or blog name so people can paste it in web search. Don't give up!
What Xcode do you use, @AlelinApps? I don't have** Supported Intents sectio**n in my 15.4. Will check on beta...
For more information, read this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30792520/in-xcode-i-see-no-paired-apple-watch-even-though-the-watch-is-paired-and-the-w?answertab=modifieddesc#tab-top and this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78511979/apple-watch-cant-always-reconnect threads on SO. Dozens of people wasting their time trying to connect their watch to Xcode, while they could be developing new amazing apps. Unfortunately, filling up those Feedback forms isn't very rewording.
You ignore the fact that tech support usually don't look at diagnostic reports, test projects, screen recordings and so on. And you suggest us to waste our time waiting while somebody solves issue for us, which is very naive.
The issue was with preview. Other people reported it too.
Also, both APS and SignIn w. Apple were disabled in Xcode for that target.
I checked the bundle id again. Actually Push Notifications are enabled but there's no certificates for them.
Also didn't work for me because I'm getting errors that communication with Apple has failed. @wmaystech, reinstall the OS... that sounds crazy!
I'm having precisely the same error.
That repo isn't available anymore.
Your answers are literally: 1) Everything will fix itself after the update. 2) Just return the same value from getTimeline and getSnapshot. ---
First they makes no sense, they're irrational, second none of them work. So instead of "I had already answered" it would be better to say "I had tried to answer".
Returning [] worked, thank you for sharing your brilliant research! It's strange that the app is using WidgetKit but still need ClockKit.
I mean I added print to onAppear and onDisappear
@MobileTen, Ok, thank you